Hey Pat. I'll be there with my `87 Shelby Charger. Just finishing off an engine swap. Hopefully not the last one before the show though. Hoping to have the NICE engine in there for July. Should be a good showing again this year. Good times always...

`89 Lancer Shelby
`88 Daytona Shelby Z
`87 Shelby Charger

From: "Pat Cook" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SD> Mopars at the Ranch car show
Date: Sun, 7 May 2006 10:27:34 -0700

Hello everyone,I'd like to invite you to the Mopars at the Ranch car show on July 22 and 23 in Vernon B.C. Canada.Vernon is about a two hours drive north
of Oroville Washington or six hours from Vancouver B.C.We have a large and
growing FWD class.There is free camping on site.For more info or an
application visit the www.okanaganmopars.com website.Thanks,Pat Cook BCFWD
Mopar club.

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