1. Authentically, a Member Provincial Assembly Punjab; approached a close 
friend of him belonging to Gilgit and secretively asked him to hand over to him 
identity cards and few connected papers of five persons of district Chilas 
(Diamer), so that he can prepare fake compensation documents of these persons 
in the wilderness of would be innundated Basha dam water reservoir. He further 
told him that 70% of the fake compensation money will be going in the pocket of 
Punjabi Qadiani Minister K&GB (Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan) and out of the 
balance 30%; 15% will be of his and remaining 15% will be at the disposal of 
that Gilgiti. The Deputy Commissioner of Diamer was also transfered recently. 
Conveniently, 30 billion Rs out of a total 40 billion Rs earmarked for land 
compensation will be going into the pockets of Pakistani establishment 
colonising Gilgit Baltistan. We regret to use the narrow minded and 
sub-standard terminologies of sects, races and
 regions, but unfortunately these are the ground realities on which the 
colonial infrastructure of the Govt of Pakistan was founded in Gilgit Baltistan 
and the thinking of them is developed on these very lines to develop all 
possible prejudices to facilitate their divide and rule. All the military and 
civilian non local official briefings without fail mention the percentages of 
sects and regions. NLI (Northern Light Infantry) and Northern Scouts are 
composed and disposed on these very basis. Basha Dam of Gilgit Baltistan has 
boundaries internationally upto and incl Banda-e-Sazeen as disputed territories 
of the former State of BJK and much beyond into Kohistan historically. Chitral 
is part and parcel of Gilgit and Chitral scouts and body guards under their 
Mehtars and Princess, accepted the 1st Nov 1947, Govt at Gilgit and rendered 
physical military help in our 14 months war of liberation. The various powerful 
quarters in the World endeavour to belittle
 our history and heroes for their unfounded designs, but they will never 
succeed, because of the ultimate outcome of the equilibriumed geo-political 
position of Gilgit i.e. "Important Region and Unimportant People considered by 
the Govt of Pakistan as said and wrote by Mirza Hassan Khan and now; Important 
Country and the most Important People". Twisting with our true relevant history 
and political backdrop of 1947-48 has always been counter productive for our 
rivals. The big powers must stop their attempts to twist and disfigure it 
2. Baseen is a western suburban locality of Gilgit valley, which has a choking 
effect into Ghizer district valley and Kargah valley. For quite long, the 
Pakistan Army intelligence agencies i.e. ISI, MI alongwith IB have established 
over here, seasoned militants like Ilyas Kashmiri, Pir Silah-Uddin and 
others. These terrorist sectarian hide outs are functioning directly under the 
tutelage of commanders FCNA, now; Maj Gen Qamar Bajwa (Qadiani Punjabi) and 
Commander 10 Corps Lt Gen Tahir Mehmood (Commander FCNA in 2005). In order to 
divide the people of Gilgit Baltistan for fullfilment of their own and dictates 
of their master's global nefarious designs, affect desired demographic changes, 
keep nationalists at bay and wreck local leadership, the Punjabi Pakistani 
establishment, constantly, but now under the spell of Qadiani influence is 
resorting again to Sunni - Shia divide and rule in Gilgit valley, which effects 
the complete psychological make up
 of Gilgit Baltistan and beyond. Though, apparently the Punjabi cadre of PPP is 
handling Gilgit Baltistan's political scenario but it is, like always; hand in 
gloves with Punjabi Pakistan Army. Peoples Party in Gilgit Baltistan is simply 
being used by the Army Line of Command and its Intelligence agencies as a 
cover. Uptill November 2009, the politico - military colonial combination was 
of Wahabi Gujjar Punjabi Major General Muzammil (pimp of Gen Pervaiz Musharraf) 
and Minister Kaira. Now, the combination is of Qadiani Punjabi Jatt Minister 
Watto and Maj Gen Qamar Javed Bajwa. It is on their discreet orders that the 
intelligence agencies unleashed their pet sectarian militants cum mercenaries 
to twist the politico religious atmosphere of Gilgit valley e.g. Maj Gen 
Muzamil used them to toss grenades in an innocent person's shop at the boundary 
of Sunni Shia divide in Gilgit to off-set an only on ground political reaction 
to the September 2009, announced
 empowerment order. Now, they have got an air of the impending political 
programmes in the Gilgit valley about protests against infamous Karachi 
agreement of 28th April 1949. The Kashmiri and Gilgit Baltistan brethern 
present on ground and settled abroad are requested to display unity and 
celebrate this day in a meaningful manner, to off set the evil anti-human and 
anti-Islamic designs. Will the Kashmiris on the other side of the divide, 
celebrate this day? One small question from the Kashmiri Muslim nationalists: 
Why, they hesitate and have inhibitions in granting due political identity to 
the people of Bolor - Gilgit Balistan, Laddakh, Chitral, Kohistan? They should 
explore their sub-conscious and trace out some sectarian or religious prejudice 
for this and then attempt to finish it off. 
3. The Sunni Shia divide in Gilgit Baltistan as an instrument of the Govt of 
Pakistan's only and lonely policy which can be solidly traced back to the 
period of 1947 - 48, when the wicked English Major Brown, Sitara-e-Pakistan 
cunningly described 1st November 1947, Govt established at Gilgit as a Shia 
affair and he attempted to bring the Sunnis and Ismailis of Gilgit intot he 
good books of the Govt of Pakistan, but at the tragic cost of the Shias of 
Gilgit. Cunning Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto started implementing this abhorrent policy 
officialy with effect from Dec 1971, onwards in accordance with the crux of the 
new formulated line of action i.e. "To maintain status quo through defecto 
integration of Northern Areas with Pakistan without changing its legal Status". 
Now, the Lebanon model has come into play and in that, the Balti Shia impotent 
and illiterate Syed Mehdi Shah is a so called Chief Minister without ministers 
uptill now and without any powers.
 The Hunza Ismaili, old and rotten Wazir Beg is speaker of a dummy assembly. 
The old, widow and almost non local Sunni lady Doctor and Bureaucrat Shama 
Khalid (Lahori Punjabi deceased husband) is the so called Governor of an 
unknown and undefined province.what about the sectarian composition and 
disposition of the over two dozen army bureaucratic generals, 
brigadiers,colonels, majors and others in the official including intelligence 
colonial set up of Gilgit Baltistan? What about the non local dozen secretaries 
and other civilian police and para-military officials? To which sect they 
belong? Have they been accounted in this Lebanon model? The Gilgiti Shia and 
Ismaili Ghizer has been punished for their truthfullness and guts.
4. Syed Mehdi Shah is the greatest puppet of the puppets and has started 
barking on the instigation of his bosses that the Mirs if Hunza and Nagar had 
acceded to Pakistan. The designs are now unfolding that why he went to Lahore 
and attended Lahore Chamber of Commerce extravagancies even during the Moharram 
days on the arrangements of Qadiani Punjabi Governor Salman Taseer. Now, the 
newly appointed lady governor hs paid visits to Lahore Chamber of commerce and 
Larrkana as well as karachi before stepping into the soil of Gilgit. President 
Zardari and Lahore chamber of commerce is hosting an international conference 
in Gilgit for begging money from foreigners for themselves and not for the 
people of Gilgit Baltistan. Where is the Gilgit chamber of Commerce? Can Syed 
Mehdi Shah or anyone from the govt of Pakistan or a Sunni, Shia or Ismaili 
Maulvi can remove the offices of UNMOGIP (United Nation Military Obeserver 
Group India Pakistan) from disputed Gilgit
 Baltistan or they can ask the govt of Saudi Arabia or Iran to remove Gilgit 
Baltistan from their maps displaying it to be a disputed territory? Why the 
Govt of Pakistan is not giving Gilgit Baltistan the rights enshrined for the 
disputed territories? Has this something to do with the sectarian and religious 
make up of the area? 


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