
* Ramadaan 1427 = 2006 *
by *Shaykh Muhammad al-Maaliki حفظه الله *
on Saturday, October 14th, 2006

This is what we need to do in order to return to the golden days of the
Sahaabah. May Allaah تعالى resurrect the Ummah once again to this type of
life so we can take the responsibility of delivering the Da’wah correctly –
with peace, and showing mercy to others, and encouraging others to accept
Islam and accept the Da’wah as-Salafiyyah. That is what I wanted to say as
an introduction to this session today.

*Questions & Answers *

1. *Question:* I have been doing research on circumcised women and I read
that it does not decrease sexual stimulation but increases it. Also, some
people remove too much when only a small amount is to be removed. I’m
American and I speak English so there are not many books on this. I’m 22
years of age and I have a child. My husband said that after one year my
desire for sex should have been reduced and that I’m not normal. He say this
comes from not being circumcised. So if I get circumcised I will want sex
too much. My question is: it is preferred for women to be circumcised at
birth? I would also like to know if the removal of the hood of the clitoral
area is cleaner (more hygienic) similar to when men are circumcised?

*Answer:* Well, in summary the question comprises two points. The first
point is whether circumcising decreases or increases the desire of sex, (and
the second point) is whether it relates to cleanliness like in men?

The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم in the hadith mentions that *the circumcision
for men is for cleanliness*[7], and for women he said to Umm Atiyyah who
used to circumcise girls when they were born *“do not take too much and do
not leave it” *[8] as when it is left there will be more desire for sex and
if it is cut too much then it kills the desire of sex. And what we say to
sister is that what she read in the books is not in conformity with what the
Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said. Even if it is something that people say
that they have found regarding their feeling (experiences) we still have the
saying of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم that is authenticated and that is
the view that should be taken.

Circumcision for the man is obligatory, and for the woman it is recommended
i.e. it is sunnah and not obligatory. The reason is this is that for the man
it is for the purpose of cleanliness and for the woman it is only for
controlling the sexual desire.

My advice is that if it is allowed in the place where you live, then when
you deliver a baby girl have her circumcised then, but do not leave it until
she is an adult or she becomes a woman because it will be very difficult for
her (to do at that time). But if you are in a place where it is not allowed
– like almost everywhere in the world, except for Saudi and Yemen and some
other places, then it is better to do it at that time (at birth) if it is
allowed. If it is not allowed then leave it because it is not obligatory for
the woman. However for the man it is obligatory, so we won’t leave it for
them – we have to circumcise it inshaa Allaah تعالى but with those who have
experience in that area.

*Moderator: Please ensure that the questions being posted have not already
been answered as this question was previously answered by Shaykh Saalih
al-Luhaydaan حفظه الله.*

2. *Question**:* In the last ten days of Ramadaan is it permissible to make
*i’tikaaf* in any masjid other than the one of our beloved Prophet صلى الله
عليه وسلم?

*Answer:* I have just mentioned in my introduction that there are different
opinions of the scholars (on this matter). There is no clear evidence for
that (limiting the masaajid where *i’tikaaf* may be done) except for the
hadith: * There is no i’tikaaf except in the three masaajid (meaning Masjid
Al-Haram, Masjid An-Nabawi and Masjid Al-Aqsa)*[9]

This hadith is authentic but it is *not understood to mean only in the three
masaajid*. As Shaykh Uthaymeen رحمه الله said *“it is treated as the hadith:
** Prayer is not to be prayed when food is served or when somebody is pushed
by urine or stool. *[10] And the Shaykh said that * this hadith does not
mean that the salaah of one who prays while food is served is not accepted,
but his salaah is not a perfect Salaah and he is not going to have a
complete reward because his mind is going to be busy (preoccupied) with
food, especially when he is hungry.* And he said that the same thing
(applies) with *i’tikaaf* when you are in the three masaajid in Makkah,
Madinah and Palestine – may Allaah return it back to the Muslims. The reward
in these three masaajid for every prayer is more than in other places. For
Masjid Al-Haram it is one hundred thousand (100,000) times, Masjid Ar-Rasool
صلى الله عليه وسلم in Madinah is one thousand (1,000) times and in Masjid
Al-Aqsa is five hundred times (500) times. So this is an encouragement to
obtain more reward than in other places, but many scholars said that *
i’tikaaf* in other masaajid is allowed. Many of the Salaf did *i’tikaaf* in
the masaajid of al-Basra, al-Kufa, ash-Sham and many other places, Wallaahu

So *i’tikaaf* is allowed (in any masjid) and even those who said that *
i’tikaaf* is in three masaajid they said that no one doubts that it is
better for the person to stay in masjid. There are many ahaadeeth where the
Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: * “Waiting for the Salaah ( if you join the
Salaah and wait for other Salaah in the masjid) that is Ribaat, that is like
staying with the Mujaahideen on the borders of the lands of Islaam to push
the enemies away.” *[11]

Also, the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم mentioned that: *“Angels will seek
forgiveness for the man who stays in the place where he prayed until the
other prayer comes.”* [12]

So there are many evidences which show the benefits of staying in the
mosque; and staying in the mosque means freeing oneself from being nervous
and fighting and backbiting. It is a place where only good is seen there. So
I chose the opinion of most of the scholars that *i’tikaaf* is *allowed in
any mosque* in the world, but it is *better* to be in the three mosques, the
three holy mosques – the Masjid Al-Haram, Masjid Ar-Rasool and Masjid
Al-Aqsa. This is the opinion we take. Wallaahu A’lam.


Masjid Ahlul-Quraan wa As-Sunnah of New york

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