----- Original Message ----- 
From: Mustafa Mawjee 
To: must...@mawjee.org.uk 
Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2009 11:51 AM


Today, in the name of Human Rights, when the whole of humanity has been brought 
to the door of extinction, 
Imam Ali a.s.'s Charter of Human Rights presented to the world 1400 years ago, 
describes what Human Rights mean.  
He says: The leaders/governors and the governed are both creatures of Allah, 
and their respective duties are laid down by Allah..................

Hazrat Ali A.S.'s Famous Epistle To Maalik-al-Ashtar - The Governor Of Egypt

Part 1 

In the name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful

These are the orders issued by the creature of Allah, Ali, the son Abu Taalib 
(a) to Maalik, the son of Ashtar when he appointed Maalik as the Governor of 
Egypt to collect Zakat there, to combat the enemies of Islam and Egypt, to work 
for the welfare of its people and to look after its prosperity. 

I order you, Maalik, always to keep the fear of Allah in your mind, to give 
priority to His worship and to give preference to obeying His Commands over 
every other thing in life, to carefully and faithfully follow the commandments 
and interdictions as are given by the Holy Book and the traditions of the Holy 
Prophet (s) because the success of a man to attain happiness in this world and 
in the next depends upon these qualities, and a failure to achieve these 
attributes brings about total failure in both the worlds. 

I order you to use your head, heart, hands and tongue to help the creatures of 
Allah because the Almighty Allah holds Himself responsible to help those who 
sincerely try their best to help Him. Allah has further ordered you to keep 
your desires under control, to keep yourself under restraint when extravagant 
and inordinate yearnings and cravings try to drive you towards vice and 
wickedness because usually your 'self' tries to incite and drag you towards 
infamy and damnation unless the Merciful Lord comes to your help. 

Let it be known to you, Maalik, that I am sending you as a governor to a 
country which has seen many regimes before this.  Some of them were benign, 
sympathetic and good, while others were tyrannical, oppressive and cruel.  
People will judge your regime as critically as you have studied the activities 
of other regimes and they will criticize you in the same way as you have 
censured or approved other rulers. 

You must know that a good and virtuous man is known and recognized by the good 
that is said about him and the praise which Allah has destined him to receive 
from others. Therefore, make your mind the source and fountain-head of good 
thoughts, good intentions and good deeds.  This can only be attained by keeping 
a strict control on your desires and yearnings, however much they may try to 
incite and coerce you.  Remember that the best way to do justice to your inner 
self and to keep it out of harm is to restrain it from vice and from things 
which the 'self' inordinately and irrationally desires. 

Maalik! You must create in your mind kindness, compassion and love for your 
subjects.  Do not behave towards them as if you are a voracious and ravenous 
beast and as if your success lies in devouring them. 

Remember, Maalik, that amongst your subjects there are two kinds of people: 
those who have the same religion as you have; they are brothers to you, and 
those who have religions other than that of yours, they are human beings like 
you.  Men of either category suffer from the same weaknesses and disabilities 
that human beings are inclined to, they commit sins, indulge in vices either 
intentionally or foolishly and unintentionally without realizing the enormity 
of their deeds.  Let your mercy and compassion come to their rescue and help in 
the same way and to the same extent that you expect Allah to show mercy and 
forgiveness to you. 

Maalik! You must never forget that if you are a ruler over them than the caliph 
is the ruler over you and Allah is the Supreme Lord over the caliph.  And the 
reality is that He has appointed you as the governor and tested you through the 
responsibility of this ruler ship over them.  Never think of raising yourself 
to such a false prestige that you can declare war against Allah because you 
cannot ward off His Wrath and you can never be free from the need of His Mercy 
and Compassion. 

Do not feel ashamed to forgive and forget.  Do not hurry over punishments and 
do not be pleased and do not be proud of your power to punish.  Do not get 
angry and lose your temper quickly over the mistakes and failures of those over 
whom you rule.  On the contrary, be patient and sympathetic with them.  Anger 
and desire of vengeance are not going to be of much help to you in your 

Never say to yourself, "I am their Lord, their ruler and all in all over them 
and that I must be obeyed submissively and humbly" because such a thought will 
unbalance your mind, will make you vain and arrogant, will weaken your faith in 
religion and will make you seek support of any power other than that of Allah.  
If you ever feel any pride or vanity on account of your sway and rule over your 
subjects then think of the supreme sway and rule of the Lord over the Universe, 
the extent of His creations, the supremacy of His Might and Glory, His Power to 
do things which you cannot even dream of doing and His control over you which 
is more dominating than that which you can ever achieve over anything around 
you.  Such thoughts will cure your mental weakness, will keep you away from 
vanity and rebellion (against Allah), will reduce your arrogance and 
haughtiness and will take you back to the sanity which you had foolishly 
deserted. (continue part 2/.....)

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