1.      Mr Zaid Hamid is heard to be from an urdu speaking (Mohajir) family 
settled in Rawalpindi, whose father has been an employee of ISI (Inter Services 
Intelligence). He graduated from Gordon College Rawalpindi. It is widely 
believed that the strongest Intelligence agency of Pakistan is propping him up. 
He possesses typical monarchic Arabian Islamic thoughts found at the nervous 
centres of GHQ, (General Head Quarters), Pakistan Army and ISI. He reads 
scripts provided by ISI, which are misconstrued versions and explanations of 
the poetry of Allama Iqbal and predictions in Persian of Hazrat Shah Naimat 
ullah Wali (RA). Mr Zaid Hamid is intoxicated by the exuberance of his own 
verbosity and his diatribe on Islamic thoughts evaporates off in the air at the 
very first sight of him on TV, airing it out in front of a young lady without 
Islamic hijab. Unfortunately! the Pakistanis take off the originality of Islam 
from their attempts of propagation of
 it to please Americans and the Western World.
2.      He never utters a single word against fully potent and completely 
responsible GHQ and ISI for the miseries of Pakistan (West Pakistan – 
Punjabistan) and ill adventures of Pakistan army but is allowed on ISI 
controlled media to thoroughly blame impotent and zero powered president, 
parliament, politicians and prime minister. Recently, while highly incorrectly 
talking about the predictions of Hazrat Shah Naimat ullah (RA) of a significant 
impending war in Gilgit Baltistan, which will change the course of the World 
events, he said that the present secessionist movement going on in Gilgit 
Baltistan is Indian sponsored. The idiot known as Mr Zaid, should understand 
that the freedom struggling and due rights asking people and their leaders of 
Gilgit Baltistan know the immense international price and importance of Gilgit 
and cannot be sponsored by anyone. Punjabistan (West Pakistan of 1947), 
Hindustan, USA, UK, China can now be all agents of our
 people, but we need not to become agent of anyone out of them. The killing of 
a youth from Nagar on night 26 / 27 of June 2009, by Intelligence agencies and 
the reaction in Gilgit is beginning of the end of the colonial yoke of Punjabi 
3.      In the Bolor and Kashmir countries, the Islamic Republic of Iran is the 
most vital factor in the internal dynamics simply by virtue of it being 
revolutionized updated Islamic, capable of confronting any challenge in the 
World. Our people have revolutionary and not materialistic dynamics. It is not 
possible at all to understand the Islamic revolution without understanding the 
Islamic Revolution of Kerbala of Hazrat Imam Hussain (AS). Much more 
globalization went into the killing of Shaheed Agha Zia uddin Rizvi than what 
is generally believed. The hero making of the criminals of 1988, misadventure 
in Gilgit and their safe passage through Punial should remain on the mind of 
the intellectuals and leaders, who want to befool our people. The concept of 
Vilayat e Faqih and Rahbar of the Islamic revolution i.e. Imam Khomeini and 
Imam Khameini is to be understood, before making wrong calculations. Our only 
inhibition and limitation in rising up is
 the immense stress on patience by our religious scholars, otherwise the 
overwhelming majority of the poor and down trodden masses of Gilgit Baltistan, 
Laddakh and adjoining regions (Bolor) can rise up even empty handed on a single 
call of Rehbar to cut off the hands of global arrogance and evil.   
4.      The British for their evil doings in 1947-48, Americans for their evil 
scheming in 1988, alongwith Saudis, GHQ and ISI Generals and their 
co-accomplices at global level, should seek apologies from the people of Gilgit 
Baltistan without fail and wasting anymore time.

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