On 08/21/2012 11:21 AM, MORITA Kazutaka wrote:
> At Tue, 21 Aug 2012 10:46:19 +0800,
> Liu Yuan wrote:
>> So I think we have to handle epoch mismatch and object multi-version
>> problems before evaluating delay recovery for network partition.
> Yes, delay recovery doesn't solve my example at all unless sheepdog
> handles network partition.  I didn't intend to say that delaying
> recovery always is necessary now but worth considering in future.

Well, with a centralized membership control driver such as zookeeper or
accord (I'd like to built-in accord driver(possibly a simplified and
tailored for sheep) in the sheepdog repo for better development), I
think the network partition problem can be virtual gone with a
well-written software, that collaborate with sheep to minimize the
chances of NP happening rather than intend to solve it after it happens.


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