When the Prophet (S.A.W) regained his consciousness after a very long time he 
heard the wailings of the ladies who were sitting in his room behind a curtain. 
They were crying for his deteriorating health. When the Prophet (S.A.W) opened 
his eyes he saw many people sitting before his bed. They were the very people 
whom the Prophet (S.A.W) had called by names and ordered them to go with Osama. 
He then said, "Get me paper and pen so that I may write such a document for you 
so that you may not be misguided." Umar who was also sitting there said, "The 
Prophet is under the strain of his sickness and is talking nonsense in 
delirium. We have Quran with us which is sufficient for us." [Sahih Bukhari, 
Vol 4, page 5]. This caused a furor among those present. Some wanted to obey 
the Prophet (S.A.W)’s command and give him paper and pen and some sided with 
Umar and said that the paper and pen should not be given to him. There were 
shouts and counter shouts from both
 the groups. The ladies behind the curtain too wanted to provide pen and paper 
to the Prophet (S.A.W), but Umar shouted at them and said, "You are like the 
ladies who had tempted Yusuf. You cry when he (Prophet (S.A.W)) is sick and 
hold him by his neck when he recovers." The Prophet (S.A.W) on hearing Umar’s 
remarks retorted, "Don’t abuse these ladies they are better than you." But Umar 
even then did not keep quiet. Fazl Ibne Abbas left the Prophet (S.A.W)’s house 
in disgust, and when ever he remembered this incident he wept.
When the uproar increased, the Prophet (S.A.W) silenced them by reminding them 
and reciting the verse of Quran, "O believers raise not your voices above the 
voice of your Prophet nor speak loud unto one another lest you work becomes 
vain."Some persons then asked the Prophet (S.A.W) as to what he wished to 
record, the Prophet (S.A.W) asked them to get out of his house saying, "I am 
more sound than you." During the days of his rule Umar himself confessed before 
Ibne Fazal that Prophet (S.A.W) wanted to confirm Ali's (A.S.) nomination as 
his successor, but he (Umar) frustrated his efforts and did not allow him to do 

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