Some more Ahadith on how to live your life in current era...

- Don't you see that the right is not conveyed and the wrong is not prohibited. 
Let believers wish to die and righteously meet 

their God. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 117)

 - To me , death is nothing but happiness, and living under tyrants nothing but 
living in a hell. (Tohaf-al- Uqoul , P. 245)

 - Your difficulties are worse than others , because you were deprived of the 
rank of the scholars - considering your legitimacy 

and merit -(These difficulties are) because administering the affairs of the 
society and conveying the ( religious ) rules must be 

done by scholars who truly believe in God and know what is permitted and what 
is forbidden by God. But you were deprived from this 

position and rank for you withdrew from (supporting) the truth. You changed the 
tradition of the prophet ,despite the clear and 

disclosed proofs. If you had withstood and were patient against the torture and 
annoyance ( of the tyrants ) for the sake of God , 

then the divine affairs would have stayed in your hands , and you were the ones 
to whom would be referred. But you made the 

tyrants dominant on you and left the divine affairs in their hands, while they 
shamelessly do the forbidden and notoriously live a 

licentious life. Your (fear) from death and attachment to this world have 
encouraged the tyrants to establish dominance over you. 

(Tohaf-al- Uqoul , P. 238)

"No one should take on the responsibility of establishing God's government
and rule except he who neither compromises, nor yields to humiliation nor
follows his own temptations." (Nahj al-Balaghah, Saying No. 110)

 - O' God! Surely you know that whatever we did was not a competition to gain 
worldly positions and not for the worthless 

physical attractions of the world. But to show the signs of religious ways and 
to remove corruption from your lands , so that the 

oppressed feel secured and act according to your traditions and rules. 
(Tohaf-al- Uqoul, P. 239)

 - If you don't believe in any religion and don't fear the Resurrection Day, at 
least be free in this world. (Bihar al- Anwar, 

Vol. 45, P. 51)

 - Among the signs of ignorance is arguing with irrational people. (Bihar al- 
Anwar, Vol. 78, P. 119)

 - Divine laws and Islamic principles must be carried out only by us Imams , 
the divine scholars , who have thorough knowledge of the permitted and 
forbidden things by God. (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 97 , P. 80)

 - O' God! , you know my revolt against the rule of Bani Omayah did not stem 
from any greed for power, or for taking revenge. I 

stood against the tyrant of my time to reveal the genuine image of your divine 
religion , and to make social reforms in order to 

save the oppressed and pave the way for them to act according to your rules. 
And you people ! If you don't support us and treat us 

fairly , tyrants and oppressors will dominate you to blow out divine 
illumination. Surely God Almighty is our strong supporter , 

upon whom we rely , from whom we seek help , and towards whom is our return. 
(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 97 , P. 80)

 - No way ! By God I will never surrender to them like a humiliated person and 
never pledge allegiance to them like slaves." I 

seek refuge to my God from you stoning me to death ". " I seek refuge to my God 
and your God from any arrogant who does not 

believe in the day of Resurrection ". (Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 45 , P. 7)

 - Yazid , the natural son of an illegitimate has placed me in a dilemma , 
drawing my sword and fighting or being humiliated by 

allegiance to him. But it is impossible for us to be humiliated , God , his 
messenger , the believers, my respectable family would 

not prefer obedience to mean people. To dying with glory. (Bihar al- Anwar, 
Vol. 45 , P. 83)

 - Referring to a follower who had refrained from joining a war and then had 
apologized for it and sought to bring an excuse to justify it , Imam said 
:Apologizing for a sin committed consciously is worse than the sin itself. 
(Bihar al- Anwar, Vol. 78 , P. 128)

- Death with dignity is better than life with humiliation. (Bihar al- Anwar, 
Vol. 44 , P. 192)

In the end...

Mithli la yubaelo le Mithleh - Imam Husain a.s. in the court of Walid.
None like me will ever surrender to the likes of Yazeed.

Indeed the flag of Taghoot i.e. America and Israel has been raised usurping the 
lands of Muslims, killing innocent people of Palestine, Iraq, Yemen and 
Afghanistan. Every voice raised against today's oppressors is the voice of 

Labbaik Ya Hussain.

Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2009 12:05:34 -0800
Subject: [Shia Group] Important Hadis for the current period

The Holy Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said: ‘I am advising you to fear Allah
(s.w.t.), stay away from the crowds of people and stay at home. Stay away from
those of our family that take up armed rebellions as they have no purpose or
destination. Know this as well that whichever group that takes a stand will not 
able to eradicate injustice not will it be able to bring honour to religion, but
afflictions will come upon them which will break them up’ – BIHAR UL ANWAAR
VOL 11; PAGE 276 (URDU)
The Holy Imam Ja’fa Al Sadiq (a.s.) said: ‘You people sit at home. When you see
me that I have associated myself with someone, then arm yourselves and come
towards me’. – BIHAR UL ANWAAR VOL 11; PAGE 287 (URDU)
The Holy Imam Ja’far Al Sadiq (a.s..) said; ‘At this time sit at home and your
coming out will create strife as Allah (s.w.t.) will occupy with those matters 
they do not approve of. – BIHAR UL ANWAAR VOL 11; PAGE 287 (URDU)
The Holy imam Ja’far Al Sadiq (a.s.) said: ‘You keep your mouths shut and sit at
home as this matter will not be for you nor for the people’ – BIHAR UL ANWAAR
VOL 11; PAGE 289 (URDU)
The Holy Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said: ‘So long as the earth and the sky
are silent, you remain silent as well and do not come out as when the Master of
the Time (a..s.) comes it will not be hidden from anyone. – BIHAR UL ANWAAR
VOL 11; PAGE 281 (URDU)
It is written in Nahj Ul Balagah that the Holy Imam Ali (a.s.) said: ‘Hold on 
to the
earth and be patient during afflictions, do not give movement to your hands and
your swords at all, hold your tongues, when Allah (s.w.t..) is not in a hurry 
for you
then why are you in a hurry? - – BIHAR UL ANWAAR VOL 11; PAGE 291
The Holy Imam Ali Ibn Husayn (a.s.) said: ‘By God, if anyone were to take a
stand before the appearance of the Holy Imam Mahdi (a.s.), his example is that
of a baby bird whose wings have not yet fully developed. Comes out of its nest
and the children capture it and start playing with it’. – BIHAR UL ANWAAR VOL
12; PAGE 85 (URDU)
The Holy Imam Ja’far Al Sadiq (a.s.) said: ‘Sit at your homes silently so long 
the earth and the sky remain silent, but when you get the news that Sufyani has
made his stand then immediately come to us even though you may have to walk
all the way’. – BIHAR UL ANWAAR VOL 12; PAGE 85 (URDU)
The Holy Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) said: ‘There is no better Jihad in this time
than Hajj, Umrah and nearness to the Holy Imam (a.s.)’. AL KAFI , BOOK OF
The nine Hadeeth above and the one I am about to quote hereby completes my
book and they should be taken as the conclusion of this last chapter. I do not
have any better proof than this nor does any person of faith has any need for 
Look at this last Hadeeth and remember me in your prayers.
The Holy Imam Ja’far Al Sadiq (a.s.) said: ‘Before the appearance of Al Qaim
(a.s.), whichever standard (flag) is raised, then know that its leader is 
(Satan) who is worshipping someone other than Allah (s.w.t.)’ - – BIHAR UL




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