Putting The Historical Record Accurate and Straight 
In accordance with the outcome of innumerable top secret and other documents of 
the UK, UN, UNCIP, USA, Govt of India including its Ministry of Defence and the 
Govt of Pakistan including the General Headquarters of Pakistan Army, the 
following is authenticated because the documents finish arguments.
1.      After the culmination of second World war in 1945, the future planning 
of the than new World order was carried out and in accordance with that the 
former state of J&K was to go completely to the dominion of India. To achieve 
that end Nehru, Gandhi, Raj Guru worked on the Maharaja with active support of 
the first English head of the state of the dominion of India i.e. Governor 
General Lord Mount Batten of India. Besides, to achieve this goal, independent 
minded Prime Minister Ram Chand Kat was  unseated by the English and, Maj Mirza 
Hassan Khan MC, head of the secret Muslim revolutionary council of the state 
army was transferred to Gilgit from Srinagar and the English Chief of Staff of 
the state army started consultations in this regard with the English Commander 
in Chiefs and the English Governors of the dominions of India, Pakistan, as 
well as the overall Common Commander in Chief General Aucheleck based in Delhi. 
2.      The reasons to hand over the whole former state of Bolor, (Northern 
Area Province J&K) to the dominion of India were the Maharajas inability to 
look after the interests of the UK and USA, even in a state of semi autonomy as 
he was likely to play one neighbour against the other neighbour to become more 
and more powerful especially in wake of the Chinese claim on Gilgit Agency, 
Russian intrigues and the possibility of the Russian consulate opening up in 
Srinagar. Moreover, Sheikh Abdullah was suspected to be having Communists 
contacts and spread of communism into the former state and Indo Pak sub 
continent was also feared.
3.      The British engineered the unfortunate tribal invasion of Kashmir 
through their wicked Governor Lord Cunninghan at Peshawar. Thus forcing 
Maharaja to flee and engineering a provisional accession to India by tearing 
apart the standstill agreement concluded between Muhammad Ali Jinnah and 
Maharaja Kashmir. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was documentarily unhappy about this 
breach of standstill agreement and untimely tribal invasion. It is also worth 
noticing that the head of the bureaucracy in Srinagar was the all powerful 
British resident.
4.      The unwanted Sudhan uprising in Poonch and the revolution and 
indigenous war of liberation in Gilgit Baltistan, forced the British and 
American schemers to exert their control over these vital areas through the 
Govt of Pakistan to look after their interests. Major, William Alexander Brown, 
Sitara e Pakistan was the British leased out to the Maharaja of Kashmir, new 
Commandant of the Gilgit Scouts, who assumed the command on 1st Aug 1947, the 
date on which, the 1935 sixty years lease of the Gilgit wazarat was prematurely 
terminated by the English. This was done to complete the former state under the 
full control of the Maharaja of Kashmir and to make him exceed him to India in 
total. This planning failed to a great extend in Gilgit and Poonch. But, 
unfortunately the imperialist powers resorted to their new tricks and colonial 
methods. Major Brown was arrested twice and deported by the revolutionaries at 
Gilgit. He wanted Gilgit Baltistan to
 be the part of Frontier province of Pakistan and was deadly against the 1st 
Nov 1947 formed Govt at Gilgit which he described and misreported as a Shia 
affair. The imperialists punished the people of Gilgit Baltistan through their 
stooge Govt of Pakistan for the last over six decades. 
5.      Documentarily the British Commander in Chief of Pakistan Army refused 
to enter forces into Jammu through Sialkot by disobeying the orders of Muhammad 
Ali Jinnah in 1947-48. The whole of the Kashmir campaign of 1947-48 was a full 
fledge British war gaming through their warring commander in chiefs, of 
opposing armies, common commander in chief, UN/ UNCIP and puppet as well as 
meek head of the states of Pakistan and India. All this was done in the name of 
religion, pseudo nationalism. Gilgit Baltistan became the worst sufferer of the 
artificial sectarian divide and so called Islamic rule, Pakistan occupied J&K 
lacked depth of understanding and became a pawn in the colonial gambit to 
linger on the dispute forever. They not only gave away their UN/UNCIP authority 
to their Pakistani Colonial masters but also became a tool to further exploit 
the Indian subjugated masses of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir in the name 
of fraudulent religion and no
 end in sight merely for the material interests of the mainly Punjabi elites of 
Pakistan along with some of their Pathan, and Mahajir bend fellows in Pakistan. 
The people on that side of the line of control, so far; though individually 
have been very talented but collectively have proven to be reactionary 
emotional human beings. They have been befooled all along as their leadership 
and masses lacked requisite depth of knowledge and understanding of the problem.
6.      In a top secret note of a discussion with Mr Jinnah in the presence of 
Lord Ismay at Govt House Lahore on 1st Nov 1947 from 2 o clock to 5.30pm. The 
following is worth noticing:
a.      In the course of 3 and half hours of the most arduous and concentrated 
conversation Kashmir took up most of the time; Junagadh took next place and 
Hayderabad the least.
b.      Mr Jinnah’s principal complain was that the Govt of India failed to 
give timely information to the Govt of Pakistan about the action they proposed 
to take in Kashmir. I pointed out the speed at which the events had moved. It 
was not until the evening of the 24 that reliable reports have been received of 
the tribal incursion, and it was not until 25th  that observers had been sent 
up to confirm these reports. Thus the decision to send in troops had not been 
taken until the 26th, by which date the Maharaja had announced his intention of 
acceding to India. There had not been a moment to lose. I added that i could 
not recall the exact time, but that it was impression that Pundit Nehru had 
telegraph to Mr Liaqat Ali Khan on the 26th, immediately the decision to send 
in the troops had been taken...... Mr Jinnah said that this accession was the 
end of a long intrigue and that it had been brought about by violence. 
countered this by saying that I
 entirely agreed that the accession had been brought about by violence; I knew 
the Maharaja was most anxious to remain independent, and nothing but the terror 
of violence could have made him acceded him to either dominion; since the 
violence had come from tribes for whom Pakistan was responsible, it was clear 
that he would have to accede to India to obtain help against the invader. Mr 
Jinnah repeatedly made it clear that in his opinion it was India who had 
committed this violence by sending her troops to Srinagar; I  countered as 
often with the above argument, thereby greatly enraging Mr Jinnah at my 
apparent denseness.
c.        From this point he went on to say that the Govt of India authorities 
have encouraged the Kashmir Govt to massacre Muslims in Poonch and Mirpur 
areas. I repudiated this as obvious nonsense.
d.      Round about 5 pm, I took the opportunity of Lord Ismay’s absence to 
tell off Mr Jinnah . I told him that I considered it was unstatesmanlike, inept 
and bad-mannered for him to issue a statement which directly accused the Govt 
of India of “fraud and violence” in Kashmir a few hours before he expected the 
Prime Minister of Indian to come and discuss this very question in a friendly 
manner; and that had he been feeling well enough to come, such a studied and 
ill timed insult would have been enough to send his temperature up again. I 
finally pointed out that Pakistan were in my opinion in a much weaker position 
than India not only from the obvious military point of view but, I was sure, 
the World would think they were in the wrong; and that this form of abuse 
before a discussion commenced could only put Pakistan even deeper in the wrong.
e.      At the end Mr Jinnah became extremely pessimistic and said it was quite 
clear that the dominion of India was out to throttle and choke the dominion of 
Pakistan at birth, and if they continue with their oppression there would be 
nothing for it but to face the consequences. However depressing the prospect 
might be he was not afraid; for the situation was already so bad that there was 
little that could happen to make it worst. I pointed out that war whilst 
admittedly very harmful for India would be completely disastrous for Pakistan 
and himself. Lord Ismay tried to cheer him up out of his depression but I 
feared was not very successful, however, we parted on good terms.
7.      Kashmir Province Rebels Against Maharajah           New Dehli, November 
Gilgit province in the north of Kashmir, separated by a narrow tongue of Afghan 
territory from Soviet Turkestan, has revolted against the Maharaja’s 
Government, a report telephoned from Peshawar, North West Frontier Province, 
tonight said.
“All Dogra (Hindu) officials have been put behind bars”. The report added an 
Indian Brigadier who distinguished himself in fighting the Japanese in Arakan 
(Eastern Burma) will take command of the Indian Dominion troops in Kashmir 
within the next 24 hurs and they are expected to take the imitative early next 
(This Reuter news is in actual fact about Maj Mirza Hassan Khan , Military 
Cross, who had won this distinguished medal during second World war in Arakan 
and other places in Burma )


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