----- Original Message ----- 
From: Mustafa Mawjee 
To: must...@mawjee.org.uk 
Sent: Sunday, May 24, 2009 5:59 AM
Subject: Janabe Fatema (a.s.) - Part 2

This week marks the Death Anniversary of Janabe Fatema (a.s.)

Life & times of this great Lady

Part 2

It is narrated that 

Al-Kauthar in the Holy Quran means Hadhrat Fatema Zahra (A.S.)


"In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.  

Verily We have given you (O Muhammad) Kauthar.

So pray to your Lord and offer sacrifice.

Verily it is your enemy whose line (progeny) shall be cut off". (108: 1-3)

Female Born are Blessings


Before Islam, giving birth to a female child was considered as source of 
disgrace and burden.  Al-Qur'an mentions this very graphically - "And when 
anyone of them is given the news of a daughter, his face turns black, he is 
filled with anger.  And he hides himself from the people because of the evil of 
the news given to him (wondering) should he keep her with disgrace, or bury her 
(alive) in the dust.  Behold! (how) evil is what they judge".  (16:58-59).


Many Arabs opted to bury their female child to save themselves from disgrace:  
"And when the girl (buried alive) is asked; For what sin was she put to death". 
(81:8-9).   Whereas the Arabs used to hanker for male offspring, whom they 
believed ensured continuity of their progeny.   The Holy Prophet (saw) said: 
"Blessed is that woman who first gives birth to a daughter and then to a son".  
He (saw) also said: "Grace descend over the person's house where there are 
daughters.  Heavenly blessings are showered on that house and angels visit that 
house for a glimpse".


A man was sitting with the Holy Prophet (saw) when someone came and told him, 
"A daughter has been born to you".  There was a visible sign of dislike on his 
face, so the Holy Prophet (saw) said,  "The earth bears her, the heavens shade 
her and the Almighty gives her food. For you, she is like a flower, smell her 



Treatment of Fatemah(A.S.)


The Holy Prophet (saw) accorded his daughter with highest respect and always 
showered her with love and kindness.  Whenever, she came in his presence, the 
Holy Prophet (saw) stood up in her respect.  He (saw) called her Umme Abeehaa 
meaning "The mother of her father".  He (saw) also said: "Fatemah is part of 
me, whoever offends her has offended me".


Even after Fatemah (as) was married to Ali (as), the Holy Prophet (saw) 
continued showing love to her and her family.  He (saw) would frequently visit 
her and it was his tendency that whenever he went on a journey, he would first 
bid farewell to his wives and then come to the house of his beloved daughter 
from where he would begin his travel.  On return, he would first come to greet 
Fatemah (as) and then go to others.


Haroon ar-Rasheed once asked Imam Musa al-Kadhim (as),  "Why do you call 
yourselves as descendants of the Holy Prophet (saw) when you are actually the 
descendants of Ali (as)?  Men are traced to their fathers and the Holy Prophet 
(saw) was your maternal grandfather".  Imam (as) replied: "In Quran, Allah 
(SWT) says: and among his progeny (are) Dawood, Sulayman, Ayyub, Yusuf, Musa 
and Haroon. Thus We reward those who do good. And Zakariyyah, Yahya, Issa and 
Ilyaas.Who is Issa's father? He is considered among the prophet's offspring 
through Maryam.  Likewise, we are the offspring of the Holy Prophet (saw) 
through our mother Fatemah (as)".




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