*Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem*

Assalaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I pray that all of you are well by the grace of
Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala

 *Humility Of Imam Ali Naqi (a.s)*
It is narrated from Saeed Ibne Salih in *Rawzatus Safa *that: When I learnt
that Imam Ali Naqi (a.s) has shifted to Samarrah, my happiness knew no
bounds. But I was greatly surprised when I found out that the ruler had
housed him in the Poor House, that how a personality like Imam Ali Naqi
(a.s) could agree to stay in such a place. Anyway, I came to meet the Imam
and he embraced me with great affection, inquired about my well being and
seated me beside himself. I said, “O son of the Messenger of Allah (S). I am
your worthless slave. Do not insist me to sit besides you.” The Imam said,
“Saeed bin Salih, I am the servant of the same God, Whose you are. We Ahl
ul-Bayt do not allow pride and arrogance to enter our behavior.” I was
highly edified by this humility-liking nature of the Imam, because there was
a feeling of superiority in me due to my wealth and I used to meet with an
air of aloofness with people lower in status. From that day I reformed my

Taken from: *Akhlaq e-A’imma, Morals & Manners of the Holy Imams* by *Maulana
Sayyid Zafar Hasan Amrohi*

This is from the grace of my LORD &
In the Service of His Last Hujjat (a.t.f.s)

Islâm Is My Religion, Allâh Is My God~
Mohammad Is My Prophet~Ali Is My Imam~
Ahlul-Bayt Is My Love~Quran Is My Book~
Al Qibla Is My Direction~Mekkah Is My Wish~
Jannâh Is My Goal!

Please do remember in your valuable prayers and remember H.Prophet (s.a.w)
Say's: "You cannot treat people by means of your wealth; hence, you should
treat them by means of your moral conduct"

To directly get hadees, articles, e-books etc by e-mail, please mail to :
moralsandeth...@googlemail.com. Please forward this to as many believers as
possible. These are the words of Masoomeen ( a.s.), they will definitely
have an effect upon the Nafs of all believers.Please send your valuable feed
backs, suggestions and comments to moralsandeth...@googlemail.com

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