*This week marks the Death Anniversary of Janabe Fatema (a.s.)*

*Life & times of this great Lady*

*Part 1*

It is narrated that

*Al-Kauthar in the Holy Quran means Hadhrat Fatema Zahra (A.S.)*

* *

“In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Verily We have given you (O Muhammad) Kauthar.

So pray to your Lord and offer sacrifice.

Verily it is your enemy whose line (progeny) shall be cut off”. (108: 1-3)

*Purpose of Revelation*

History narrates that one day ‘Aas bin Wael, who was one of the leaders of
the Mushrikeen of Makkah saw the Holy Prophet (saw) coming out of
Masjidul-Haraam.  He stopped and conversed with him for some while.
Meanwhile, some other elders of Mushrikeen who were inside the mosque, were
observing this. When the conversation was over and ‘Aas came inside the
mosque, the group asked, “O ‘Aas! Whom were you chatting to?”  He responded
by saying, “With that person who is Abtar”.

Abtar means  “Tail-less” – a person whose progeny has been cut off.
According to one narration, the Holy prophet (saw) had two sons from Janabe
Khadeeja (as), namely Qasim and Tahir.  Since both of them had died, leaving
the prophet without any sons, the pagan Arabs started calling the prophet
(saw) Abtar.  As a consolation to the Prophet (saw), Surah al-Kauthar was
revealed. There are several meanings of al-Kauthar:

*Meaning of Al-Kauthar*

It is recorded in our books as well as some of the books of Ahle Sunnah,
like al-Bukhari, al-Muslim and Musnad of Ahmed ibn Hanbal that the Holy
Prophet (saw) said: *“Kauthar is a stream of super excellence exclusively
belonging to me.  Only the righteous believers (among my followers) will be
allowed to drink from it.  Ali (as) will distribute water from it to them.*
On the day of Judgement, I will see some of my companions driven like cattle
away from Kauthar.  It will be announced that they are those, who after my
departure from the world, deviated from the true religion and introduced
innovations to corrupt the faith”.  *From that day onwards, Ali (as) became
known as Saaqi-e-Kauthar meaning one who quenches the thirst of believers
from the stream of Kauthar.*

*Kauthar also means Kheire-katheer “Bounties in abundance”.*  Allah (SWT)
bestowed the Holy Prophet (saw) plenty of bounties such as prophethood, Holy
Quran, some of the best companions, success in battles, acceptance and
entrance of people into the fold of Islam in large numbers etc.

However, many Shia scholars are of the openion that because in the last
verse of this Surah, Allah (SWT) says, “Verily it is your enemy whose
progeny shall be cut off” this by itself proves that *Kauthar is also in
reference to the most beloved daughter of the Messenger of Allah, Seyyida
Fatimah az-Zahra (as) through whom Allah (SWT) gave His beloved prophet
(saw) abundance of descendants.*


Hasan Baqar Rizvi

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