Violated the law of Allah and His Messenger if it is approved Raafidis
Hama and few of the many different from the God and His Messenger Defiance
It is recognized that contrary to the rational human enemy in things that do
not meet with the teachings of his religion, and contrary to its principles,
and contrary to his beliefs.

However, it is shameful to the wise as well as scientists to give up rights
on the teachings of his religion and its principles and beliefs on the
grounds that his opponent worked.

If we assume: that the Jews Qldona in our prayers, and pray they have taken
them, do we give up on prayer?! Absolutely not.
Even if we assume: that the hijab has become fashionable in Western, does
that mean to abandon the veil?! Also does not, but this is not possible.

What Stqrwouna on this page is a matter of astonishment, and surprising and
What Stqrwouna reveal to you how much the followers of Abu Bakr and Omar
teachings of the Prophet (r).
Will read what is on this page shows you the reason Chwiahm Raafidis
followers of Muhammad and Mohammad (PBUH).

Different from that of the Prophet agreed Raafidis!!
Read and wonder
* Subject of the offense:
Zamakhshari said in Searchlight: measurement is permissible to pray every
believer on him (he who prays to you) and verse (and praying that they
arrived homeless) and saying (r): O Allah, bless Abu Al-fully. But
scientists in detail, and that is that if it was for tobacco Kcolk: (may
Allah bless the Prophet and his family) do not decide, but if someone else
who is singled out House prayer is singled out as makrooh, because it has
become a slogan for The Messenger of Allah (r), And because it leads to a
charge rejected
* Scout 3 / 246 in the interpretation of the verse (Allah and His angels
send blessings on the Prophet) Al-Ahzab, verse 56
The workbook, a book of guidance from the Hanafi: The project is wearing
rings on the right, but to those of the Shiites are usually made wearing
rings on the left
* On the right path 2 / 510. And the Platform for dignity, p. 108. The
authors Ghadeer 10/210
A keeper of the Iraqi party to show how wearing the turban: Is the project
Irkhawh from the left side as is usual, or right to honor? I have not seen
evidence of the appointment of the right only in recent
  Weak when Tabaraani, and an assessment might have been proven Irkhiha from
the right side, and then return it to the left side as some do, but it has
become the slogan front should be avoided to leave to imitate them

Abdullah said the Moroccan al-Maliki in his book (the teacher of the
benefits of a Muslim): The large Zaid fifths of the funeral, he said: The
Messenger of Allah (r) older than she. This doctrine is now up, because it
made him to say rejection
* On the right path
At the ticket: he Shafi'i, and Ahmad and Governance: Answering the first of
washing, because it is contrary Shi'ite
* Mark and held Alliali the virtue of months and days and nights, by Shaykh
Shihab al-Din Ahmad ibn Abi Bakr al-Hamwi, son of the famous painter (book
Ghadeer 10/211). Hama was born in 773 AH, the Crown then spend spend Hama,
Aleppo and died in 844 AH almost a translation in the gold nuggets 7 / 252,
light bright 1 / 249 and the Dictionary of Authors 1 / 174
* Spirit of the 4 / 142 (for a book Ghadeer 10/211).

  Flattening of the tomb and Tsnimh
  Muhammad ibn Abd al-Rahman of Damascus in his book (the mercy of the
nation in different imams): trivialization year in the grave, which is the
first of Altsnim to the correct view of the doctrine of El-Shafei, said the
three [Abu Hanifa, Malik and Ahmad]: Altsnim first, because the flatness has
become one of the rituals Shiites
Said to them, to Hafezhm Mohieddin Dainuri in total [5 / 297]: "Flattening
the best, a text-Shafei in the mother and owner Muzani Lübbe companions cut
the public and groups of applicants are in arrears and Mawardi Alforani and
Baghawi and creatures, and the remaining classed either as corrected by the

He said to them, to Hafezhm Abdul Karim Al-Rafii open Aziz [5 / 229]: "Then
the best in the form of a tomb or trivialization Altsnim doctrine that
apparent flatness better ... to us (our guide) that the Prophet (r) (the
surface of the tomb of his son Ibrahim), and Qasim ibn Muhammad said: (I saw
the grave of the Prophet (PBUH) and Abu Bakr and Omar flat). "

Muhammad ibn al-Sherbini in Muhtaaj [1 / 353]: "(and correct) set (the first
of Tstiha Tsnimh) Narrated by Abu Dawood with a right."

* Corresponding to the Prophet (r) have:

As I've seen and read that corresponding to what the Prophet (r) of the
trivialization is without a doubt, no doubt, but stated the superiority.

* Breaking the Prophet (r):

As Raafidis and his family followed the example of the Prophet (r), they
committed themselves to mustahabb flattening the grave, and superiority.

When he saw that the followers of Abu Bakr and Umar said: Altsnim better
because of the flatness flatness became the emblem of rashidpoor!!!

Said imam Ibn Abi Hurayrah: "The best is to reverse the flatness of the
trivialization Altsnim that became the emblem of virtual heretics."

He said to them, to Mvsarham Tabari: "the first in our time that Isnm,
because the flatness of the slogan Shiites."

He said to them, to Hafezhm Ghazali: "Then Altsnim better than the flatness
Raafidis contrary to the slogan." [Open-Aziz 5 / 223]

He said to them, to Hafezhm Mohieddin Dainuri in total [5 / 297]: "Among
those who favored Altsnim Kherasanyen of Sheikh Abu Muhammad al-Ghazali and
Jouini, Alruyany and Fern claimed Qazi Hussain mates ... agreement," said
Abu Hanifa, and Ahmad Revolutionary Altsnim better. "
  Ibn Taymiyah said: If it is desirable to do evil outweighs did not insist
desirable, it is here Gone are many scholars to leave some mustahabb of
becoming their motto, it is characterized by the Sunni Alravdi and the
interest of excellence for abandoning them and violating the interest of
this is greater than desirable, and this who went by the needs in some
places if it is in mixing and suspicion of evil outweighs the interest to do
so would be desirable
Look at them how they declare themselves violate the Prophet (r), because
they follow the Raafidis (r).

  God .. Earthquake thrones oppressors
And take them openly, and suddenly, and Okhozhm in the garment, and curse
them in your country
Any employer ..!
Is darker and you Mtiq to pay me?

ابذو الفقارك يا علي تحمي جارك يا علي

.أحد مشائخ الوهابية يصرخ " ياعباد الله أنقذوا السنة  السنة تشيعوا ...

( إن مذهبا يثبت نفسه من كتب خصمه أحق بأن يتبع ، وأن مذهبا يحتج عليه بما في
كتبه فيلجأ للتأويل والتحوير أحق بأن يجتنب عنه )

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