*In The Name of Allah, The Most High*
*Lord of Martyrs Imam Hussain *
*(Peace Be Upon Him)*
*leaves Madina for Makkah:* (28 Rajab)

*Br. Shahid Baltistani will be in Dallas and recite *
*at Momin Center in the evening sometime after Isha'a (Insha'Allah)*
*Date: Saturday, July 10th, 2010*
*For more information contact:
Br. Ali Rizvi: 972-741-7764 *

*Live and Recorded broadcast will be available on

*Historical Background - 28th Rajab.*

In the month of Rajab; exactly four months remained for Hajj. During the
time of Hajj, people from every corner of the country would come for
pilgrimage to Makkah. He could then easily convey his message to the people,
Imam Hussain (pbuh) knew that if he were to start his Qiyam and struggle
from Makkah, all the world of Islam would become aware of his objectives and
then it would not be so easy for the regime to deceive the people about him
and his aims.

Imam Hussain (pbuh) determined to leave Madina for Makkah at the earliest
opportunity before the Governor and related officials had any knowledge of
his intentions of departure.

This decision was announced before the members of his family and was a
secret matter. However, the other people belonging to the tribe of Banu
Hashim soon came to know about the matter and came to visit Imam Hussain
(pbuh). After coming to know about the reasons of this sudden journey, they
expressed their views in opposition to Imam Hussain's decision, either
because they were afraid that he would get killed, or because they were not
courageous enough to follow him. But his resolve to uphold the right was not
shaken by such objections or threats.

Ummul Momeneen (mother of believers), Umm-e-Salama, one of the Prophets
wives, clung to him and adjured him not to go. Then told him, quoting from
the Apostle of God (pbuh) that he would be martyred. Imam Hussain (pbuh)
informed her soothingly, "Indeed, I know I am going to be martyred, mother."

There were two persons among the visitors with whom Imam Hussain had a
lengthy conversation and upon whose lives his decision had a direct impact.
The first of them was Muhammad Ibn Hanafiyyah, the eldest of his brothers
who, after conferring with Imam Hussain (pbuh) wanted to accompany him on
this fateful journey. Imam Hussain (pbuh), however, told him to stay and
send him the reports of everyday events that passed in Madina during his
absence. He told him that the only person who was capable of fulfilling this
sensitive and dangerous responsibility of reporting about the reaction of
the regime in Madina and the opinion of the masses there, as an aware and
well-informed observer, was Muhammad Ibn Hanafiyyah. Therefore he had to
stay behind and carry out this duty assigned to him.

The second person was Zainab-e-Kubra (pbuh) his younger sister, the wife of
Abdullah son of Ja'far. When she saw that Imam Hussain's decision was final
and that nobody could make him turn away from it. She was deeply moved,
with, grief choking her, voice and tears in her eyes, she spoke to him in
these words: "Dear brother! After Grandfather [Holy Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh)], Father [Imam Ali (pbuh)], Mother [Bibi Fatima (pbuh)] and Brother
Hassan (pbuh), only you remain to console my heart and of all of them it is
only you who are left. I cannot bear your separation. How can I stay here
with unbearable worry and anxiety about what may happen? Is it not possible
that I might be of some service to you if I come along?"

Imam Hussain (pbuh) replied: "No sister. You are a woman with a house,
husband and children to take care of. Your husband is an illustrious man. I
am not the one to decide about your affairs. It is Abdullah son of Ja'far
who can give you the permission. As to myself, I have no alternative but to

Abdullah son of Ja'far (who was himself suffering from sickness at that
time) agreed to Zainab's accompanying her brother on the journey. Not only
this, he sent two of his sons Aun and Muhammad to accompany her by saying;
"Aun will represent his maternal Grandfather Imam Ali (pbuh) and the other
will represent his paternal Grandfather Ja'far-e-Tayyar."

Less than thirty hours after his meeting with the governor, Imam Hussain
(pbuh) was prepared to leave. As he was making his preparations, he was
brought the news that the governor had summoned all other persons who had
opposed Yazid's allegiance and conferred with them. One of the opponents of
the regime, Abdullah son of Al-Zubayr had secretly left for Makkah the night
before. He was pursued by the Government's men who could not trace him since
he had not used the usual road to Makkah.

Not more than a few hours were left for his departure when for the last time
he visited the tombs of his Grandfather, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh),
his mother, Bibi Fatima (pbuh) & his brother Imam Hassan Mujtaba (pbuh).

As he was returning, he met Marwan on the way who told him: "I want to give
you some advice. I think it is best for your worldly life as well as your
Hereafter that you accept to give allegiance to Yazid. Do not put yourself
and your relatives into trouble." "Inna Lillahe wa Inna Ilaihe Raje'oon, And
bid farewell to Islam?" replied Imam Hussain (pbuh).

If Marwan did not understand Imam Hussain's words, others understood
afterwards. Obviously Imam Hussain (pbuh) wanted to say, "If I agree to
support Yazid's corrupt Government, then Islam will be wiped out without any
trace. Opposition to Yazid may prove to be costly, but anyhow we would have
saved our Hereafter. Indeed everything comes from God and returns unto Him."

Just before Imam Hussain (pbuh) left Madina, Ummul Banin (Mother of Sons) or
Fatima daughter of Hazam, the mother of Abbas (pbuh). Summoned all her four
sons (Abbas, Abdulla, Ja'far and Uthman) and said to them, "My sons you must
remember that, Imam Hussain (pbuh) is your Master. If Imam or his sisters or
his children get injured or hurt while you are still alive, I will never
forgive you." There were tears in Abbas's eyes as he promised his mother
that he and his brothers would lay down their lives for Imam Hussain (pbuh)
and his children.

[image: Lord of Martyrs Imam Hussain (pbuh) leave Madina for
days remaining until the end of the month of Rajab, on the night of Sunday,
Imam Hussain (pbuh) left Madina for Makkah with a most simple caravan
together with his family and a few companions. As he left, this verse of
Quran was on his lips, a verse which relates the story of Moses (pbuh) as he
fled from Pharaoh's Egypt: He therefore got away there from, looking about,
in a state of fear. He prayed "O my Lord! Save me from people given to
wrong-doing." Holy Quran (28:21)

The night passed, and, as the travelers drew away from Madina, the sun came
up. One of the relatives came to Imam Hussain (pbuh) and suggested that the
caravan leave the highway for the danger of being stopped by pursuers: "It
is possible that they might pursue us like Abdullah son of Al-Zubayr and
catch up with us and cause us trouble." Apparently the suggestion was a good
one. But Imam Hussain (pbuh), in view of the open and sublime nature of his
objectives replied, "I will never deviate from the right way. And you too,
friend of Hussain, always choose the right road and move straight. God will
be your protector. There is no danger of losing the way as long as you chose
to travel on the straight highway!"

The caravan completed its five day journey from Madina to Makkah and entered
the city on the 3rd of Sha'ban of the year 60 Hijrah. As he entered the
city, Imam Hussain (pbuh) hopefully murmured this verse of the Quran - the
words uttered by Prophet Moses (pbuh) as he entered Madyan fleeing Pharaoh's
men: Then, when he turned his face towards (the land of) Madyan, he said: "I
do hope that my Lord will show me the smooth and straight Path." Holy Quran
(28:22) and there he chose to stay at the house of Al-Abbas son of Abdul

The news of his coming soon spread through the city and all men who held any
significant social position hurried to see him. The governor of Makkah,
other city officials and similarly many important personalities of the city
came to pay a visit.

Soon, the busy hours of visitors rushing to see Imam Hussain (pbuh) came to
pass and the days took a normal and relaxed aspect. It was during this time
that most of the visitors wanted to find out Imam Hussain's views about
Caliphate and the general political conditions of the time.

It did not take much time for the people to know that Imam Hussain's
movement from Madina was a gesture of opposition to the regime and a protest
against the orders sent from the Syrian court to the Governor of Madina.
Very soon this news spread to all parts of the country; it reached the
capital in Syria and other provinces.

Yazid become aware that Imam Hussain (pbuh) had made the determination to
oppose his Government, even as he had refused before to give allegiance to
this nomination as crown prince. He discussed the matter with his courtiers
and asked them for advice. They held the opinion that it seemed inadvisable
to take any hasty step. They advised that it was better to wait and discover
the dimensions that Imam Hussain's opposition might take. It seemed possible
that he would settle down in Makkah and maintain his silence as before. They
suggested that any attempts at his persecution would only help to aggravate
the prevailing situation. They reminded him about Muawiya's advice that if
Imam Hussain (pbuh) continued his silence, it was sufficient for Yazid and
that his persecution was inadvisable under any condition.

In the mean time the news about the political uprising in Kufa reached
Makkah, and the leaders of the city wrote a letter in which they declared
their opposition to the Umayyads rule, and they would not accept anybody
else but Imam Hussain (pbuh) to rule them. This letter was followed twelve
thousand (12,000) similar letters, Fruits have ripened and fields have
become green. If you come you will have one thousand swords supporting you.
If you do not come to us, we will dispute with you in front of God at

Imam Hussain (pbuh) could neither blindly accept the call from Kufa, because
he had seen how the people of Kufa had not come to his father's help when he
needed them, and how they had mistreated his brother Imam Hassan (pbuh). The
Kufees (people of Kufa) who were known for their unstable character and
unsettled conduct, if later turn treacherous, the world would question Imam
Hussain's ready response to their call without the necessary caution.
Therefore Imam Hussain (pbuh) decided to send a deputy of his to Kufa to
write to him after studying the sincerity in the invitation.


The Route of Imam Hussain from Makkah to KarbalaResearch and preparation by
Syed M.R. Shabbar
[image: Imam Hussein's Route]
 *The map shows the Route that Imam Hussain (A.S) took when he left Makkah
for Iraq. The date was 8th Zilhijja 60 Hijri (10.9.680 AD). With him there
were about 50 people including women and children of his family and friends.
His uncle Ibne Abbas and his brother Mohammad-e-Hanafiya did not go with
him. They came to bid farewell and tried to warn the Imam of the dangers
ahead. Mohammad-e-Hanafiya told him that the Makkans and other pilgrims were
wondering why he was leaving just one day before the Hajj. Imam left a
letter with his brother which explained his position clearly. The letter
read as follows:*

"I have not come out to stir emotions, to play with oppression. I want to
bring the Ummah back to the path of Amr-bil-Marouf & Nahyi Anil Munker. I
want to lead them to the path of my Grandfather and my father Ali Ibne Abi

After leaving Makkah there were 14 places mentioned in history books where
Imam either stayed or met people or gave sermons.

1. Saffah: Here Imam met Farazzdaq the poet whom Imam asked about conditions
in Kufa. He said, ' He said, 'People's hearts were with you but their swords
were against you.' Imam replied, 'Allah does what he wishes. Ileave it to
him who proposes the just cause.

2. Dhat-el-Irq: Here Imam's cousin Abdullah Ibne Jafar brought his two sons
Auwn and Mohammed to their mother Hazrat Zainab and to help the imam. He
tried to persuade the Imam to return to Madina but Imam replied, 'my destiny
is in the hands of Allah.'

3. Batn-er-Rumma: Imam sent a letter to Kufa with Qais bin Mashir, met
Abdullah bin Mutee who came from Iraq. When he heard of Imam's intention, he
tried to stop him. He said Kufans were not faithful and could not be
trusted. But Imam continued his journey.

4. Zurud: Imam met Zohair Ibne Qain. Zohair was not among the followers of
Ahlulbait. But when Imam told him of the purpose of his journey Zohair gave
all his possesions to his wife, told her to go home and said that he wished
to be martyred with the Imam.

5. Zabala: Imam learnt from two tribesmen coming from Kufa of the death of
Hazrat Muslim. Imam said, 'Innan Lillahe wa Inna Elaihe Rajeoon.
Indallah-Nahtasib Anfusana.' 'We are for Allah and we shall return to Him
who surely accouts for our sacrifices. Asadi Tribesmen tried to dissuade the
Imam from his journey but he persisted. Here Imam told his companions the
news of the death of Muslim and Hani and that people in Kufa were not
prepared to be their helpers. Imam said, 'Those who want to depart leave
now.' Hoards of various tribesmen who had followed the Imam in the hope of
collecting the booty realised their false hopes and scattered to their own
homes. Only 50 odd people remained.

6. Batn-e-Aqeeq: Imam met a man from the Tribe of Akrama who told him that
Kufa was no more a friendly town and was now surrounded by Yazid's army. No
one could get in or out of the town. But the Imam carried on.

7. Sorat: Imam stayed the night here and in the morning ordered his
companions to take as much water as they can.

8. Sharaf: While the Imam was passing from this place, one of his companions
shouted that he could see the approach of an army. Imam asked for a safe
place, preferably a mountain behind them. A guide took them to the nearest

9. Zuhasm: It was here that Imam met Hurr's army of 1000 men. They wre
thirsty so Imam ordered his men to give them water. Imam himself helped
several thirsty soldiers to drink. Even animals were given water to drink.
Zohr prayers were led by the Imam and all followed him including Hurr's
soldiers. Here Imam told hurr about many letters from Kufa. He said, 'O
People of Kufa, you sent me your delegations and wrote me letters that you
had no Imam and that I should come to unite you and lead you in the way of
Allah. You wrote that we Ahlulbait are more qualified to govern your affairs
than those who claim things to which they have no right and act unjustly and
wrongly. But if you have changed your mind, have become ignorant of our
Rights and have forgotten your promises, I shall turn back. But he was
denied to turn back by Hurr's army and was lead to by-pass Kufa.

10. Baiza: Imam reached Baiza the next day and delivered one of his most
famous sermons. 'O People, the Prophet has said that if a man sees a
tyrannical ruler transgressing against Allah and the Prophet and oppressing
people but does nothing by word or action to change the situation then it
will be just for Allah to place him where he deservingly belongs. Do you not
see to what low level the affairs have come down... Do you not observe that
truth has not adhered to and falsehood has no limit. And as for me, I look
upon death as but a means of attaining martyrdom and I consider life among
transgressors as nothing but an agony and an affliction.'

11. Uzaibul Hajanat: Here Imam stayed away from the army of Hurr and met
Trimmah bin Adi. After having learnt about the Kufan abandonment of his
envoy it was clear that he had no hope of support or even survival in Kufa.
Nevertheless he refused an offer of safety, if not success extended to him.
Trimmah pleaded to him to accept the offer of 20,000 trained men of his
tribe to help him if he wanted to go to Kufa or he could retire to the
mountains and safety. Imam replied to Ibne Adi, 'Allah bless you and your
people. I cannot go from my word. Things are destined. It is clear from this
reply that he was fully aware of the dangers he would face and that he had a
certain strategy and plan in mind to bring about a revolution in the
conscience of the Muslim Ummah. He did not try to mobilise military support
which he could easily have done in Hejaz nor did he try to exploit whatever
physical strength was available to him.

12. Qasr-e-Bani Makatil: It was evident here that Kufa was no more his
destination. As Hurr did not want to leave him, he by-passed Kufa and took a
new route. Resting in the afternoon he uttered 'Inna Lillah.' His 18 years
old son Ali Akber approached him and enquired. Imam said that in his sleep
he had heard someone saying that these people were going to their deaths.
Ali Akber asked, 'Are we not on the Right path. Death meant nothing to them.
Death of this kind transforms into the glory of martyrdom.

13. Nainawa: At this place a messenger of Ibne Zaid brought a message for
Hurr not to leave the Imam. The battered caravan passed through Ghaziriya to
a place called Karbala. Imam sighed, asked for the name of the place.
Someone said Kerbala. Imam said, yes, this is the place of Kerbin-wa-bala.
(a place of pain and torture.) Let us stop here for we have arrived at our
destination. This is the place of our Martyrdom. This is Karbala.

14. Karbala: On the orders of the Imam, the tents were erected near the
river which was a tributary of the River Eupheretes some miles away. The
date was 2nd Muharram 61 Hijri (3rd October 680 AD).

*Allah Humma Swalle Allah Muhammedin Wa Alle Mohammed "O Allah, please
shower your blessings upon Muhammad and upon the family of Muhammad.*

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