An article for Osama Anwar Okasha in (sons of adultery, how they became
princes of the Muslims)


"It's no coincidence that conflict starts in ignorance between Ulloa honor
of the Arabs such as Banu Hashim and Makhzoom, Zahra and others, and among
those known Baalar and adultery, such as Bani Abd Shams and Salool and Havel
and the spread of this conflict until after the entry of all the Arabs of
It was not coincidence that most of the Umayyad joined up were those with a
history of adultery and prostitution, these professions are inherited hatred
and hatred for each of the Ithaly chastity and purity, in addition to it for
modesty Atbaki for chastity and it goes through the open treachery and sin
.. To see some Maangb prostitution:
1 - Dove or the wife of Abu Sufyan Ibn war illiteracy bin Abdul-Shams, a
grandmother, Yazid, had been a prostitute in her banner of ignorance.
2 - blue Bint Wahab, one of the prostitutes and those with days of ignorance
and the media dubbed the intensity of Zarqa blackness blue italics and less
prostitutes taxi, known as the sons of sons of blue, the wife of Abu al-Aas
ibn illiterate, or Hakam ibn Abi Al-Aas (the Prophet expelled from the
city), Jeddah Marwan Bin governance, it is said that Imam Hussein (RIP)
response to the Messenger of Marwan ibn al-Hakam said, "Blue يابن calling
for the same market Okaz."
3 - Amna Bint Alqamah bin Safwan Umm Marwan ibn al-Hakam Jeddah Abdul Malik
bin Marwan, and prostitution were practiced secretly with Abu Sufyan ibn
al-Harith bin Caldp .. This Marwan is brought in after the birth to the
Messenger of Allah (PBUH) the Prophet said, "dragged me this son of
salamanders salamanders cursed son of the cursed" This is what the Apostle
Inh became emir of the believers ...!!!!!
4 - Salma Bint Harmalah genius was famous for prostitution and those who
were public information, a mother of Amr ibn al-Aas ibn Wail was a nation of
Abdullah ibn Jad'aan Vaatgaha fell in one day Abu flame bin Abd al-Muttalib
ibn Khalaf, illiteracy and Hisham bin invasive Makhzoumi and Abu Sufyan bin
Harb bin Aas Wael stock, was born Amr, Vadeah all but wrought Baas bin Wael
because he was spent on it.
I will show you that Amr ibn al-Aas ((son of a bitch))
After this introduction we begin Bbasm of God the Merciful
Almighty God said: --
In the name of God the Merciful
((Abstaining from ascribing partners to Him that is ÔÇäÆß tailless))
<<<<<<<<<<< The ÔÇäÆß is tailless>>>>
This verse was revealed when he died was born the Prophet Ibrahim or
Went the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and his family for burial
when he had seen al-As Ibn Wail equity laughed and said ((The Mohammed
disabled ))!!!
Ie it does not have to break atomic Nestle
Vtdaig the Messenger of Allah may Allah bless him and his family often
ejaculates Allaah be upon him
<<The ÔÇäÆß is tailless>>
Means that the enemy is tailless and you're not, O Muhammad, because I made
the descendants of your daughter Fatima Zahra no peace.
This is not denied by the Sunnis and the group's exegesis of the Koran
Here is an example:
In the interpretation of al-Tabari & nAya = 3 & taf =
TABARY & tashkeel = 0
The ÔÇäÆß is tailless
And he said: (The) ÔÇäÆß is tailless he meant glorified and exalted: (The)
ÔÇäÆß The Mbgdk Mohammed, and your enemy is tailless () means Balopetr:
least Alozl Supply is eliminated, which is not after him. The scholars
differed concerning the interpretation on that, he said some of them: me by
Wael al-Aas ibn equity. Said who said it: 29553 - Ali told me, he said: 节
Abu Saleh, said: bend Muawiyah, Ali, Ibn Abbas, saying: (The) ÔÇäÆß tailless
is to say: your enemy. 29,554 - told me Mohammed bin Saad, said: bend my
father, said: bend my uncle, said: bend my father, from his father, from Ibn
Abbas, saying: (The) ÔÇäÆß is tailless said: It is al-As Ibn Wail .......
etc. ............
In the interpretation of Ibn Katheer 8 & nAya = 3
ÔÇäÆß is tailless
Says "The ÔÇäÆß is tailless," meaning that Mbgdk Mohammed, and repugnant to
come by the guidance and the right and the proof of bright light is given,
tailless least Alozl Supply said Ibn Abbas, Mujahid, Said ibn Jubayr, Qatada
revealed in Wael al-Aas ibn Muhammad ibn Yazid ibn Ishaq Roman said: The
Al-Aas ibn Wail If The Messenger of God peace be upon him an invitation, it
says a man is not disabled after he died, if said lost Then Allaah revealed
this Sura
.......................................... Etc.
In the interpretation of Jalalayn 08 & nAya = 3
That al-As Ibn Wail equity and disabled children have no offspring and never
from God was confirmed by the Koran and sentenced to <<The ÔÇäÆß is
The ÔÇäÆß is tailless
"The ÔÇäÆß" any Mbgdk "is tailless" Supply of all the best, uninterrupted or
heel, descended in Asi bin Wail and called the Prophet peace be upon him
disabled when the death of his son Qasim.
______________________ Enough of explanations ..
So how can the wayward son of Amr bin Wael equity and God says that Aas has
no children and is disabled ??!!!
If for sure that Amr was the son of weight, which is not open at all .. Aas
If it is his mother?? Is weighed by an adulteress.
See the unique contract 1 164
Masoudi Meadows of Gold 2 120
Biography Aleppo 312
God's peace be upon you, O faithful to you, you are the subject of Arab boys
ratified O Messenger of Allah ((Ya do not Ibgdk only son of a bitch)).
5 - Sumaya Bint inactivated Nubian women with prostitutes, one of the media
and the nation of Harith bin Caldp and attributed her children, including
visits to her husband Ziad Obeid bin Abi Sarh Thaqafi is said Ziad Bin
Obeid, once said to Ibn Ziyad toxic and once his father's son, Ziad, even
Astelhakh Maaouya that witnesses were brought to Abu Sufian had a toxic
effect under Obaid bin Abi Sarh, and after nine months and born a boy they
called Ziad. No Estelhakh Maaouya love and dignity, but because his father,
Ziad Bin Ali was working as a prophet (RIP) Fares and Ahvaz Farad bribe him.

Prostitution and continue to produce men of the underworld be masters of the
6 - Nov. Mirjana girl a nation of Abdul Rahman bin Hassan bin Thabit was a
serial killer She added many of the men, including his father sold her son
Ziad Abdul Rahman, a holder of adultery, was born slaves and slaves are
slaves of God's son, Mirjana did not know a father, Ziad, Fastdaihama
Astelhakhma it. Was the slaves and to Sajistan time Mu'awiya and Abdullah
Ibn Ziad, and ruler of Basra, where it appears that the Arab nation has been
free of supervision for ordained in such positions, leaving only the
children of adultery, but birds of a feather flock a man with Kamaaoip can
not use a man of virtue. After being Obaidullah Ibn Ziad and ruler of Basra
and the time of Muawiyah lah over Kufa, where a killer of Imam Hussein (RIP)
grandson of the Prophet of the nation, which he addressed Imam Ibn Baldei
It was said to Hasan al-Basri: O Abu Sa'id was killed Husayn ibn Ali,
crying, even shiver Jnebah then said (and for the nation Azlah Deiha killed
the son of son of the daughter prophet) ..
7 - Qtam girl Altimip shipment was famous for prostitution in public in Kufa
and had an old pimp named Lubaabah is the medium between them and the
customers, the shipment of her father and her brother Uday bin bin Hanadzlah
shipment of outsiders and were killed together in battle Nahrawan, becoming
rancor eats her heart for this requested by Abdul Rahman Ibn mg when it came
to her that guarantee them the killing of the prophet (RIP) and believe
three thousand dirhams, and Ghulam and ongoing Galil not cured this whore
when I heard the death of Imam Ibn mg deaths also sent this to Egypt from
Wuxi, a group of Alevis there at the Governor Amr Ibn Al-Aas son of a
prostitute Salma Bint Harmalah, and these group Khawla bint Abdullah,
Abdullah, Saeed sons of Amr bin Abi Rehab.
8 - Ndilp girl names canine, the wife Rabia ibn Abd Shams, a mother
threshold and gray hair who were killed the day of Badr. Isfahani states in
writing songs that illiteracy bin Abdul sun came one night to his brother
Dar Rabia Fajtly did not find his brother's wife and realities. Conceived
from the threshold.
The story goes that this illiteracy went to Sham and adultery with a Jewish
Bamp bore him a son called Dhakwaan surnamed Abu Amr, and brought him to
Mecca, he called his slave, even if large Astelhakh and frees him, and then
with his wife Wife SAHBA, Ibn Abi al-Hadid that illiteracy did in his life
did not do One of the Arabs, the husband of his son Abu Amr in his life, his
wife bore him a father, a grandfather Meit Alwaleed bin bin Abi Meit
obstacle which lah Osman Kufa, where he was taking him to sleep after
spending the night in drinking alcohol and did not wake up for Fajr prayer
.. So they and leaders of the Muslims!!!!
Obstacle is told that bin Abi Meit captured by Muslims as the day of Badr
the Prophet is (r) to kill him, "O Allah Muhammad ie, the hypocrites and the
uterus, said the Prophet of what you are and that you are only one son of a
Jew from the people of Sepphoris.
9 - Hind bint threshold has been known for prostitution in ignorance is the
secret wife of Abu Sufyan, and her son, Muawiya attributed to four people is
Abu Sufyan, passengers bin Amr bin Abi illiteracy, Ben Amara Walid
Ben-invasive, Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib, and the morning of the slave singer
Walid Ben Amara .
Told that the Prophet (RIP) said in his book to Mu'awiya (.. As for you
saying we are the children of Abd Manaf is not preferred to each other on
some ... .. but so too we are not migrant Ktliq not explicit Kalchiq ...),
An obvious reference Glue assets Maaouya Abdul Manaf.
10 - Mason girl canine controversy is the mother of Yazid, the evil comes
secretly with a slave to her father and took him Bezid, The story goes that
whoever Maaouya He sent Mason to their owners after a period of Mecca and
returned to Syria, and if she pregnant ....!!!! He said more forward-Hassan
(RIP) (Hassan, I Abgdk), said forward (because your father the devil took
when he saw Sauer also Almaian). "Mohammad Baqir (RIP) (killer Yahya bin
Zakaria and son of a bitch who killed Hussain son of Ali son of a bitch does
not kill the prophets and guardians, but the sons of prostitutes).
11 - Amna Alqamah is the mother of Safwan ibn Marwan ibn al-Hakam was
practiced adultery with Marwan Abi Sufyan was born. Asaker son out of the
way of Muhammad Qurazi said (The Messenger of God and the rule was born, but
the righteous are few), said Aisha (RIP), Marwan (cursed God your Father and
you are in a solid, you are some of the curse of Allah and then said the
tree cursed in the Koran).
These are the men who founded the Islamic State, it is not surprising to see
the blood stain all the papers of our history!!

‏عن ‏ ‏البراء بن عازب ‏ ‏قال ‏
‏كنا مع رسول الله ‏ ‏صلى الله عليه وسلم ‏ ‏في سفر فنزلنا بغدير خم فصلى الظهر
وأخذ بيد ‏ ‏علي ‏ ‏رضي الله تعالى عنه ‏ ‏فقال ألستم تعلمون أني أولى
بالمؤمنين من أنفسهم قالوا بلى قال ألستم تعلمون أني أولى بكل مؤمن من نفسه
قالوا بلى قال فأخذ بيد ‏ ‏علي ‏ ‏فقال‏ مَنْ كُنْتُ مَوْلَاهُ ‏ ‏فَعَلِيٌّ ‏
‏مَوْلَاهُ اللهم وال من والاه وعاد من عاداه ‏
‏قال ‏ ‏فلقيه ‏ ‏عمر ‏ ‏بعد ذلك فقال ‏هنيئا يا ‏ابن أبي طالب ‏أَصْبَحْتَ
وَأَمْسَيْتَ مَوْلَى كُلِّ مُؤْمِنٍ وَمُؤْمِنَةٍ

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