Summary of Friday Khutba: 2nd April 



"And those who believe have stronger love for Allah". (2:165)

One of the things, which we, as Muslims and believers need to do, is build HUBB 
of Allah (SWT) in our hearts.  HUBB in Arabic refers to extreme 'love and 
affection' for somebody. The Holy Prophet (saww) and our Aimma (as) used to 
constantly pray to Allah (SWT) for His help in instilling His love in their 
hearts. The Holy Prophet (saww) used to pray: "My Lord! Let Your love be the 
most beloved of all things to me". (Kanzul-'Ummaal) Imam Zaynul-'Aabideen (as) 
states in one of his dua's:  "O my Lord! Indeed I beseech You to fill my heart 
with love for You". (Bihar al-Anwaar)  Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (as) in his dua' 
which he (as) used to recite at the advent of Holy Ramadhan says: "My Lord! 
Send Your blessings on Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad. Engage my heart in 
Your great affairs. And instil Your love in it till the Day I meet You".  
(Bihar al-Anwaar)


By nature, Man expresses his love and shows affection only towards one who 
reciprocates with the same.  And this behaviour declines at the moment any 
hostility is sensed. The love and affection of Allah (SWT) for His creatures 
knows no bounds and is unrestricted. Analyse the following two points:

One is that everything in this life is such that if we seriously contemplate 
upon them, Allah (SWT)'s love and affection will become manifest for us. Allah 
(SWT) created us and brought us into existence when before that, we were not 
worthy of any mention - this is His love! He (SWT) gave us 'Aql and power of 
speech. With 'Aql we understand and with speech, we convey our understandings 
to others - this is His love! He (SWT) gave us parents to take care of us and 
bring us up - this is His love! He (SWT) gave us spouses to procreate and enjoy 
each other's company - this is His love! He took the responsibility of 
providing us with sustenance - this is His love! The skies brighten up during 
the day to enable us to study and work; and it darkens up during the night to 
enable us to rest - this is His love! He (SWT) sent His messengers to guide us 
towards Him and enforce His laws for our good - this is His love! He (SWT) has 
appointed Judgement Day and rewards in the Hereafter - this is His love! "So 
which of your Lord's bounties will you both (men and jinn) deny?" (55:13).

And the other thing is that in this life, we express our love and show 
affection mostly to only those whose love and affection in return is confirmed 
- the love and affection of Allah (SWT) for His creatures knows no bounds and 
restrictions. It is for all except that the believers will benefit more. It is 
related that a person was once standing on the banks of a river. He had come to 
swim when he witnessed an amazing and a very interesting incident: He saw a 
tortoise preparing to enter the water. Suddenly a scorpion appeared out of a 
tree and climbed on the back of that tortoise. The tortoise then entered the 
water while the scorpion sat on its shell. The tortoise moved towards the 
opposite shore. This man, out of curiosity swam together and went on the 
opposite side.  As the tortoise reached the opposite bank, the scorpion jumped 
down and made its way to a nearby tree. The man noticed that near the tree a 
young man was sleeping in a drunken state without any mental sense. A poisonous 
snake was circling around him and was about to sting him. The scorpion took a 
chance and gave powerful stings to the snake, which ultimately died. This way 
the young man was saved. Having witnessed this, the man woke the youth up to 
his senses and then narrated the whole story to him; and pointed out the 
greatness and the kindness of Allah (SWT) on him although he was disobedient. 
(Lessons from Life) Such is the love of Allah (SWT) for His creatures.

Let us look at ourselves. How many times in this life do we rebel against Allah 
(SWT)? How many times in this life do we disobey the commands of Allah (SWT)? 
How many times we do commit actions that annoy and displease Him? Yet, He (SWT) 
looks at us mercifully and He (SWT) does NOT ONLY increase His favours upon us 
BUT ALSO protects us from misfortunes! In Dua' al-Iftitaah, we recite: "How 
many. O my God, Troubles You have relieved me of, Griefs You have dispelled, 
Mistakes You have prevented, Blessings You have spread, And series of 
afflictions You have separated".


When we are sure of someone's love and affection towards us, wisdom dictates 
that we must also reciprocate with love and affection. And one of the ways of 
doing this is to keep the beloved happy. A righteous man once said in a poem: 
And love your Lord by serving Him, for lovers are but servants of the Beloved.

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