Am 2012-06-06 14:19, schrieb Liu Yuan:
Well, the membership management backend such as corosync can only
reliably support less than 20 nodes. This means you can't add more nodes into a running cluster with Corosync when number exceeds 15~20, See more
info about it,

Thanks for the Info, I already see it in the wiki and the
mailing list. Current tests are with corosync driver, but
I think, we move to zookeeper in our future production

Yes, Christoph's patch will hit the performance a lot if the cluster is
less than 10 I guess, because with smaller cluster, more data of the
virtual disk will be located in local node but we won't get a shortcut
to the local storage with the patch.

Maybe Christoph is willing to do three tests with small, medium and
big number of nodes to see, how big the Performance impact will be?

If a small setup is widely used, and it is a big performance impact
it my be a bad idea to ignore local storage (from an End-User Point
of view ;-)



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