----- Original Message ----- 
From: Mustafa Mawjee 
To: must...@mawjee.org.uk 
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 5:17 AM
Subject: Janabe Fatema (a.s.) - Part 5

This week marks the Death Anniversary of Janabe Fatema (as)

Life & times of this great Lady

Part 5

Her Relationship with the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)

Ibn 'Abdul Barr, in al-Istee'ab, narrated - and we would like very much to use 
it, as it is a Sunni source which represents a neutral source, so that the 
Shi'ah could not be accused of talking out of emotion - that J. 'Ayshah said: 
'I had not seen any one who was more resembling the Messenger of Allah in his 
speech, conduct and manners as Fatemah; when she used to enter (his house) he 
would stand up for her, take her hand and kiss it and make her sit in his 
sitting place; and when he used to enter (her house) she would stand up for 
him, take his hand and kiss it and make him sit in her sitting place'. 

When we study this text, we can conclude two things: first, the unity and 
complete merging between Fatemah's personality and her father's, as the person 
most closely resembling him. This is reflected even in his walking, as seen in 
many narrations, such as 'Fatemah came and her walk did not fail the walking of 
the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.)'; second, the depth of the spiritual 
relationship between the Prophet (S.A.W.) and Fatemah (A.S.), a relationship 
which the Prophet (S.A.W.) had with Fatemah (A.S.) alone. 

Another narration by al-Hakim in al-Mustadrak states: 'The Messenger of Allah 
used, when he came back from a battle or journey, to come to the mosque and 
pray two rak'as to thank Allah..... then would enter (the house of) Fatemah, 
and then he would come to his wives'.  This meant that Fatemah (A.S.) held the 
prime place in the relationships between the Prophet (S.A.W.) and other people, 
including his wives. 

In the same book, al-Mustadrak, al-Hakim also narrated: 'The Prophet (S.A.W.), 
when he used to travel, the last person he would see was Fatemah.' Thus her 
image would stay in his mind, and the kindness and emotion, with which she used 
to embrace him, would stay with him in his travel and his memory, to comfort 
him. Al-Hakim added: 'And when he returned from a journey, the first person he 
would see would be Fatemah.' Historians have said that the Prophet (S.A.W.) did 
not accept that Fatemah (A.S.) became separated from him even after her 
marriage and, therefore, did not accept that she lived in a house far away from 
him, so she lived in the house next to his so that he could enter into her 
house directly from his. In al-Isti'ab we read: ''Ayshah was asked: who was the 
most beloved person to the Messenger of Allah? She replied: Fatemah. I asked: 
and amongst men? She said: her husband...' This is an important witness by 
'Ayshah for Fatemah and Ali (A.S.). 

There are many stories from her life which tell how she used to study her 
father's thoughts to know what he liked and disliked, what opened up his heart 
and what closed it. An example of this was when he (S.A.W.) came back from a 
journey and entered her house, looked around a little, then left. Quickly she 
knew that something bothered the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.). She thought about 
it and realized that on the door of her house was a curtain and that she had 
two bracelets in her hands; she took the curtain down and took off the 
bracelets and sent them with her sons and said: 'Say greetings to my father and 
say to him: we have not introduced anything after you except this, it is for 
you to do with them what you like.' 

When the Prophet (S.A.W.) heard this, his expression relaxed. He was moved by 
this generous, wonderful, spiritual gesture by his daughter, and this 
thoughtful response, and gave these things to the poor, saying: 'She did this! 
May her father be sacrificed for her! May her father be sacrificed for her! May 
her father be sacrificed for her! What have the family of Muhammad (S.A.W.) to 
do with these ornaments of life: we have been created for the hereafter!' 

This is what every girl with a mission should learn, when her father is a man 
of missionary affiliations and responsibilities; as too should every woman with 
someone who has a missionary dimension in his life: she should learn not to get 
too engrossed with her own affairs, but to open herself up to the 
responsibilities of her father, husband, brother or son so as to join with him 
in the dynamic movement of responsibility, and not to add to the burdens to his 
responsibility. For we see many great men, past and present, become burdened by 
the people who are around them: while when they think in a missionary manner, 
those around them think only of themselves.

We also learn from Fatemah (A.S.), in her advanced missionary awareness and 
position, that she was someone who rebelled against her personal needs, however 
simple, for the sake of her missionary ambitions; she was someone who 
prioritized in favour of principles over the self. This is what we need to 
learn, for many of us - men and women alike - fall down when it comes to a 
choice between the needs of the principle and the needs of the self; we too 
often choose the self, and may even make a principle of service to the self. 

Fatemah al-Zahra (A.S.) was unique in all her behaviour and deeds, even in her 
sorrow for her beloved, especially during her separation from the Messenger of 
Allah (S.A.W.). 
Historians tell us that, when she went to him as he was dying, she embraced him 
and he whispered something in her ear which made her weep. Then, when he 
whispered something that made her laugh, she was asked the reason of quick 
laughter after weeping.  She said: 'I shall not reveal the Messenger of Allah's 
secret in his life.' So, when she was asked about this after his death, she 
said: 'He whispered in my ear first that he was going to meet his Lord and that 
his soul was announced to him (his death), so I wept; then he whispered in my 
ear again that I was going to be the first of his family to go after him, so I 

Where else would you find a young woman, whatever her love for her father, 
become happy when he tells her that she is going to be the first to die after 
him? What relationship deeper could be than this, and what unity of spirit 
could be stronger?

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