From: Mushtaq Ali Farishta
Sent: 05 September 2009 15:08
Subject: 10 Aahadith - Relatives part 2

11- The Reverent Amir (A. S.)            ((Fehrest-e-<WBR>Ghorar, P. 134))
Paving visits to one's own relatives is considered to be one of the greatest 
virtues of noble-minded and honorable people.

12- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.)            ((Osool-e-Kafi, vol. 3, p. 229))
Do visits to your relatives and be kind to your brothers, even with salutation 
and responds to salutation.

13- Imam Mohammad Bagher (A. S.)            ((Osool-e-Kafi, vol. 4, p. 47))
There are three habits that will be punished by all means before death:
1) injustise to others.
2) Not paying visits to one's own relatives.
3) To take a lying oath which opposes God.

14- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.)            ((Osool-e-Kafi, vol.3, p. 224))
We do not acknowledge anything that lasts lifelong except paying visits to ones 
own relative.

15- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.)            ((Behar, vol. 74, p. 133))
Avoid of breaking off relationships, and aware that breaking off relationship 
disappears the great people.

16- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)            
((Sefinatol-<WBR>Behar, vol. 1, p. 514))
The best charity is to be good to a relative who behaves as your enemy.

17- The Honorable Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.)            ((Behar, vol. 74, p. 
The person who breaks off contact with his relatives will never find the way to 

18- Imam Mohammad Bagher (A. S.)            ((Behar, vol. 74, p. 111))
Paying visits to one's own relatives will purify the deed of man and cause the 
increase of wealth and warding off misforutunes, which will delay death and 
ease the count on the resurrection day.

19- Imam Jafar Sadegh (A. S.)            ((Tohafol-Oghool, p. 396))
Paying visits to one's own relatives and attention to public affairs and good 
work will ease the counting of resurrection day and prevents man from 
commission of sins.

20- Imam Sajjad (A. S.)            ((Tohafol-Ogool, p. 286))
Never associate with the one who does'nt visit his relatives, because God has 
cursed him in three places in the Quran.

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