Before we proceed further let us find out who Abu Bakr was, what was his clan, 
who were his family members, what was their contribution in the propagation of 
Islam. What relationship he and his family had with the Prophet (S.A.W), and 
what was his attitude with Ali (A.S.), his family members and the clan of Bani 
Abu Bakr belonged to the clan of Bani Tayem. Abu Bakr’s grand father Sakhar bin 
Umrao also did not command much respect among the Meccans. It is said that when 
Herb bin Ummayya had to hire two killers to kill a wealthy Jew businessmen of 
Mecca and a neighbour of Abdul Muttalib, Herb was one of them and the other was 
Amir bin Abde Munaf. They killed him and looted his wealth and hid in a village 
called Sakh, 3 miles from Madina. (Later after migration Abu Bakr married a 
girl from this village, and also stayed in this village after migration).. 
Abdul Muttalib not only chased them and caught them but also saw to it that 
Herb bin Ummayya compensated for the murder.
Abu Bakr’s father’s name was Usman and was called Abu Qahafa. He accepted Islam 
only after the fall of Mecca. Till then he remained an infidel and always used 
bad language and abused the Prophet (S.A.W). [Tabari, Riazun Nazarah, Page 122] 
He earned his bread by catching birds and pigeons and selling them. Abu Bakr 
neither stayed with him nor supported him. [Allama Ibnul Hadid Motazeli, Vol. 
3, Page 274] When Abu Qahafa became blind due to old age and couldn’t earn his 
living, a philanthropist named Abdullah bin Jaadan employed him to drive away 
flies when Abdullah sat to take food. Abu Qahafa was not happy with the 
attitude of his son towards him. Thus, after the death of Abu Bakr when he was 
offered his share of the estate left by Abu Bakr he refused to take. Abu Bakr 
married four times. Twice before the advent of Islam and twice after he 
embraced Islam. The first wife’s name was Qateela and the second was Zoundi. 
From Qateela he had Abdullah
 and Asma mother of Abullah bin Zubair. From Umme Rooman he had Aisha and Abdur 
Rahman. From his third wife Asma bint Anees he had Mohammad. The fourth wife 
was Habiba binte Kharja, from her he had Umme Kulsoom. [Tabari, Vol. 4, Page 
50] Qateela and Zomeen embraced Islam only after migration to Madina, till then 
they were infidels. The eldest son Abdullah died an infidel in the year 11 
Hijri. The second son Abdur Rahman embraced Islam after the treaty of Hudaibia. 
Before that he stayed back in Mecca for 13 years, he was an arch enemy of the 
Prophet (S.A.W). He came with Abu Sufian’s army in the wars of Badr and Ohad. 
He boasted that there is no one among the Muslims who is equal to him. He also 
came to fight Ali (A.S.) in the battle of Jamal. He died in the year 53 Hijri.
Abu Bakr’s third son Mohammad was born during 10th Hijri at the time of the 
last Hajj performed by the Prophet (S.A.W). He was only three years old when 
Abu Bakr died. Mohammad was called Abul Qasim. He was a devout Muslim and was 
counted as one of the most pious persons. He fought on behalf of Ali (A.S.) in 
the wars of Jamal and Siffin against his own sister Aisha and Muawiyahh. During 
the year 37 Hijri, Ali (A.S.) appointed him as governor of Egypt. Muawiyahh bin 
Khudaij an officer of Moavia bin Abu Sufian fought Mohammad and arrested him, 
and putting him in the skin of a donkey and getting it stitched he burnt 
Mohammad alive. Only the burnt head was outside the skin and visible. This was 
in the year 38 Hijri.
When this news reached Madina, Umme Habiba one of the wives of the Prophet 
(S.A.W) sent a roasted goat to Aisha with a massage that see Moavia has roasted 
your brother this way. But Aisha was not sorry for her brother. Usman’s wife 
was so happy with this news that she rushed to Moavia bin Khudai, the killer of 
Mohammad and kissed his feet for thanksgiving. [Tarikhe Khamees, Vol. 2, Page 
The three daughters were Aisha, Umme Kulsoom and Asma. Asma was married to 
Zubair from whom she got Abdullah. Aisha was married to the Prophet (S.A.W) and 
she had no issues. Aisha also fought against Ali (A.S.) in the war of Jamal. 
She also did not allow the body of Hasan (A.S.), the grandson of the Prophet 
(S.A.W) to be buried near the grave of the Prophet (S.A.W). [Rozatul Manazir, 
Vol. 11, Page 133] The third daughter was Umme Kulsoom. Aisha got her married 
to Umar during his regime.
During the year 56 Hijri Moavia came to Madina and got dug a pit which was 
covered with grass and weak sticks. He then put a chair on it and invited Aisha 
to sit on it. As Aisha sat the chair fell in the ditch, Moavia immediately got 
it filled with stone and lime then quietly went away to Mecca. [Hadiqai Hakim 
Nesai & Habibusseer] Abu Bakr’s niece Joada, daughter of Umme Farwa (Abu Bakr’s 
sister) gave poison to Imam Hasan (A.S.) and Abu Bakr’s nephew Mohammad was one 
of the killers of Imam Husain (A.S.) at Kerbala. [Tabari, Vol. 6, Page 210] 
Talha bin Obaidullah was Abu Bakr’s cousin. Abu Bakr was a cloth seller by 
profession. He used to carry cloth mostly bed sheets on his shoulders and went 
hawking, or attended bazaars.
Abu Bakr was known for using filthy language. [Tareekhul Khulafa, Page 37] 
Though he was one of the earliest converts yet history has very little record 
of his contribution towards the spread of Islam. It is also very strange that 
though his association with the Prophet (S.A.W) was for more than twenty years 
yet we find only ten traditions narrated by him in the history books. While his 
daughter, Aisha was one of the ten wives of the Prophet (S.A.W) and as such got 
very little time to be with the Prophet (S.A.W) knew more than five thousand 
traditions and all are recorded in the history books as narrated by her. 
Similarly Abu Huraira one of the companions of the Prophet (S.A.W) who was very 
young and had embraced Islam only three years before the Prophet (S.A.W)’s 
death also knew five thousand traditions. Aisha swore that her father did not 
ever compose any verse either during the days of his infidelity nor after 
embracing Islam. [Tareekhul Khulafa,
 Page 22] History has also not recorded any where that Abu Bakr killed any 
infidel either in war or otherwise, nor spent any money in the cause of Islam, 
nor did any preaching except once when he tried to give a sermon at Mecca. The 
infidels hammered him so much that his nose was completely smashed. From then 
on he was so afraid of the infidels of Mecca that he never attempted to do any 
preaching. On the contrary during the 6th year before the Hijrat he fled Mecca 
and was proceeding towards Yemen when an infidel friend of his recognized him 
and brought him back assuring him of his protection. Similarly when the 
infidels of Mecca ostracized the Prophet (S.A.W) and his entire clan of Bani 
Hashim and they were compelled to go and stay at a mountain pass and eat even 
tree leaves for their survival Abu Bakr made no attempt either to see the 
Prophet (S.A.W) or arrange for their food or made any attempt to bring them 
back to their houses.
As the news of Abu Bakr’s Caliphate spread the Muslims all over the Muslim 
world resented and revolted against him. They refused to accept him as the heir 
of the Prophet (S.A.W) and in retaliation stopped paying zakat to him. Even the 
governors and officers of many provinces revolted and refused to act on his 
behalf. Khalid bin Saeed and many such companions of the Prophet (S.A.W) who 
were governors appointed by the Prophet (S.A.W) resigned from their posts. Abu 
Bakr asked them as to why they do not want to continue since they are the most 
efficient governors and the Prophet (S.A.W) had appointed them for the job. He 
even ordered them to go back to their posts but they declined and said, "We are 
the descendents of Abi Asseha and do not want to be the tax collector of any 
body else." Fearing danger to their lives they even migrated to Syria but they 
were all killed. [Izalatul Khefa, Vol. 2, Page 37]
Many others argued that the Prophet (S.A.W) had not nominated and therefore he 
cannot be his heir. Then they would also have not minded if in his place any 
body else from the Prophet (S.A.W)’s family would become the Caliph. They 
openly accused him of depriving the real heirs of the Prophet (S.A..W) and 
grabbing the Caliphate for himself. The refusal to pay tax angered Abu Bakr. 
The movement had spread in such a big way that according to Masoodi, "Within 
ten days of the Prophet (S.A.W)’s death the entire Arab community became non 
believers." [Moroojuz Zahab, Vol. 5, Page 101] Umar and Abu Obaida, Sulaym 
Mooli sensing trouble and revolt advised Abu Bakr not to take any drastic step 
and in support of their advice they cited the example of the Prophet (S.A.W) 
who neither forced nor harassed the non payers of zakat. They even warned him 
that the history of Hazarmoot may not be repeated but Abu Bakr listened to none 
and criticising Umar said, "You were
 harsh before embracing Islam now what has made you a coward. I will take 
everything from them what they have been paying to the Prophet. Even if it is 
as small a thing as the rope with which a goat is tied."
He wrote open letters to all his opponents informing them that he is sending 
Khalid bin Waleed with an army and with the instructions to spare those who are 
prepared to obey him and to fight those who refuse to obey his orders. I have 
ordered him to kill all such men mercilessly and burn their bodies and make all 
the ladies and children slaves.
When Abu Bakr’s men began to harass the Muslims to recover zakat they protested 
and said, "Why are you killing us. We are Muslims, and believe in one Allah and 
that Mohammad (S.A.W) was His Prophet. We offer our regular prayers facing 
Kaaba and perform all the rites the Prophet had ordered us. We are only not 
paying zakat to Abu Bakr because we do not accept him as the heir of the 
Prophet which is not unIslamic." But Abu Bakr’s men did not listen to them and 
they not only killed them or arrested them and made them prisoners but 
confiscated all their property and wealth and took their ladies as slavegirls. 
When Umar became the Caliph he set free all such prisoners and slaves and 
returned their property and wealth. [Tareekhe Khamees, Vol. 2, Page 224] 
History has recorded some verses composed by the nongivers of taxes to Abu 
Bakr, "As long as the Prophet lived we obeyed him but who is this Abu Bakr to 
claim this right. What does he want that after his
 death the state should go to his children. By God this is a great calamity 
which will destroy us." [Tabari, Vol. 3, Page 213; Abu Bakr Siddique, Page 193].
Bilal the famous Moazzin of the Prophet (S.A.W) was so disgusted with the 
happening in Madina that he stopped giving Azan and left the city. Among the 
many non tax payers to Abu Bakr was one Maalik bin Novaira, a close friend of 
the Prophet (S.A.W). He was not only handsome and possessing a very good 
personality, but was also a brave soldier and a poet. He commanded great 
respect among his clan of Bani Haifa. They loved and respected him like a king. 
When Maalik came to the Prophet (S.A.W) to embrace Islam, his personality 
impressed the Prophet (S.A.W) so much that not only did he give Maalik the 
honour of his friendship but also authorized him to collect zakat from his 
tribe Bani Haifa on his behalf. So that Maalik may continue to enjoy the 
respect, status and honour of his men as he enjoyed before. [Tabaqate ibne 
Saad, Vol. 5, Page 80]
When Maalik learnt about the Prophet (S..A.W)’s death and Abu Bakr becoming his 
caliph he stopped taking zakat from his people and ordered them to preserve the 
money till the matter of caliphate is decided. As he himself did not accept Abu 
Bakr as the caliph of the Prophet (S.A.W). When Abu Bakr learnt about Maalik’s 
non acceptance of his caliphate he ordered Khalid bin Waleed to go and fight 
with him just as he had fought with other non tax payers. As Khalid had an eye 
on Maalik’s wife, who was very beautiful, he immediately went to Maalik’s 
village with an army and confronted him. Maalik like other non tax payer 
Muslims argued that he was the follower of Islam and believes in Allah and His 
Prophet (S.A.W). He offers Namaz and performs all other rites Allah has ordered 
except that he does not pay zakat to Abu Bakr because he does not consider him 
to be the Caliph of the Prophet (S.A.W). The non acceptance of Abu Bakr as the 
caliph of the Prophet
 (S.A.W) does not make him a sinner or a non Muslim. Why should he be punished 
for that. Abdullah ibn Umar and Abu Qatada who were present during the argument 
advised Khalid not to ill-treat Maalik or be harsh with him. But Khalid did not 
listen to them and ordered Zarar bin Azvar to kill Maalik.
Maalik protested and gave another alternative to Khalid, that he should be 
taken to Abu Bakr where he can discuss the matter with Abu Bakr. But Khalid did 
not agree to this and ordered Zarar to behead Maalik. As Zarar approached 
Maalik, Maalik turned to his wife who was standing behind him and said, "It is 
because of you that Khalid is murdering me." Zarar then beheaded Maalik in the 
presence of Abdullah bin Umar, Abu Qatada and some Ansars and Maalik’s wife. 
Khalid then ordered the head of Maalik to be burnt and a pot of food to be put 
on it for being cooked. As Malik’s hair were very beautiful Khalid ordered that 
the fire must be put to the hair first. Abdullah ibn Umar, Abu Qatada and the 
Ansar protested but to no avail. Khalid then took hold of Maalik’s wife and 
raped her, and took her as his mistress. Khalid then got all the men of Bani 
Haifa killed and their ladies were taken as prisoners and slaves. They were all 
brought to Madina and lodged
 in the Prophet (S.A.W)’s mosque. It was from these slaves that Ali (A.S.) took 
the hand of Khoola and made her his wife. Mohammad bin Hanafia was the third 
son of Ali (A.S.) from her.
As the news of the murder of Maalik and his tribe, and the rape of his wife by 
Khalid spread the Muslims became very angry and upset. But Abu Bakr was very 
happy over the tragedy, and he declared, "No other woman can produce such a 
brave person as Khalid’s mother." [Tabari, Vol. 4, Page 11] Umar who was very 
angry at the attitude of Abu Bakr shouted, "Stone Khalid to death, he has raped 
Maalik’s wife." Abu Bakr replied, "No, I cannot do that. Khalid must have erred 
in performing his duty." Umar: "Sack him atleast." Abu Bakr: "I cannot put this 
sword back in the sheath which Allah has pulled out on my opponents." [Tarikhe 
ibne Khallekaan, Vol. 5, Page 172. Tarikhe Tabari, Vol. 3, Page 241]
While Abu Bakr was busy beheading and burning the bodies of those Muslims who 
refused topay taxes to him, Ali (A.S.) was busy with:-
(1) fulfilling the wishes of the Prophet (S.A.W)
(2) declared that the Prophet (S.A.W) had willed him to pay his debts and to 
fulfill the promises the Prophet (S.A.W) had made to the people. He also took 
the responsibility of returning the valuables people had kept with the Prophet 
(S.A.W) for safe custody. He deputed men to go round the cities and announce 
that whosoever had given loan to the Prophet (S.A.W) or had kept his valuables 
with him for safe custody or any person to whom the Prophet (S.A.W) had made 
any promise should come to him. Ali (A.S.) will fulfill it whoever come with a 
claim to Ali (A.S.) was immediately satisfied. He was not asked to bring any 
proof or witness. Every year during Hajj the same announcement was made on 
behalf of Ali (A.S.) before the huge multitude of pilgrims. And his practice 
was continued even after his death, first by his son Hasan (A.S.) and after his 
death Ali (A.S.)’s second son Hussain of announcing at the Hajj till be was 
When Abu Bakr saw that he can’t succeed by using force and the situation was 
fast getting out of control he changed his attitude towards the 
revolutionaries. He realised that the government which he formed at Saqifa in 
haste and under duress was not a true representative government and would not 
last long. He began to pay large sums and gifted properties to shut people’s 
mouth and buy them. Whoever claimed for anything was paid from the government 
treasury without any inquiry, whoever demanded was immediately given for no 
reasons the looted jewelry from the wars was distributed freely to buy the 
people. [Fathul Buldan Belaazari, Page 6) To drive the Muslims away from the 
Prophet (S.A.W)’s household he began to twist the religion in his favour and 
gave different perception by using guesswork to convince the new believers. The 
companions of Prophet (S.A.W) whom he found to be against Ali (A.S.) were given 
more importance than the family members of
 the Prophet (S.A.W) and their friends like Abu Zare Ghaffari, Salmane Farsi, 
Ammare Yasir, Miqdad and others. Thus a line was divided between the two 
groups. The group that supported Ali (A.S.) was degraded in the eyes of the 
people. When these acts were not found to be sufficient he diverted the 
attention of the Muslims by declaring war against the weaker governments of 
Rome and Persia and encouraging them to loot and plunder their wealth and 
property so that they may not look at their activities and criticise their 
Therefore, the expedition of Osama bin Zaid was immediately ordered. Every 
Muslim was ordered to leave Madina soon under the command of Osama. When Umar 
and his friends advised Abu Bakr to change the leadership of Osama, Abu Bakr 
holding the beard of Umar said, "Your mother may weep on you, Allah may destroy 
you, you want me to do what the Prophet had himself done. The appointment of 
Osama was made by the Prophet and now you want me to change it." [Tabari, Vol. 
3, Page 212]
The expedition of Osama left Madina with each and every Muslim except the 
companions of the Prophet (S.A.W) on the advice of Umar lest they may not 
incite the other Muslims residing outside Madina against them. When Zohair (a 
companion of the Prophet (S.A.W)) asked the permission to participate in the 
expedition of Osama. Umar replied, "I will not allow any of the companions of 
the Prophet to move out of Madina." [Ibne Abil Hadid, Vol. 4, Pg. 457] Even 
Aisha and other wives of the Prophet were not allowed to go for Hajj for the 
same reason. [Tabaqate Ibne Saad, Pg 205]

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