Quran and Etrat Internet University

Academic Educations of Islam


"Fall 2009 Registration "

(Quran and Etrat Internet University is offering the courses free of

Please visit our website:  <http://university.etrat.net>


In the name of Allah, The compassionate, the Merciful


Imam Zein Al-Abideen's supplication (Al-Sahifa Al -Sujadiah) in which he
defines our responsibilities in Ramadan month.

What does the Imam ask His lord in this month and thus teach us to ask our
lord the same things too. 

O God, bless Muhammad and his household; inspire us with knowledge in its
excellence, veneration of its inviolability, and caution against what Thou
hast forbidden within it, and help us to fast in it by our restraining our
limbs all our organs should not do any unlawful act  from acts of
disobedience toward Thee and our employing them in that which pleases Thee,
so that we lend not our ears to idle talk( since one of the signs of the
believer is he does not listen to such talk) and hurry not with our eyes to
diversion. We stretch not our hands toward the forbidden and stride not with
our feet toward the prohibited our bellies hold only what thou hast made
lawful and our tongues speak only what Thou hast exemplified.  We undertake
nothing but what brings close to Thy reward and pursue nothing but what
protects from Thy punishment! Then rid all of that from the false show of
the false showers and the fame seeking of the fame seekers, lest we
associate therein anything with Thee or seek therein any object of desire
but Thee! 

O God, Bless Muhammad and his Household. In it make us attend to the
appointed moments of the five prayers within the bounds Thou hast set so
that nothing will make us ignore them or forget  the obligations Thou hast
decreed, the duties Thou hast assigned, and the times Thou hast specified;
and in the prayers make us alight in the station of the Keepers of their
stations, the guardians of their pillars, their performers in their times,
as Thy servant and Thy messenger set down in his Sunna (Thy servant and Thy
messenger set down in his Household) in their bowings, their prostrations,
and all their excellent acts, with the most complete and ample ritual purity
and the most evident and intense humility! 

Then the Imam attends to the social aspects and says: Give us success in
this month to tighten our bonds of Kin with devotion and gifts, attend to
our neighbors with bestowal and giving, purify our possessions through
paying the alms( for there are those who do not pay the alms except when
they want to perform pilgrimage And all those who do not deliberately pay
the Khoms are thieves who have stolen the money of the orphan, and the

Go back to him who has gone far from us, Treat justly him who has wronged us
make peace with him who shows enmity toward us (accept him who is regarded
as an enemy in Thee and for Thee (Those enemies who fight us because we have
embraced your religion for he is the enemy whom we will not befriend, the
party whom we will not hold dear), and seek nearness to Thee through
blameless works which will purify us from sins and preserve us from renewing
faults, so that none of Thy angels will bring for Thee the kinds of
obedience and sorts of nearness-seeking unless they be less than what we

This is the atmosphere Imam Zein Al-Abideen, wants us to live as we prepare
ourselves to receive this month, expressing the views of his fathers and
that of the prophet (P.b.u.h.&h.f.). Thus, and before we start to think
about what food we have to eat when we break our fast, we have to prepare
ourselves spiritually and morally. We have to be always with the good, the
right and Justice, so as to be with those who obey Allah. 


Welcoming the Ramadan Month, the spring for human spiritual growth, and the
month for reading and contemplating Quran.


Quran and Etrat Internet University

Academic Educations of Islam


"Fall 2009 Registration "

(Quran and Etrat Internet University is offering the courses free of

Please visit our website:  <http://university.etrat.net>

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