Not Giving the Rights of the People – 
A Barrier for the Acceptance of Good Deeds 
Seventh Tradition 
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said: 
“I have been commanded by Allah to warn my people and say, ‘Do
not go from one mosque to another while someones rights are upon you. If such a
person stands up for prayers in that condition, I send my curses upon him till
he restores the rights to its owner.”              (Iddatud-Dai page 236)
Eighth Tradition 
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said, 
“There is an angel of Allah who raises the call every night from
‘Baitul Muqaddas’: “Whoever partakes of the prohibited things, Allah does not
accept any of his deeds be they obligatory or recommended.” 

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