Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Assalaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu
Dear Brothers and Sisters, I pray that all of you are well by the grace of
Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala

*Humility Of Imam Hasan Askari (a.s)*
Imam Hasan Askari (a.s) was of exceeding humble nature. He used to meet the
high and low, all with utmost humility and simple demeanor. This was the
reason that every class of people of Samarrah used to chant his praise. When
the Imam passed on the way, people used to stand up as a mark of respect.
The effect of this was that the crowd that attended his funeral was so
multitudinous that it was not seen thus even in the funeral of the ruler.

Taken from: *Akhlaq e-A’imma, Morals & Manners of the Holy Imams* by *Maulana
Sayyid Zafar Hasan Amrohi*

*Amir al-Muminin, Imam Ali (as) amongst his subjects*

   - When Amir al-Muminin, Imam Ali (as) was coming to Kufa, he entered the
   city of Anbar populated by Iranians. The Iranian farmers were very happy to
   see their beloved caliph, Ameer ul Momineen passing through their town. They
   came to his visit. When it was time for Imam Ali (as) to leave, they started
   running in front of his horse. Amir al-Muminin, Imam Ali (as) inquired about
   this behavior.

 "This is one way that we extend respect to our leaders and respectful
individuals. This is our custom that has been practiced for years."

Ameer ul Momineen, Imam Ali (as) said: "This behavior puts you in discomfort
in this world, and brings about humiliation in the next world. Always stay
away from practices that humiliate you. After all what benefit is there in
such a practice to the recipients?"

   - Haris-ibne-Shohail, one of the governors of the provinces, was in Kufa,
   once he was riding through the city and saw Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as) also
   riding. He got down from his horse to accompany Amir al-Muminin, Imam Ali
   (as) on foot. Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (as) stopped his horse and
   said. "It is ill for a man to lower himself before anybody but his God,
   please get upon your horse, even had you not been an officer of the state I
   would not have allowed you to lower yourself like this, the sight of such
   humiliation of man before man never pleases me. It is the worst form of
   tyranny which can be practiced."

   - Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (as) was passing through Ambar,
   with his army. The rich men of the province, as was the custom of those
   times, came out to greet him. They offered the best Persian horses as
   presents, and requested his permission to act as hosts to his army. Imam Ali
   ibn Abu Talib (as) met them very courteously, but very politely refused to
   accept the gifts and the invitation, saying:

 You have paid your taxes, to receive anything more from you, even when you
offer it voluntarily and willingly, is a crime against the state.

But when they persisted and pressed their request, Amir al-Muminin, Imam Ali
(as) ordered that the horses could be accepted against their taxes, and so
far as the feast was concerned it must be paid out of the war expenses.

This is from the grace of my LORD &
In the Service of His Last Hujjat (a.t.f.s)

Islâm Is My Religion, Allâh Is My God~
Mohammad Is My Prophet~Ali Is My Imam~
Ahlul-Bayt Is My Love~Quran Is My Book~
Al Qibla Is My Direction~Mekkah Is My Wish~
Jannâh Is My Goal!

Please do remember in your valuable prayers and remember H.Prophet (s.a.w)
Say's: "You cannot treat people by means of your wealth; hence, you should
treat them by means of your moral conduct"

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