Im getting no spark at all. The car has been running fine, then I changed out injectors with new Mopar Performance +20s, and now I have no spark.

Here is how things went down....

Install injectors and AFPR, go to start car...nothing...check every thing I did again....still nothing
Check for Spark.... No spark from the Coil
Change out coil with known good unit...while changing, I here this hissing sound from the fuel rail, sounding like my injectors are stuck open, I pinch the fuel return line, and it stops.
Try to start her with new coil, and It locks up....yup it hydro locked from fuel
I pull the plugs and turn her over (with the injector harness unplugged) and Fuel shoots out about 20 feet out of each plug hole a few times (wow thats alot of fuel) I dry every thing out, and try again (with injector harness pluged in) and still nothing, check for spark, still no spark. So I go on a Checking spree. Replaced the ASD relay, checked the other relays, checked all the fuseable links I could find with a test light, Changed out Cap/Rotor/Pickup with known good units from my Shelby Lancer, Still no spark. I try and pull codes, and I think I got a 42 or a 43. Its hard to tell because the blinks are not consistent.

Has any one had this happen to them. Is my computer gone? If so, how would I go abouts getting another one. Im thinking about just getting one from FWDP or TU and converting over to a true turbo2 setup anyways.

Thanks guys, and let me know what you guys think,

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