An army of three thousand infantry and two thousand cavalry was recruited. The 
tribes of Bani Thiama and Kinan promised to support them. The flag was given to 
Talha ibne Talha the bravest of all. Carrying the idol of Hubal, Abu Sufian 
marched his army towards Madina in the month of Shawwal. His wife Hinda 
accompanied the army with her band of young ladies, entertaining, luring, 
insisting and encouraging the soldiers.
The Prophet (S.A.W) who was earlier informed by his uncle Abbas from Mecca 
about the unpending attack (Abbas had not migrated till then), collected all 
his men to defend Madina. Though they were only seven hundred, but the Prophet 
(S.A.W) took them at the foot of Mount Ohad. And keeping the hill behind them 
he divided these men into three groups having one leader each. Then he made 
three flags and gave one flag to each of the two clans of the Mohajirs. Aseer 
bin Hazeer received the flag on behalf of Aws clan, and Habab bin Manzar got 
the flag on behalf of Khazraj clan. Ali (A.S.) as usual was the chief flag 
bearer of the entire army, and Hamza was made the commander of the armoured 
Abu Sufian too divided his army into three divisions and appointed Khalid ibn 
Waleed, Akrama ibn Abi Jahal and Amr ibn Aas as their commanders. The three 
divisions of Abu Sufian moved in the form of a semi circle towards the Muslims. 
Talha bin Talha coming out of his army challenged the Prophet (S.A.W) and said, 
"O Mohammad you say that who ever dies at your hands goes to Hell and who ever 
dies at our hands goes to Heaven. Now send those who want to go to Heaven." Ali 
(A.S.) rushed out of his army and gave him such a blow that he reeled and fell. 
Finding Talha helpless Ali (A.S.) walked away. His friends pleaded not to leave 
his bitterest enemy alive. Ali (A.S.) replied, "Enemy or no enemy, now he 
cannot defend himself, and I do not strike a man who cannot defend himself." 
But Talha succumbed to injuries Ali (A.S.) had inflicted. Talha’s death brought 
his four sons and grandsons before Ali (A.S.), but whosoever came forward with 
the flag of the
 infidels was killed by Ali (A.S.). When nine flag bearers of the same clan 
were slain and there was not male left to carry the flag, a woman came forward 
and took the flag away. (Talha ibn Talha was the traditional flag bearer of 
A general encounter then took place in which Ali (A.S.) and Hamza carried the 
day and the Muslims became victorious. But the eagerness to collect the spoils 
of the war threw them into disorder. Ali (A.S.) however tried to stop them, but 
they did not listen. Khalid bin Waleed seeing the Muslims in disarray attacked 
them from behind, catching them unawares. The fleeing Meccans encouraged by 
Khalid’s success and Muslim’s confusion turned back and started attacking them 
from front. This double attack of the Meccans confused the Muslims so much that 
they could not differentiate between their friends and foes that they began to 
attack their own people. Seeing danger to their own lives many famous 
companions of the Prophet (S.A.W) like Abu Bakr, Umar bin Khattab, Usman bin 
Affan, Aqba, Saad bin Abi Waqas left the Prophet (S.A.W) alone surrounded by 
the enemies and ran for their lives. [Tabari, Suyooti, Imam Fakhruddin Razi] 
Usman, Aqba and Saad bin Abi
 Waqqas fled to Awas and returned after three days, and some went back to 
Madina. Umar describing his flight from the battlefield said, "I ran for my 
life and climbed the hill. My condition at that time was such that I was 
skipping and hopping like a hill-goat." [Allama Balaazari] Only ten people were 
left with the Prophet (S.A.W) in the battle field. They were Ali (A.S.), Hamza, 
Abu Rajana, Zakwan, Talha, Zubair, Haris bin Samah, Habab bin Manzar, Aasim bin 
Saabit and Salil bin Hanif. These ten people jointly pledged to the Prophet 
(S.A.W), that they will not leave him till their death. [Tafseer-e-Kabeer, Vol. 
3, Page 108]
It was during this period when each one of these brave soldiers were facing 
hundred of people that the negro slave whom Hinda, the wife of Abu Sufian had 
hired to kill Hamza attacked him from far killing him instantly. On hearing the 
news of Hamza being killed Hinda rushed to the battlefield and getting Hamza’s 
body, cut remove his liver and started chewing it. She also got a garland 
prepared from the limbs of Hamza and wore round her neck then got his body 
trampled and mutilated by horses. She was happy that the killer of her father 
had been killed.
Khalid bin Walid who was attacking and pushing the Muslims reached the place 
where the Prophet (S.A.W) was fighting. He attacked the Prophet (S.A.W) with a 
javelin and Otba threw a stone cutting the Prophet (S.A.W)’s lips and breaking 
his two teeth. An arrow was also thrown at him which brought him down from the 
horse in one of the ditches the enemies had dug. As the Prophet (S.A.W) fell, 
Khalid bin Walid cried, "The lying Prophet is slain, the lying Prophet is 
slain." On hearing this cry Ali (A.S.) rushed to search the Prophet (S.A.W). He 
saw him lying in the ditch bleeding and Khalid’s men trying to kill him. Ali 
(A.S.) fought and chased the attackers away. Then carrying the Prophet (S.A.W) 
on his back and keeping the attackers at bay with his sword he brought the 
Prophet (S.A.W) to a safe place near a hillock. Perspiring with rage the 
Prophet (S.A.W) asked, Ali (A.S.) as to why did he not flee with the others. 
Ali (A.S.) replied, "Should I become
 an infidel after having embraced Islam? I am pledged to thy obedience I have 
nothing to do with the fugitives." The rumour of Prophet (S.A.W)’s death was 
carried to Madina by the fleeing Muslims and his daughter Fatema (S.A.) leaving 
her one month old child Hasan (A.S.) in Madina rushed to the battlefield to 
look after her father.
Leaving the Prophet (S.A.W) on the hillock, Ali (A.S.) returned to the 
battlefield fighting and calling the Muslims to return and fight. He was also 
declaring that the Prophet (S.A.W) is very much alive. Hearing the news of the 
Prophet (S.A.W) still being alive many Muslims returned. Abu Bakr being one of 
them. [Tareekhul Khulafa, Page 25] When they saw the Prophet (S.A.W) alive and 
being nursed by his daughter Fatema (S.A.) they gained courage and organising 
themselves once again under the command of Ali (A.S.) fought and chased the 
enemies out of the battlefield. Seventy Muslims died in this battle and the 
biggest sufferers were the Prophet (S.A.W) and Ali (A.S.). They not only lost 
their uncle Hamza but many other brave sons of Bani Hashim. It is said that it 
was in this war and this occassion that the cry "La Fata Illa Ali La Saif Illa 
Zulfiqar" (There is no youth but Ali (A.S.) and no sword but Zulfiqar -the 
sword of Ali (A.S.)) was heard. From that
 day it has become a slogan of the Muslims which they pronounce at the time of 
their struggle and fight. This slogan gives them determination and courage.
The Quraish before fleeing from the battlefield ran their horses on the dead 
bodies of the Muslims. Abu Sufian thrusting his lance in the mouth of Hamza 
said, "Now taste (the revenge of your father)."
The Prophet (S.A.W) standing on the graves of the martyrs declared, "Visit the 
graves of the martyrs of Ohad and salute them so long as the earth and heaven 
exist. They are the martyrs of whose faith I bear witness." Abu Bakr hearing 
this declaration from the Prophet (S.A.W) asked, "Have we not participated in 
the holy wars with you?" The Prophet (S.A.W) retorted, "But who knows how you 
are going to behave after me" [Mawatta of Imam Malik Bin Anas page 174].
When the Prophet (S.A.W) reached Madina he heard the cries of the ladies of 
Bani Mashal. They were weeping on the death of their dear ones who had lost 
their lives in this war. This saddened the Prophet (S.A.W) more for there was 
none to weep on the death of his uncle Hamza. Saad Bin Maaz rushed to the 
ladies of Bani Mashal and told them the feelings of the Prophet (S.A.W). The 
ladies stopped their cry and rushed to the house of the Prophet (S.A.W) to 
mourn Hamza. From that day the ladies made a practice for weeping Hamza first 
and then for their relatives.
The Prophet (S.A.W) had hardly felt relieved when the news of another impending 
attack was received. To stop the invaders outside Madina the Prophet (S.A.W) 
marched his soldiers to Ahmerul Asad. The flag was again given to Ali (A.S.). 
But the invaders retreated and the war was averted.
In the same year Ali (A.S.) lost his mother Fatema (S.A.) Binte Asad. It was 
she who had brought up Prophet (S.A.W) when he lost his mother at the age of 
eight years. She was like a mother to him, when she died the Prophet (S.A.W) 
covered her body with his own shroud (Kafan) and laid her to rest. He dictated 
to her last words (talqeen).
After the Prophet (S.A.W) and his followers had settled in Madina the Prophet 
(S.A.W) signed a peace treaty with the Jews of Madina and its surroundings to 
enable both of them to live in peace. A code of conduct was prepared which was 
binding on both the parties. But the Jews were now restive because of the 
respect the Muslims had gained due to the teachings of the Prophet (S.A.W). 
They wanted to get out of the agreement and break the contract. Their leader 
Umro Bin Ummaiya killed two Muslims of Bani Aamir. The Prophet (S.A.W) 
approached them for the compensation of the deceased persons as it was mutually 
agreed. But Jews instead of paying the compensation to the Prophet (S.A.W) 
planned to kill him. They hid a man with a big stone on their roof-top who 
would throw it on the Prophet (S.A.W) when he entered their house to receive 
the compensation. The Prophet (S.A.W) got the air of this plan and ordered the 
Jews to leave Madina within ten days, as Madina
 could not be a place for the traitors. The Jews at first agreed to leave 
Madina but on the assurance and strength of Abdullah Bin Sulool refused. The 
Prophet (S.A.W) himself took the task of ejecting them. The flag for this 
mission was again given to Ali (A.S.). The Prophet (S.A.W) ordered his men to 
pitch their tents opposite the houses of the Jews. In the night a famous archer 
named Guzool shot an arrow on the tent of the Prophet (S.A.W). But the Prophet 
(S.A.W) was not hurt. The Prophet (S.A.W) to avoid trouble ordered to shift the 
tents to a safer place near a hill. Suddenly the Muslims found Ali (A.S.) 
missing. They went to the Prophet (S.A.W) to find out where Ali (A.S.) was. He 
told them that Ali (A.S.) must have gone for some work. After sometime Ali 
(A.S.) came with the severed head of Guzool and put it near the feet of the 
Prophet (S.A.W). When the Prophet (S.A.W) enquired Ali (A.S.) said, "I got 
suspicious of their intentions and I quietly
 walked up their houses to watch their activities. I saw this Guzool and nine 
of his companions with open swords in their hands preparing to attack you. I 
challenged them and succeeded in killing this man. The rest ran away. The Jews 
then fled to Khaiber."
In the same year the Prophet (S.A.W) had to face some small skirmishes like the 
battle of Zatur Raaqa and the second battle of Badr. Ali (A.S.) was the flag 
bearer of all these battles. Husain (A.S.) the second son of Ali (A.S.) was 
born in this year.

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