In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful

Let us be Conscious


Quran and Etrat Internet University congratulates all Muslims, especially
you dear friend, upon 15th of Sha'ban, the birthday anniversary of the
promised spreader of justice and the purveyor of kindness, Imam Hujjat ibn
al-Hassan al-Askari (PBUH)


 "When the fifth son of the seventh Imam goes in occultation, seek refuge in
Allah (SWT)! Seek refuge in Him in regards with your religion, so that no
one would deviate your from you religion" (1). (Imam Kadhim (PBUH))

We all believe that the savior of mankind, Imam Mahdi (PBUH), is alive on
the earth today, and breathes from the same air as we do. However, by the
will of Allah (SWT), he is in occultation and will remain hidden from the
eyes for as long as Allah (SWT) wills. This lengthy occultation of Imam
Mahdi (PBUH) is indeed a great trial Allah (SWT) has tested the mankind
with. As such, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) and the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT) were
concerned about the people living during his occultation, and sometimes used
to groan and lament over this issue.  

For example, Imam Sadiq (PBUH) said, "Beware! I swear to Allah (SWT) that
your Imam will be in occultation for some years, and you will undergo a
difficult test to the level that some will say: He has passed away; he was
killed. while the eyes of the believers will shed tears over him, and you
will be overturned just like ships are overturned by the waves of the sea"

Fourteen centuries ago, Imam Sadiq (PBUH) was concerned about our current
situation, and he has described it for us in advance. So, now that we feel
that huge waves of that tornado in the sea of our life, what should we do? 

Let us listen to what Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) has predicted about the
severity of the situation we are living in:

"Undoubtedly, a time will come when a believer could not hold his religion
intact; unless he flees the community and escapes from one mountain to the
other and from one burrow to the other, just like a fox do so to protect its

Then, the companions asked the Prophet (PBUH&HP)," When would that time be?"

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) replied, "When living facilities will not be
obtained except through sins, and when remaining single will be permitted".

The companions then said, "O Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HP)! You have ordered
us to get married. How is it that you say remaining single will become

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) replied, "Yes! (I have ordered you to get
married), but when that time comes, a believer will lose his religion by his
parents; and if not by the parents, he will be deviated from religion by his
spouse or children; and if not by them, he will get out of religion by his
relatives and neighbors".

The companions asked, "O Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HP)! How could the
parents, spouse, children, relatives, and neighbors of a person make him
lose his religion?"

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) replied," They will reproach and blame him for
poverty and inability to provide facilities; they will force him to do
things he is unable do; and they will eventually lead him to perdition and
annihilation" (3). 

Nevertheless, those who pass this test successfully have a high rank; in
fact, their rank is so high that one day when Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) was
among his companions, he prayed twice by saying, "O Allah! Meet me with my

The companions said, "O Messenger of Allah (PBUH&HP)! Are we not your

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) replied," No! You are my companions; my brothers
are those who will believe in me at the end of the time while they have not
seen me. each one of them is so firm in his religion that keeping his
religion is much more difficult than shaving the thorns of Qitad (4) in a
dark night; or it is as if he is holding a fire made from the wood of Ghada
(5) in his hand." (6) 

Indeed, how difficult is it to grab a branch full of sharp thorns-like
needles- and try to shave them with your hands? Holding on to religion at
the end of time is more difficult than that.

Nonetheless, what should we do at this time? As the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT)
themselves have taught us, although falsehood is widespread at this time,
the truth is like a shining sun. Therefore, what we are asked mostly to do
is to be pious, virtuous, and stay away from sins; because otherwise, the
dust of impurity will cover one's perception and insight, and prevent him
from truly recognizing the sun of reality. As such, Imam Sadiq (PBUH) said,"
You shall refrain from sins; be truthful, trustworthy, and pious". (7)  

Based on that, we have to believe that the reason behind ineffectiveness of
the acts of worship on our souls is "not refraining from sins", as the sixth
Imam (PBUH) has taught us, ".Beware that any endeavor or effort done in the
acts of worship which is not accompanied by refraining from sins is

Thus, we are facing a severely difficult test during the occultation era.
So, in order for us to maintain the valuable jewel of religion intact,
extreme care is required; we have to await the promised one with a purified
soul, and we have to believe that: We will not reach the rank of the
purified ones unless we are purified. 

 (The above is a selection taken from "The Consequences of Neglect in the
Occultation Era", by Sayyid Muhammad Zia Abadi (with some changes))



1. Usul al-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 336.

2. Usul al-Kafi, vol. 1, p. 336.

3. Muntakhab al-Athar, p. 437, Hadith 20.

4. Qitad is the name of a tree full of thorns.

5. Ghada is the name of a tree whose wood keeps the heat of fire for a long
time within itself and does not turn off quickly. Therefore, the charcoal
made from this tree is of high quality.

6. Basa'ir al-Darajat, p. 84

7. Safinah al-Bihar, vol. 2, p. 643, the section of Piety.

8. Usul al-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 76.


Source: Roshd Islamic Shia Website <> 



Quran and Etrat Internet University congratulates all Muslims, especially
you dear friend, upon 15th of Sha'ban, the birthday anniversary of the
promised spreader of justice and the purveyor of kindness, Imam Hujjat ibn
al-Hassan al-Askari (PBUH)



Quran and Etrat Internet University 


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