----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Abbas Muljiani <abba...@al-hassan.com>
To: Abbas Muljiani <abba...@al-hassan.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 5 August, 2009 12:54:28
Subject: 15th Shabaan - Night of Baraat

"Therefore,  stay awake this night in prayer and worship and encourage your 
Ummah to  also keep awake this night in order to get closer to Allah (Glorified 
and Exalted is  He) 
Duas.org has all the duas &  aamal for this month avaialble at
The Holy Prophet (S.A.) had said that during the night of  15th Shaba'an the  
Almighty takes decisions in the matters of sustenance, life and death and  
welfare of the people. Next to the “Night of Qadr” the night of  15th Sha’baan 
is  the most auspicious night (also known as “night of Baraat”). According to  
the Imam Muhammad bin Ali Al Baqir (as.) and Jaa’far bin Muhammad As Sadiq  
(as.) Allah has promised to fulfill every legitimate desire put forward to  Him 
tonight. During this night Allah (swt) bestows on HIS people from HIS  bounty & 
forgives them out of HIS grace & generosity .Of the  blessings of this night is 
that ,at the dawn of this night ,was born the  Leader of the Time Imam Mehdi 
(atfs) in Samarra -Iraq in the yr  255 AH .Read  More >> 
 Aamal  for Night of 15th Shaban 
It is advisable to stay awake during this full  night in prayer as it has many 
rewards  Ahadith has confirmed that as for  one who spends this whole night  
with acts of worship, his heart will not die when other hearts  die 
1) Recite 100 times :                  ُ
    Subh'aanallah Walh'amdu  Lillah Wa-Laa  Ilaaha Illallah Ho Wal Allahu  
2) Take Ghusl (Bath) with the  thought of washing away sins & as if its your 
last  Ghusl. 
3) Recite  100 times 'Astaghfirullah '  with attention to seeking  forgiveness. 
4) Recite Ziarat of Imam  Husayn(as)  & Special Ziarat of Imam  Husayn(as) for 
15  Shaban 

As a short salutation  ,one may go to the terrace/elevated place, look left, 
right & towards  the sky & recite :-Assalamu Alalika Ya Aba Abdillah   Assalamu 
Alaikum wa Rahmatullah e  wabarakatoh 
5) Recite Namaz /Salaat of  Jafar-e-Tayyar 
6) Recite Dua Kumayl  for Seeking  forgiveness. 
7) One must seek closeness to Imam al-Mehdi (may Allah hasten his return) the  
Hujjah of our Time 
8) On this night, one should also be  busy in Ziyarat, Munajat and asking our 
desires and complaining of our  separation from our awaited Imam. One may write 
an Ariza(Letter)to Imam as  well. Recite the duas relating to the Imam (atfs)  
Dua Nudba , Ziarat e  Imam-Isteghasa & Ziarat Aale Yasin of  the Ahlulbayt(as). 
Excellence of the Month of  Sha'baan 
Merits of the Month & 1st day Salat for New Lunar Month 
Daily  / Regular A'amal The  Invocation of Shabaniyah 
Daily Salawat  on Prophet (sa)-By Imam Zainul Abideen (a.s) 
 A'amal for 13, 14, 15th Sha'aban (Ayam e Bayz  ) 
15th  Sha'aban - Night A'amal & Birth of Imam Mehdi  (atfs) 
Ziyarat of Imam Husain (a.s.) on 15th  Sha'aban 
About  Imam Mahdi (atfs) Sahifa-e-Mahdi (atfs) Imam Mahdi (atfs)  duas  
Aa'mal Self Assessment form (in  word) Dua'a For Last 3 Days of Sha'aban  
Mp3 Audio  Sha'aban Duas 

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