Quoting Some Traditions of the Imams ('a) About Death  
 Ameerul Momineen Ali ('a) said: 
“Three types of Tidings to the Dying Person” 
“When death is near, the Angel of Death gives three types of tiding to the 
dying man according to his actions (during his lifetime). These are: 
> “The man who had done good deeds is informed of good
>            news of Paradise, he is our friend and a man of action. 
> ‘The evil doer is informed of Hell; he is our enemy
>            and irreligious. 
> “The man who has done both kinds of deeds, good as
>            well as evil, is informed vaguely. Such a man of faith will
>            certainly be punished, but he will not remain in Hell Fire for ever
>            like our enemies.” 
“For the faithful, death is the cause of rejoicing, because it relieves him 
from all worldly miseries and troubles, and takes him to a place of extreme 
peace and comfort, where it brings bad news for the infidels (non-believers). 
[Sayyid, Hadi Husayn (1988).] 
 Imam Hassan ('a) said:
"Yes, get ready for your journey (towards Resurrection Day) and get your 
provisions before your death arrival"
Janada bin umaiyyah says I visited Imam Hassan bin Ali bin Abu Talib during the 
ailment which caused his death. I said: 
 'Oh Lord, why do you not get yourself treated?'  
He said, 'Oh Abdullah, with what may I treat death?'  
I said, 'Indeed we are from Allah and toward Him shall we go back', then he 
turned to me and said,  
'By Allah, the Prophet of Allah got us committed that twelve Imams would be the 
owners of this matter (Imamate) from the sons of Imam Ali ('a) and Fatimah 
('a). There is none of us but that he would be poisoned or slain. And then he 
admonished me'.

He said, "Yes, get ready for your journey (towards Resurrection Day) and get 
your provisions before your death arrival. And know it that you seek the world 
(material sources) and death is seeking you. Do not load the worry of the Day 
which had not yet come, upon your present day. And beware that you do not 
achieve and attain a wealth above your enemy but you are a trustee of it 
(wealth) for an other person. And do know that there is account in it's lawful 
and permitted, and in it's prohibited lies punishment and retribution, and in 
it's paradox and doubtful there is reproof.

"So, suppose the world as if it is a dead corpse (dirt). Take out of it which 
is sufficient for you. So if it is halal (lawful and legal) you have adopted 
piety and asceticism. And if it (sustenance) is (from) prohibited there would 
be no load (upon you) since you took out of it just as you took out of a dead 
copse. And if there is a reproof that reproof is easy (soft one). And work for 
your world as if you would live here forever and work for your resurrection day 
and here after as if you have to die tomorrow. And if you intend to achieve 
honour without a tribe and availing presence and majesty without a rulership, 
then move out of the abjectness and disgrace of committing sin forbidden by 
Allah, towards the honour of the obedience of Allah.[Bihar ul Anwar Vol 44, pp 
138/139 in “Fascinating Discourses of (Fourteen Infallibles ['a])”]
 Imam Hussain ('a) said:

“Who of you will hate to be transferred from the Prison to the Grand Palace 
Imam Hussain ('a), addressing his companions at Karbala when they saw him being 
not afraid of death, said:  
“O’ the descendants of the Nobles! Have patience. Death is nothing but a 
bridge. Bearing the troubles and torments you will reach the vast Paradise and 
never ending bounties. Who of you will hate to be transferred from the prison 
to the grand palace (in Paradise)? Death for your enemies is such as if one is 
taken from the palatial building to the Prison of punishment. My father Ali 
('a) has narrated this tradition from the Holy Prophet ('s)  
‘The world’s a prison for the faithful, and Paradise of the infidel. Death is 
the bridge leading the faithful to paradise and the infidel to Hell.. Neither I 
speak a lie nor have I been told a lie.’” [Sayyid, Hadi Husayn (1988).]
 Imam Zayn Al Abidin ('a) said:
“Death releases a Believer from a Dark and Stuffy Dungeon.”  
“The death of a faithful (Momin) may be described as if he has cast off his 
dirty garments and has put on clean and tidy ones; and they, with our love in 
their hearts, are called doers of good deeds. For a faithful death is like his 
being released from a dark and stuffy dungeon and entering a spacious and 
fertile garden; and for the infidel, going from this world is like being taken 
to a jail. For the faithful, the world is like a jail.” [Sayyid, Hadi Husayn 
 Imam Muhammad al-Baqir ('a) said: 
“Death is like Sleep” 
“Death is like sleep; The only difference is that while sleep is of a short 
duration, death continues till the Day of Resurrection.” [Sayyid, Hadi Husayn 
 Imam Jafar As-Sadiq ('a) said:
“Death is Like a Sweet Fragrance” 
“For the faithful death is like a sweet fragrance which bestows freshness and 
delight upon him and removes all worldly vexation and dejection. The pain at 
death time is as if all the parts of the body are being torn apart and nails 
are being hammered therein. In death the torture is as if a delicate silken 
cloth has been thrown on a thorny bush and dragged through it, and its fibres 
are torn apart. But death for a faithful is not severe.” 
“Infidels are Recompensed for Their Good Deeds in this World” 
“For the infidel who has done good in this world, God creates ease at the time 
of death, and he does not suffer. Allah grants him recompense for his good 
deeds in this world, but in the hereafter he is dealt with severely.” [Sayyid, 
Hadi Husayn (1988)] 
“The Difficulties at the Time of Death for a faithful” 
‘The soul of a faithful leaves the body with difficulty. This is because he may 
go purified from this world and so be saved from the chastisement of the next 
world.” [Sayyid, Hadi Husayn (1988)]
 Imam Musa Kazim ('a) said:
“Death Cleanses the Faithful” 
“For the faithful the example of death is like a dirty cloth being beaten on a 
stone slab, in order to clean it. Similarly, at the time of the agony, the 
faithful is subjected to severity to purify him.”[Sayyid, Hadi Husayn (1988)] 
 Imam Ali al-Rida ('a) said:
“Love of the Ahle Bait Decreases Pain at Death Time” 
“If the faithful avows his love for us (Ahle Bait) and freshens his faith, then 
the pain at death time decreases.” [Sayyid, Hadi Husayn (1988)]  
 Imam Muhammad at-Taqi ('a) said:
“Why One Dislikes Pangs of Death?” 
“Some of the faithful dislike the pangs of death, because they are not fully 
aware of the comfort after death. Just as children and the insane dislike to 
take bitter medicine and make a wry face, though the bitterness of the medicine 
is a forerunner of benefit (to health).” [Sayyid, Hadi Husayn (1988)]  
 Imam Ali al-Naqi ('a) said:
“Death removes dirt from the soul” 
“Once I went to ask the welfare of an ailing faithful, he was much afraid of 
death. I told him ‘Death is like dirt on the body or like dirty clothes, but 
when one goes to take the bath and cleanses the dirt and filth, he feels fresh 
and relieved. The agony at the time of death removes the dirt from the soul 
completely.” [Sayyid, Hadi Husayn (1988)]  
 Imam Hassan al-Askari ('a) said:
“Death is Life Eternal” 
“Once a man inquired of me as to what was the fact about death.”  
I replied: “For the faithful, death is life eternal, and for the infidels, it 
is mortality. The faithful will always enjoy the pleasures of Paradise, but the 
infidel will ever remain in the Hell, suffering its torments (Hell 
Fire).”[Sayyid, Hadi Husayn (1988)]    

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