> Am-stitches.com is one of them off-hand.  Mr. Salamone might have an
> idea on one since he didn't seem to impressed by am-stitches material
> (the work was good, the material wasn't an exact match, but close if I

I was dealing with a different vendor and thought I had a great resource for
a reasonable price, but they were a huge disappointment. Poor customer
service, extremely slow turnaround and far too many big mistakes being made.

I've heard decent things about American Stitches but have never tried them
myself. I remember Dave Knochenmus had one redone there with good results

> The black is flaking off and the outside grip is showing wear.

When they get to that point they're expensive to repair and more expensive
to cover in leather since the early 4 spoke wheels were never leather
wrapped to start. I've done alot of research on these pieces firsthand.

> Can a place like Momo redo them?

No, nor did they make the original.

David Salamone
Positive Impressions
PO Box 27073
Jacksonville, Florida 32205
904-388-4040 phone

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