Will you pick up the courage to publish it? (NOT PUBLISHED)
The under-mentioned is a point wise reply to the queries raised is page 6 
OPINION, DAWN Islamabad, 4 September – Letters to the Editor.
a.       Packages and orders are issued on temporary basis for an employed body 
of men by a lawful authority e.g. Ramadan package for an army unit or a bonus 
package for labours of a factory. From the documented facts - the World, UN, 
UNCIP including USA, Govts of Pakistan and India have accorded disputed Gilgit 
Baltistan region of the former State of three provinces, a local authority govt 
at Gilgit; North of the Ceasefire line, responsible for its own defence, 
administrative affairs and it will be just short of international recognition, 
till the final resolution of the dispute. Muzaffarabad has a more or less a 
similar local authority govt, West of the Ceasefire line. Gilgit should also 
enjoy State subject rules, various human and political rights under UN umbrella 
and other perks and privileges of being disputed. We were lied upon and 
deceived at this critical juncture and are being continuously lied upon by all 
the Govts of Pakistan without
 fail. The govt of Pakistan wrote to UN that the asked non local liaison 
officer is the local authority. This package is a hoax and a bluff to 
strengthen the colonial grip over Gilgit Baltistan portion of Bolor i.e. 
Northern Area province of the former State. The govt of Pakistan must apologize 
and mend its ways for the basic lies it presented to the UN and the World i.e. 
a non-local as a local authority, many local authorities instead of one local 
authority govt at Gilgit of 1st November 1947, and the political terminology of 
“Gilgit agency and the Northern areas of Kashmir”, as portrayed on the survey 
of Pakistan maps. To cover up this basic blunder and lies, all the govts of 
Pakistan have been adding insults to the initial injury.
b.      Gilgit Baltistan alongwith Laddakh was the Northern Area province of 
the former State of three provinces i.e. Kashmir province and Jammu province 
beside NA province. It is not the Northern Areas of Pakistan. On 1st November 
1947, Dogra cum English rule in Gilgit was overthrown through a revolution and 
a Govt at Gilgit was formed for the liberated areas of the former State. Most 
likely; the flag of the liberated State prepared at Srinagar by the 
revolutionary council of the State army, was raised at Gilgit on that day and 
then our people went on for a liberation spree of the former State. They on 
their own liberated 65% area of the former State. They were cheated upon and 
the first asked liaison officer of Pakistan connived mischievously with the 
English Major Brown and the Govt of Pakistan bluffed the World and the UN that 
this single person is the local authority govt. How a non local can be a local 
authority govt.
c.       Nobody in the World has been able up-till now to bring even a small 
shred of proof that Gilgit Baltistan acceded with Pakistan. That is why, the 
Govt of Pakistan is shying away from the reference to political context.
d.      Mr Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, engineered the first sectarian onslaught onto 
Gilgit in 1974. He arrested Hassan Khan and denied religious rights to our 
people for atleast three consecutive years and had sown the seeds of sectarian 
divide and rule. He implemented the contents of infamous Gen Yahya’s tenure 
prepared “Secretaries Report”, on Gilgit Baltistan portion of Bolor. Bolor is 
the ancient name of the country consisting of Gilgit Baltistan, Laddakh, 
Taghdumbash Pamir, Gurez, Kohistan, Chitral. This country became the third 
Northern Area province of the Jammu and Kashmir State. The Northern Area 
province should have been named Bolor. It is heartening to note that the 
Chitralis have started protesting to become part and parcel of Gilgit Baltistan 
portion of Bolor. Anyhow, Chitral was part and parcel of Gilgit and was 
temporarily separated after the siege of Chitral. It remained under the 
suzerainty of Maharaja Kashmir and the Mehtar of
 Chitral only denounced Maharaja’s suzerainty after the formation of 1st 
November 1947, govt in Gilgit. The Chitral bodyguards and scouts forthrightly 
came for our help in our indigenous war of liberation 1947-48.
e.       This package and the alternate offered by so called AJK assembly is a 
result of playing with the generally known Kashmir dispute by the intellectuals 
and leaders of Gilgit Baltistan and their comrades of Jammu and Kashmir. We are 
not satisfied at all and our struggle will continue. The Kashmiri nationalist 
leadership should realize that there is a deliberate conspiracy to create 
hatred and distrust between people of Gilgit Baltistan and Jammu Kashmir. 
5th September 2009
f.       After the Gilgit uprising of Jan-feb 1971, in which Mr Amanullah Khan 
of JKLF played a leading role; General Yahya Khan’s govt constituted a 
Secretaries Committee to analyse and submit recommendations for implementation. 
This committee finally recommended in December 1971, that it is desired by the 
establishment of Pakistan that Gilgit Baltistan be made part and parcel of NWFP 
(Pathanistan) but for the time being it cannot be done so; as it is linked with 
the Kashmir dispute. It further stated that no independent political setup can 
be accorded to Gilgit Baltistan in wake of the year’s initial uprising, it 
cannot be made part and parcel of the govt of AJK; as AJK Govt’s authority will 
undesirably spread upto the Chinese border. Thus an indefinite status quo be 
maintained and all possible efforts be made to integrate this area into NWFP. 
Martial law administrator, President and Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto of 
PPP started
 implementing this 1971, chalked out deviation course, under the guise of the 
5th province of Pakistan. The 1971, report is the mother of all evils of Gilgit 
g.      This disorderly order of 29th August 2009, can be conveniently 
described and defined as an illegitimate child, whose father is GHQ and the 
mother is Pakistan Peoples party. This pack of lies and bluffs cannot be even 
described as “Äadha Teetar adha batair ” or “Bhagtay chor ki langoti he sahee”. 
h.      JKLF’s proposal of reunification of Gilgit Baltistan and AK as a 
democratic and a soverign State is worth pondering at. APNA-BJK is requested to 
debate it for chalking on a suitable course of action. 
i.        The 12th Nov 2009, elections in Gilgit Baltistan are at a critical 
point of time in the history of Gilgit Baltistan. Minister cum Chairman cum 
Governor Kaira alongwith elements of GHQ are likely to play havoc. The World 
and all interesting quarters must minutely watch the situation from now onwards 
in Gilgit Baltistan. 
j.        The govt of Pakistan wants to politically divide the people of Gilgit 
Baltistan on sectarian lines for and against this pack of lies. They also want 
to enhance mutual distrust between the people of Gilgit and Baltistan in the 
measure of already setup separate commissionaires, as stated by Mr Kaira to the 
Kashmiri leaders in Ministry of Kashmir and Northern Area briefing. 

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