God curse Yazeed ibn Mu'aawiyah and Ewalih of their books

 Peace and mercy of God be upon you
  Imami that do not condemn (as stated by the expression) of insulting and
cursing Yazid to kill Al-Hussein (peace be upon him), without argument or
evidence considerable, killing more of Hussain (peace be upon him) fixed
frequent Ktwatr names of the cities in the world, everyone knows of numerous
books He said in this aspect, does not exonerate the arena more than not
starting the killing, he attributed it to the commander, but did not proceed
as in meaning: (O Haman son of a monument to me) (Mu'min: 36).
  Here are the texts of some of the first edifice of Sunni scholars that
Esida ordered the killing of Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) and then you
recite the texts of some of kufr and told them to be with him, then from the
correct version of the infallible Imams (peace be upon them) in this aspect.

Is more than taking a pledge of Al-Hussein (peace be upon him), taking
seriously not permit it: Al-Tabari said in his career (4 / 250): ((not to
increase while discouraging guardian only Alinver who refuse allegiance to
Yazid, when he called people to the oath of allegiance and that the Crown and
after his completion of the guardians, he wrote in the newspaper to the
newborn mouse as authorized: After femoral Hasina and Sheikh Abdullah ibn
Umar and Abdullah bin Zubair Baia taking seriously is not a license to
Evalawa and peace)) quote.
  Suyuti said in (History of the Caliphs, p. 207): ((and sent the people of
Iraq to Al-Hussein of the Apostles and books they call them, went from Mecca
to Iraq in ten of the argument, along with a range from among his men and
women and boys. Wrote to him over Iraq, Obeid-Allah ibn Ziyad Baktale, he
drew the army four thousand, they Omar bin Saad bin Abi Waqas ...)) quote.
  The algorithm al-Hanafi said in his (Hussein's death was 1 / 180) that had
ordered more than slaves of God in his previous killing of Hussein, and even
kill all who did not pay allegiance to those mentioned previously, the word
given to you: ((then wrote a small newspaper like a mouse ear: (( Having
said that, subfractions Hussein and Abdullah bin Omar and Abdel-Rahman ibn
Abi Bakr Abdullah ibn al-Zubayr Baia taking violent when a license is not,
it is my father you are and strike his neck and send to head, and peace)).
  The air in the Ibn Ibn Abbas's message to increase after the killing of
Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) and requested the increase to be tested after
the failure of its proximity to Ibn Abbas, Ibn al-Zubayr on the pledge of
allegiance: ((The book came to me after the loss of allegiance As for Turki
Ibn al-Zubayr Fu God, what I do not pools I glorify, but God knows and that
which I intend that you are not with people claiming land rights Vohabs O
pools Habis you me, I asked to land and people love you and Obgdahm Okzlhm
and Ibn al-Zubayr, and there is no pleasure and no dignity How Hasina was
killed and boys Lamps Huda Abd al-Muttalib and media stars Gadrthm Ckheolk
insure in Upper one readmitted blood Mslobin Baera dead Bazme not Mkvnin not
Msoden Zvi they wind their Wenzhe Battah stopped allowing God to a people
have not been involved in blood Kvnohm Ojnohm and lobby them if promoted and
who sat sat Cilsk what you do not forget things with people Ataradk Hasina
of the wife of the Messenger of Allah to the campus God Tsjerk horses to
this so I am still Ochksth to Iraq came out scared watching thy horses came
down the enmity you to God and His Messenger and his family who go their
abomination of God and washed cleansing and asked you Moadep Solkm
irreversibility Vagtinemtem few supporters and the eradication of his family
and you cooperated you kill him like you are people of the house of the
Turk, and kufr , nothing impressed me of your students have been killed by
friendly father was born and the sword and blood dripping from you one of
Thari not you like that conquered us today Flanzfrn your day of peace))
quote. (Full of history: 3 / 466 and 467).
He told more than killing of Hussain (peace be upon him) the people closest
to his son Yazid, a Maaouya!
  Ibn Hajar al-Makki in (lightening of the Holocaust, p. 134): (the crown of
Muawiya ibn Yazid went to the podium and said: "This succession rope of God,
and my grandfather Muawiyah and his family contended it is right to do it
from Ali ibn Abi Talib, and rode to you what you know, so he came up his
death is in his grave became dependent on Bznoppe, and then imitated my
father and it was not deserved, and the son of the daughter contested the
Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) bombing of age and Anpetr heel and
became dependent on Bznoppe in his grave, and then cried and said: "One of
the greatest things we know we killed bad and evil overturned, was killed
strain Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), and permitted alcohol, and
ruined the Kaaba ...). End quote.
The two scourges of the people of Kafr el-year increase and passport for
him, we say to you:
 Had ruled all of the tribe and Ibn al-Qadi Abu Yala and Taftazani and
dignity, Suyooti and other flags of the old Sunni and the permissibility of
Kafr over to him.
Yafei said: (The ruling to kill Hussein, or the order to kill him, who is an
infidel that Asthal) (fragments of gold / son of Brigadier-Hanbali: 1 / 68).

The Taftazani in (explain psychological doctrines): (The right to
satisfaction of killing more than Hussein, and Astbasharh so, and humiliated
in the household of the Prophet, which means the frequency, the curse of
Allaah be upon him, and his supporters and his aides) Ibid.
Al-Dhahabi said: (it was rude Nasiba thick, deals with schnapps and do evil,
opened the state to kill Hussein, and stamped Boukap free) Ibid.
Ibn Katheer said: (to increase the imam evildoer ...) (Start: 8 / 223).
Masoudi said: (and to bring people together more than Gore, workers, and
their uncle emerged from the injustice and immoral and kill son daughter of
the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and his followers and showed from
drinking alcohol, biography biography of Pharaoh, but Pharaoh was more
equitable than in the flock, and equitable to him his own have comes out and
the people of the city worker in them, which Uthman ibn Muhammad ibn Abi
Sufyan) (Meadows of Gold: 3 / 82).
Narrated that Abdullah bin washing Hanadzlah said: (God we were out on
increasing, so were afraid to throw stones from the sky, he is a man marry
the mothers of boys and girls, sisters, and drink wine and let the prayer)
(Full: 3 / 310 The History of the Caliphs: 165).
This has been designated as Abu al-Faraj Ibn al-Faqih al-Hanbali famous book
in the response to prevent more than cursed and called it (a reply to
stubborn bigot).
Finally, you mention some sources said over the Sunni and Jouret is kaafir
and coconut for him:
  1 - The date-Tabari: 3 / 13 and 6 / 267, 7 / 11, 10/60 and 11/538.
  2 - Platform for Year: 2 / 253.
  3 - Leading and Politics: 1 / 155.
  4 - major characteristics: 2 / 236.
  5 - to clear the heavens in the margin of Lightning: 64.
  6 - The spirit of the meanings Alusi: 26/73.
  7 - the beginning and the end of Ibn Katheer: 8 / 265.
  8 - the golden history of Islam: 2 / 356.
  9 - Full Ibn air: 3 / 47.
  10 - Ibn Kathir Date: 6 / 234, 8 / 22.
  11 - Yacoubi Date: 6 / 251.
  12 - History of the Caliphs of resettlement: 209.
  13 - Join Thursday: 2 / 302.
  14 - Meadows of Gold for Massoudi: 3 / 71.
  15 - News of the sleepless Deanori: 65.
  16 - nuggets of gold for the son of Brigadier-Hanbali: 1 / 168.
  17 - Baari: 13/70.
  18 - Messages Ibn Hazm: 2 / 140.
  19 - Lion of the forest: 3 / 243.
  As requested by the correct version of the infallible, which demonstrate
that more than ordering the murder of Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) and the
killing was attributed to increasing this Allhaz:
 Narrated Kulayni bail true for e-Ibn Muawiyah said: ((I heard Abu Jafar
al-Baqir peace be upon him say: Yazid entered the city and he wants the
Hajj, sent me to a man from Quraish said to him, more than Votah: Abdul Otqr
me you me, the I will sell you want or if you wish Astrgitk man said to him:
I swear, more than what you are most generous in the Quraish Hspa me and
your father was better than my father in ignorance and Islam, and you best
me in my religion and the news of how you acknowledged what I asked? said to
him, more: if recognizes me and God will kill you, man said to him: You do
not kill you, kill me the greatest of Husayn ibn Ali (peace be upon them)
the son of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and his family and him)
ordered that it be Vagaftl)). (Adequate 8 / 235).
  This is an authentic version, which was mentioned by infallible (peace be
upon him) did not comment on the listed some of its content, but her leg in
a position to review the grievances of the people of Bayt (peace be upon
them), emphasizes mind (peace be upon him) more than that is a
killer-Hussein (peace be upon him) which is seen a written letter sent to
Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad as Algorithm Hanafi said in his book (Hussein's death)
as above, and also told him of Yacoubi in history (2 / 215), and is also
supported by the Tsama household over his command to kill themselves from
Hussein (peace be upon him) as disclosed by his son Muawiyah when he took
the sentence and said: ((One of the greatest things we killed bad and evil
overturned, was killed strain Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) ...))
as mentioned by Ibn Hajar al-Makki in Segah, and see him over the killing of
Imam Reza (peace be upon him) expressed by the speaker, Sunni Taftazani he
said in (the explanation of beliefs Alnsfip): ((and the right to
satisfaction than to kill Hussein, Astbasharh so, and humiliated in the
household of the Prophet than the frequency of meaning, the curse of Allaah
be upon him, and his supporters and his aides)).
  And also in another version of the infallible (peace be upon him), we find
that more than deserved curse to kill Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) without
anything else, as in known visit and irrigated Sindh correct Ashura, a trip
from Imam Baqir (peace be upon him), check.


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