Johfa is a place where roads from Egypt, Madina, Syria, Mecca and Iraq meet. 
Near this place is a pond known as Ghadeer-e-Khum. where Angel Gabriel 
descended and delivered the following message of Allah to the Prophet (S.A.W), 
"O Messenger deliver what has been sent down unto you from your Lord, and if 
you do not do this then you have not delivered His Message. And surely Allah 
will protect you from (the mischiefs of) men. Verily Allah will not guide an 
atheistic people." (Quran 3-67). The Prophet (S.A.W) immediately sent 
messengers to bring back those people who had gone ahead of him and waited for 
those who were coming behind.
Being the month of March it was terribly hot and the earth was burning like 
fire. Everybody in the caravan was anxious to know the emergency which had 
forced the Prophet (S.A.W) to take this immediate action as this was never a 
resting place for the travellers. Also the Prophet (S.A.W) ordered his men to 
remove the thorns and stones and clean the place under accasia trees and 
prepare a pulpit from the saddles of the camels.
When all the Muslims (124,000 according to the historian Ibne Aseer] had 
assembled, the Prophet (S.A.W) asked Bilal to recite the Azan and added the 
words "Hayya Ala Khairil Amal" (hasten towards the best of deeds) to it. When 
the Azan was over the Prophet (S.A.W) led the noon prayers. (A mosque known as 
Ghadeer-e-Khum Mosque has been constructed on that site).
After the noon prayers were over the Prophet (S.A.W) mounted the pulpit with 
Ali (A.S.) on his right. The Prophet (S.A.W) himself had tied a black turban on 
Ali (A.S.)’s head with it’s end hanging on his shoulders, that day. Addressing 
the Muslims the Prophet (S.A.W) said, "I have been called back by the Lord and 
I have submitted to His Orders." Hearing these shocking words from their 
beloved many Muslims began to cry. The Prophet (S.A.W) continued, "Harken I 
shall be questioned for my dealings by Allah and you shall (in your turn) also 
be questioned what will you say?" The assembly roared with one voice, "We bear 
witness and we shall bear witness that you have given us the commandments of 
Allah as they should have been delivered and you have done everything and tried 
your best to guide and teach us. May Allah grant you the best reward for that." 
The Prophet (S.A.W) then said, "Do you not witness that there is no God but 
Allah, Mohammad (S.A.W) is
 his slave and messenger. The Heaven and Hell are realities. Death and life 
after death are also facts. There is no doubt that there will be a day of 
resurrection and judgements and Allah will raise them alive who are lying dead 
in their graces." Everyone roared, "Yes, undoubtedly we believe in these 
facts." The Prophet (S.A.W) then said, "I leave among you two valuable things 
one is Quran and the other is my progeny. Both of them will not part until they 
meet me at Hauz Kauser in heaven. Therefore be careful and guarded in your 
relations with Quran and my Progeny after me. Hearken Allah is my Lord and I am 
the Lord of the believers."
Then holding Ali (A.S.)’s hand and raising it he said, "Ali is also the Lord of 
those whose Lord I am. O Lord be a Master of one who takes Ali (A.S.) as his 
master, be enemy of one who takes Ali as his enemy, degrade him who tries to 
degrade Ali and help him who helps Ali and turn righteousness in the direction 
of Ali in whichever direction he turns." Some of the people from the crowd 
remarked, "Is it not enough to profess the creed of evidence, say our prayers 
and give alms with strict regularity? Why do you want to impose Abu Talib’s son 
upon us? Is it your personal order or the order of Allah?" The Prophet (S.A.W) 
"Of course, it is the order of Allah. Who else can order. There is no one to be 
worshipped except Allah and this order has been given by Him". At this moment a 
verse from Quran was revealed to the Prophet (S.A.W) "This day I have perfected 
your religion for you and completed My favour unto you, and have chosen for you 
as your religion Al-Islam." (Chapter 5 
verse   3).
The Prophet (S.A.W) then got down from the pulpit and offered namaz. After 
finishing the namaz he asked Ali (A.S.) to wait in his tent. He then told the 
men to go and congratulate Ali (A.S.) for being chosen by Allah to be the heir 
to the Prophet (S.A.W). People in groups went inside the tent and congratulated 
Ali (A.S.). Talha and Zubair were the first to clasp the hand of Ali (A.S.). 
Abu Bakr, Umar and Usman followed them. Umar congratulating Ali (A.S.) said, "O 
Ali from today you are my master and the master of every Muslim men and women." 
[Riazun Nazra, page 169] When everybody had congratulated, the Prophet (S.A.W) 
asked his wives and other ladies to go and wish Ali (A.S.).
When everybody had finished congratulating Ali (A.S.) and were preparing to 
resume their journey the Prophet (S.A.W) asked them to inform those who were 
not present to hear his declaration on this occasion. This was on the 18th of 
Zilhajj 10th year after the migration of the 
Prophet (S.A.W).
The significance of this declaration at such a time and such a place become all 
the more important when we find from the history that Adam appointed his son 
Sheesh as his successor. When Sheesh remained sick for eleven days and he felt 
that his death was certain he called his son Anoosh and appointed him as his 
successor and told him to shoulder his responsibilities. Anoosh appointed his 
son Qainan, Qainan appointed his son Mablail, Mablail appointed his son 
Yadpayard. Yard appointed his son Khunokh or Idris as he was his heir, Idris 
appointed Mutawashaq, his son as his heir, Mutawashak appointed his son Lunak, 
Lunak appointed his son Noah, Noah appointed his son Saam. Ibrahim appointed 
his two sons Ishaq and Ismail, Ismail appointed his son Qaidar and Ishaq 
appointed his son Yakub, Yakub appointed his son Yusuf, Yusuf appointed his son 
Yahuda, Ayub appointed Homil, Homil appointed his son Abadan, Moosa appointed 
his brother Haroon because he had no son
 and when Haroon died before him Moosa appointed Yoosha Bin Noon. Yoosha 
appointed Kalib, Kalib appointed his son Yoosa Kos. Illyas appointed Alyasae. 
Yasae appointed his son Zul Kifle. Shaya appointed Yashia. Dawood appointed his 
son Suleman, Issa appointed Shamoon.
Commenting on the declaration of Ghadeer, Imam Gazali in his book Sirrul 
Alemain writes, "Majority of the scholars and critics of Islam agree that the 
Prophet (S.A.W) did pronounce the tradition of Ghadeer-e-Khum on this occasion 
and all unanimously say that the Prophet (S.A.W) did declare that Ali (A.S.) is 
also the Lord whose Lord I am, and Umar did congratulate Ali (A.S.) saying from 
today O Ali! You are my Lord as well as the Lord of all the Muslims men and 
women. As a matter of fact his congratulation meant his acceptance of Ali as 
the Caliph of the Prophet (S.A.W) and the ruler of the Muslim world. But the 
greed for capturing the chair of power, the greed to be called the Caliph of 
the Prophet (S.A.W), flying the flag (of Islam) in the air, arranging huge 
cavalries and the lust for conquering cities overpowered them and made them 
selfish and turned them towards their old conditions (their pre Islamic days). 
In short they ignored the teachings of
 Islam and sold this valuable religion by taking a very small price. The 
tragedy is that they purchased with this money the most condemned thing 
(world). And when the Prophet (S.A.W) before his death asked them to get inkpot 
and pen so that he may solve the problem of Khilafat and remind them once again 
as to who deserves to be his heir and on this Umar remarked that leave this man 
alone he is speaking nonsense [Saheeh Bukhari]. In fact he had in his mind the 
Khilafat of Abu Bakr. Their interpretation of Quran and the traditions of the 
Prophet (S.A.W) also did not help them. When they could not connect the two 
they took refuge behind the word consensus though even that was not true. 
Because Abbas (Prophet (S.A.W)’s uncle) and all his children, Ali, Fatema and 
all their children never pledged their loyalty (to Abu Bakr) and even many 
people at Saqifa too opposed him then and how do they call it a majority."

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