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From: Syed Rizvi <baqarrizvi.l...@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 12 August, 2009 9:33:58
Subject: Best Remedy for Swin Flu

Bismillaahir  Rahmaanir   Raheem 
Assalaamu `Alaykum wa Rahmatullaahi wa Barakaatuhu
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I pray that all of you are well by the grace of Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta`aala
As you are aware a lot of information is in the media regarding Swine Flu. All 
of you may be aware with lot of  miracles of Ziyarat-e-Ashura but just as a 
reminder I have quoted one miracle which is related deadly disease spreading 
among all the people with no cure..At this point in time their directions to us 
are as have been previously advised mainly:
        1. Recite Ziyarat-e-Ashura regulary & ask the family members. If you 
have flu like symptoms and/ or a temprature, cough etc do not go to work.  See 
a doctor and wait until you are better before resuming work The best way to 
prevent getting sick is to observe good hygiene.  Be sure to wash your hands 
frequently. Avoid touching your face, and if you do, be sure your hands are 
clean.  Also avoid people who are obviously sick. Carry a handkerchief and 
cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze or cough Don’t assume because you are 
unwell that you have Swine Flu.  This may create panic amongst your famly and 
work collegues.  See a doctor and follow their advice. unnessary panic. 
Miracle of Ziarate Ashoora (Best remedy  for any type of plague/Flu)
Imam Jafar Sadiq (a.s.) recounts, ‘O Safwaan! When you are confronted with some 
adversity, then seek redressal of your grievances from Imam Hussain (a.s.) 
through the Aamaal of Ashoora. Allah has pledged the fulfillment of demands 
with this Ziarat and Allah never reneges on His word’. 
Hardships and afflictions no matter how severe, can be remedied by reciting 
Ziarate Ashoora for forty successive days. Records of people’s experiences 
actually testify to the authenticity of this tradition.  
Renowned Shia scholars have recited this Ziarat regularly. They have reaped 
incalculable benefits through its recitation and have always resorted to it in 
moments of distress.
There are many such miracles but have quoted just one which is related to 
the disease spread among the people and which shows the significance of Ziyrat 
e Ashura.
1) Respite from plague
Ayatullah Haj Shaikh Abdul Karim Haaeri Yazdi (founder of the Hauze-Ilmiyya in 
Qom) narrates, ‘It was the period of my education in the Hauze Ilmiyya in 
Samarra. There was an epidemic in the city that had taken in its wake many 
victims. One day, all the scholars had assembled at Ayatullah Sayyed Muhammad 
Fasharki (r.a.)’s residence, the latter being my teacher. Then unexpectedly, 
Ayatullah Mirza Muhammad Taqi Shirazi (r.a.) entered the house. His stature was 
no less than that of Ayatullah Fasharki (r.a.). There was a round of general 
discussion and the scholars started deliberating on the epidemic and how at the 
rate it was claiming lives, it would very soon wipe out the entire city. In the 
midst of this discussion Ayatullah Fasharki (r.a.) rose, and asked, ‘Do you all 
acknowledge me as the Mujtahid? Then If I impose a decree upon you, will you 
act according to it?’ We all replied emphatically, ‘Yes! Indeed you are the 
Mujtahid.’ Then
 Ayatullah Fasharki (r.a.) addressed the audience and declared, ‘I command the 
Shias of Sammarah to recite Ziarate Ashoora for a period of ten days. Then 
offer the reward of this recitation to the mother of Imame Zamaana (may our 
souls be sacrificed for him), Janabe Nargis Khatoon (s.a.). Then beseech her to 
present our case to her son Hazrat Valiul Asr, so that Imam (a.s.) shields us 
from the malady.’
Ayatullah Fasharki (r.a.) relates further, ‘I assure the person security from 
the plague, if he recites Ziarate Ashoora.’ Since it was a matter of life and 
death, the entire Shia population followed Ayatullah Fasharki’s recommendation 
and began reciting this Ziarat. Miraculously, with the recitation of the 
Ziarat, the plague subsided and the mo’mineen were spared. But this phenomenon 
was observed only among the Shias, as the Ahle Sunnah continued to fall prey to 
this malady. Everyday, the plague claimed at least one from the Ahle Sunnah. 
They were defenseless, as this ailment was without a cure. Before long, they 
realized that the plague was claiming only their members, while the Shias were 
somehow reprieved. In order to hide their embarrassment, they started 
conducting the burial of their dead in the middle of the night. When one of the 
Ahle Sunnah inquired from the Shias, the reason behind their miraculous 
reprieve, the latter revealed their
 secret of Ziarate Ashoora. Then the Ahle Sunnah too undertook recitation of 
this Ziarat. And this Ziarat’s enigmatic prowess was manifested when they also 
started receiving respite from the dreaded plague. In fact, some of them used 
to visit the shrines of Imam Ali Naqi (a.s.) and Imam Hasan Askari (a.s.) and 
began confessing: ‘We recite the very Ziarat for you that is recited by your 
Shaykh Abdul Kareem (r.a.) observes that on reciting this Ziarat, Shias and 
Ahle Sunnah both became immune to this plague.
We Pray to Allah s.w.t to save all the Believers Men/Women & seek the 
protection from the Hazrat-e-Sahebuzzaman (a.t.f.s)  to protect under his 
shield from all the diseases and especially this deadly disease.


Hasan Baqar Rizvi 

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