The Commander of the Faithful (Amirul Mo'meneen)
Ali (A.S.) says, If you could see that has been seen by those of you
who have died, you would be puzzled and troubled. Then you would have
listened and obeyed, but
what they have seen is yet curtained from you. Shortly, the curtain
would be thrown off. You have been shown, provided you see and you have
been made to listen
provided you listen, and you have been guided if you accept guidance".
(Nahjul Balagha: Sermon 20). 
heart never ceases to desire as long as he is in this
world. Nonetheless, belief in the Hereafter will permit him to realize
that the opportunities offered by this world are limited, that the gain
to be had from it is very slight, that even the portion which lies
within reach cannot be retained for ever, and that delight and pleasure
are not restricted to the brief days here on earth. He will not be overcome 
every instant
then, by an endless surge of desire, causing him to form countless
attachments and ultimately to lose himself, nor will he be excessively
troubled if he does not acquire an excessive amount of bounties of this
world and the pleasures they yield. Today we clearly observe that
material gains have taken priortty over virtue. Man has abandoned
religion and is fastly advancing towards vice & evil. Man's
forgetting death and the day of Resurrection (Qayamat) is the sole
reason for making him unmindful
about his deeds (A'amal). On the other hand, remembrance of death and
the Day of Resurrection (Qayamat) frees man from the absolute
attachment to the perishable values of this world. The elevating
tranquility that results from such an orientation of the spirit gives
man the ability to resist firmly the attractions of the world and the
demands of the passionate self (nafs). 

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