Written by Sister Sana Fatemeh

Blogger at www.husainiyouths.com

Islamic Republic and its stand:

Before starting any discussion, I motivate myself to keep strong faith
in Allah (SWT), His messengers & Holy Imams, Holy Quraan and all other
books which He (SWT) revealed on His beloved Prophets(S) and invite
other members to the same path of salvation.

I believe that Allah (SWT) has sent Messengers so as to guide us on
the right path and implement the law, which Allah (SWT) has sent down
to us in various books through His Messengers. He (SWT) made all the
arrangements so as to show us the way which will lead us to live
happily here in this world as well as here after.

These laws will automatically make ways easy for believers while at
the same time, it will attract others towards it so as to accept the
right ideology. On contrary, enemy of these laws will feel the heat of
its truth and start joining their camp to confront it in any way or
the other. In every era, Allah has sent down His Hadi (Guide), either
in form of Prophet or Imam (Successor to the prophet) so as to show
the divine path of its follower.

After the Ghaibah (Occultation) of Imam Mehdi (ATFS), our beloved
Imam, the duty of guiding and leadership has been transferred to
Olemas (Scholars) of our community, who in return fulfilled their
duties even by giving their blood. We have numerous examples for this.
For example, Shaheed e Awwal, Shaeed e Thani, Shaeed e Salis,
Ayatullah Dast Ghaib Shirazi, Ayatullah Mutahhari, etc. These scholars
have worked for propagation and protection of faith and ideology so as
to pass on the real message of Islam to generations. And as these were
busy in propagating right, they were throne in the eyes of enemies of
Islam, hence those who were on wrong path have either been martyred or
imprisoned or sent to refugee. Also to stop the real message of Islam,
which these scholars were propagating, enemies created fake olemas,
fake channels of faith and ideologies so as to confuse believers. It
was common practice of enemies to always make things turbulent so as
to minimize its acceptance. But Allah is best of the Guides and He
always helps those who help His religion. And hence the message of
Islam is in front of us in its purest form even after lots of tactics,
attacks and bloodshed by its enemies.

I also invite all the human race to study the constitution of Islamic
Republic which has been implemented by Imam Khomeini (RA) after
Islamic Revolution in 1979, according to which, Islamic Republic will
make its strategy, tie ups and decisions according to the Holy laws of
Islam. On this point, I first of all make my stand clear that sole
decision of making Iran an Islamic Republic is not for making life
luxurious, reduced the rates of commodities, make its presence feel in
Arab countries, etc. rather the main reason of Islamic Revolution is
to implement the laws of Allah on the section of the earth so that we
can spread it in later stage, which is also known as “Export of
Islamic Revolution” (Sudur –e- Enghelaab).

Now coming to the topic of discussion, let’s try to analyze and solve
the points put forward by few members on this forum.

1) Comparing the present Iran v West issue to the one between the Holy
Imam (a.s.) and Moawiya is not correct. The reasons for this are that
the Infalliable Imams always act on the Commandments of Almighty Allah
and they stand to safeguard the religion.

As far as stand of Islamic Republic is concerned, as discussed above,
it is written in its fundamental constitution that Iran will never
stand for any benefit or will never oppose anyone (person or country
or ideology) until and unless they are ordered by Quraan or traditions
from Holy Prophet (S) and Holy Imams (AS).

All of us know that Imams were infallible and were always following
commandments of Almighty Allah, Olemas of Islamic Republic, who are
although not Infallible but they are following the same path which is
shown by our Imams and thus opposing enemy of Islam and implementing
the law of Allah on this earth contrary to following their own
personal desires. We have innumerable examples from the life of Imam
Khomeini and other scholars which shows their level of faith in Allah.
Although, all this need us to believe that Islamic Republic of Iran is
actually based on concepts of Islam and our scholars are actually
following the right path shown by Allah (SWT) and His Messenger (S).

Considering that all the members over here agrees to it, as Holy Imams
fought in the way of Allah whenever the conditions were favorable and
when the conditions were not favorable, they opt for other way of
propagation so as to make sure that the law of Allah will get
implement in coming time, our scholars are also trying their level
best to confront the enemy of Islam as conditions are very much
favorable right now.

As far as Islamic Republic is concerned, Imam Khomeini (RA) explained
in his first sermon after returning from Paris in Tehran that remember
that this revolution is of Oppressed and we will always support all
the oppressed in this world in any possible way and the most oppressed
people today are the people of Palestine and we will support them and
will oppose the Zionist entity.

On this announcement, majority of western countries has withdrawn
their support from Islamic republic and imposed eight years long Iran
Iraq war on it. Even in this situation, Allah helped Islamic republic
and the result is in front of us.
My dear brothers and sisters, please keep in mind that entity of
Islamic Republic is nothing but a pure Islamic country based on Quraan
and traditions from Ahlul Bait (AS), although they don’t claim that
they have achieved it to its maximum, but they say that we are in a
constant process to make Iran an Islamic Republic. Therefore the first
statement of constitution of Islamic Republic is that, “the Islamic
Republic is actually a small work of helpers of Imam of our time and
is working in occultation of our Imam, we will surrender all the
rules, laws and constitution to our Imam once He will return from
occultation (Extract, not exact words).

This makes clear that stand of Islamic Republic is actually through
Ijtihad of all the mujtahids who are there in council of guardian and
we have to consider all these mujtahids as Aadil (Just) otherwise all
our ebadat (worship) will go vain. As we believe that these Mujtahids
are Just and are guiding us in occultation of our beloved Imam, we
have to accept that current stand of Islamic Republic against world’s
power is not a wrong stand.

2) The present Iran issue is a diplomatic stand-off, which looks like
it's a religious war but in reality it's not a religious war. It's
more of a propaganda war between two opposite media power-houses. It's
a diplomatic stand-off between two extreme ideologies. On one hand we
have the West which wants to deny Iran it's fundamental right to
develop nuclear weapons for protection of its territorial integrity.
On the other hand, we hear rhetoric from Iranian media which wants
Israel to be wiped off from the map of the world.

>From above discussion, it is clear that the existence of Islamic
Republic is all on religious ground and its nothing to do with any
other kind of stand, It is agreed that this war is propaganda war,
then there is no harm in showing our stand and according to norms of
propaganda war, the more stable and strong whose stand is.. he will be
considered as winner. Although this stand will come cost us lots of
psychological pressure and burden and on this even point, Allah helps
us through His Holy Book, Al-Quraan:


Those who strive hard in our way, surely we will guide them.


61: 2-3: Surely most favorite group among you in front of Allah is one
who stand steadfast in His way like a wall of Metal.

Now, if we do believe in verses, then we can proceed with discussion
ahead, otherwise we have to think again on our faith as we have first
accepted Islam and agreed to its terms and conditions.

Iran’s comments on wiping of Israel from the face of world doesn’t
means that Iran wants to kill all six million people living over
there, rather it actually means that Islamic Republic will strive for
the freedom of complete Palestinian lands, which actually means
removal of Israel and converting it to Palestine. After that it will
be duty of Palestinians and Jews to settle their matter of peaceful
living but all that will be in country of Palestine, not the current
Israel (occupied Palestine).
This is also a kind of diplomatic stand as we totally don’t agree with
the existence of Israel, how come a responsible country will ignore
the rights of oppressed Palestinians and accept the oppressor, Israel?

3) Iran needs these weapons to safeguard itself from the treacherous
Arabs, rather than from Israel. Iran wants to use the nukes as a
defense mechanism and it has no aggressive intent to destroy Israel.
The US dollar fed Arabs are a bigger threat than Israel because they
have evil motives to wipe out the only remaining Shia power center in
the world.

It is well known among everyone that Islamic Republic promotes the
thinking of “Unity among Muslims” and its stand is never hypocrite. If
we think that Islamic Republic consider its Arab neighbor as its
enemy, then the unity statement will be a kind of hypocrite stand.
Although, it is agreed that Islamic Republic never agreed on the
legitimacy of Arab Rulers and always opt for implementation of pure
Islamic laws in these countries.

As discussed above, enemy of Islam will try in every way or the other
to disconnect the relations of Islamic Republic with other world and
make their stand turbulent in common masses, they are also trying to
portray that Arab nations doesn’t agree with the existence of
Government of Faqih (A Shia government) in Iran and hence they dis-
associate themselves from any kind of tie up with any Shia Regime.
This is also a kind of Psychological warfare by the enemy of Islam. At
this point of time, we need to be smart and judge the policy of enemy
smartly and I hope that all our capable members are very well versed
with all these stands of Islamic Republic.

Here is comment from Arab League chief, Amr Musa, who says that Iran
is entitled using nuclear energy:


This shows that Arab don’t consider Iran as its enemy rather we all
believe that we all are brother in faith.

4) The predictions for a war breaking out in near future are baseless.
The American economy is in such bad state that they cannot even dream
of starting a war, let alone fighting a war.

As it is very well said by brother that the predictions of war are
baseless, then the question posed by Brother Mustafa is answered in
itself. He is worried about the future of Iran in case there is a war.
So Brother Mustafa, just calm down, nothing will happen to Islamic

5) We, as common people know only what the two rival government-
controlled media let us know. Who knows there may be diplomatic
dialogues already taking place between the two warring camps? Only
time will tell but we need not worry, Allah is with us.

As we agreed that the government of Iran is actually a Islamic
Government and its stand is actually a JUST stand which is always in
favor of Oppressed and against Oppression, we have to believe that the
media controlled by Islamic Republic is not a liar as the media
controlled by enemy is.

Surely Allah is with those who are with truth.

I know, this post is really a longer one but I think, to answer the
queries, this post will help a bit.

I know I am not capable enough to answer to all queries put forward by
our esteemed and learned members, but this is just a try from my side
so as to make stand of Islamic Republic clear to everyone of us. I
also apologize to our esteemed members, in case I have hurt feelings
of anyone in my posting.

I pray to Allah (SWT) to give us acceptance of truth and respect for
each other and solve our disputes so that we all can accept truth in
its purest form.

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