Palaces of  Paradise and their adornment.   
 Allah says in the Qur'an: "And (Allah) will cause you to enter into
gardens, beneath which rivers flow, and goodly dwellings in dardens of
perpetuity, that is the mighty
achievement". (Surah-as- Saf: 12) 
 Regarding the interpretation of the "Goodly dwelling" it
is related from the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.)
that there is a palace in paradise made of pearla, which has seventy
houses of red rubies (Yaqoot). And in every house are
seventy rooms of groon emeralds (zamarood) . And in each room there are
seventy thrones on which are spread seventy carpets, and on each carpet
will be seated Hourul Een' And in each room there will be seventy
eating carpets, on which there will be seventy types of delicious
dishes, and in each room there will be one servant (male and female)
Allah will give strength to a believer so much that he will be able to
derive pleasure from all houries and digest each types of dishes, this
is agreat blessing of the heurier. 
"They shall have high places, above them higher places, built (for them), 
beneath which flow rivers". (Surah-az Zumar: 20) 
is related from Imam Mohammad -al-Baqir (A.S.) that Imam Ali (A.S.)
asked the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.S.) regarding the interpretation of the
"Higher places" and
asked as to what these higher places are made of ? He (S.A.W.S.)
replied, "O Ali! It's wails are of pears, rubies, and topaz. It's
ceiling is of gold lined with silver. Each
"Higher place" has a thousand doors, and on each door are thousand
Angels. In it are spread carpets of soft and colourful silk filled with
musk, camphor, and amber". 
Rooms of paradise and their beautification.  
"Reclining therein on raised couches, excellent the recompense". 
(Surah-al-kahf: 31) 
"Therein are thrones raised high, and drinking cups ready placed, and
cushions set in a row, and carpets spread out". (Surah-al-Ghashiyah:
"On thrones decorated". (Surah-al-Waqe'ah: 15) 
thrones mentioned herein will be three hundred hands high. Whenever a
believer will desire to ascend it, it will bend down and they will sit
on it leaning on cushions. 
on beds, the inner covering of which are silk brocade"
(Surah-ar-Rahman: 54) The reality of these blessings are best known to
Allah. For verily the magnificence of Istabraq Reclining on beds, the
inner covering of which are of silk brocade (Istabraq) Surah-ar Rahman:
54', Rafraf' 0Reclining on green cushions (Ra fraf) Surah-ar-Rahman:
76, 'Numariq' And cushions (Numariq) set in a row - Surah-al-Ghashiyah:
16' can be perceived only by looking at them and cannot be explained.

Cups of  Paradise.   
"And there shall be made to go round about them vessels of silver and
goblets which are of glass, (trasparent as) glass, made of silver, they
have measured them according to a measure". (Surah-ad-Dahr: 15, 16) 
*`Round about them shall go youths never altering in age, with goblets
& ewers and a cup of pure drink". (Surah-al Waqe'ah: 17, 18)
Ref:Manazelul Akherah

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