Assalam o Alaikum wr. wb.

"The Messenger of God said: I will be at the pool of Kouthar on the Day of 
Judgment and you, 

O Ali, will distribute the water. 
Hassan will keep people away from the pool; 
Hussain will give the orders; 
Ali bin Al-Hussain will be the enforcer;
Mohammad bin Ali will be the revealer; 
Jaafar bin Mohammad will be the driver 
Moussa bin Jaafar will be counting the lovers and the resentful, and he will be 
the destroyer of the hypocrites; 

Ali bin Moussa will beautify the believers; 
Mohammad bin Ali will award the companions of Paradise their degrees; 
Ali bin Mohammad will be the preacher of his Shias and he will marry them from 
HUR AL-EEN {Pure maidens with big beautiful eyes}(56:22); 

Hassan bin Ali is the light of the inhabitants of Paradise - they will see with 
his light; 

and the Qaem (12th Imam) will be the intercessor who will ask God to allow them 
(the believers) to enter paradise on the Day of Judgment, a day on which God 
accepts only the intercession of those whom He is pleased with. .
Source: (Kharazmi in Maqtal V1 P94. Taraef P173. Sirat Al-Mostaqim V2 P150. 
Helyatol Abrar V2 P21. Ghayatol Maram P35 H22 and P692 H2. Faraed Al-Semtayn V2 
P231 H572. Bihar V36 P270)

-Imam Ali (A.S.)
In His Name, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful
Salaamun 'Alaykum
Birthday of our present Imam, Imam al-Mahdi (ajtf) - 15th Shabban / July 27, 
 Name: Muhammad 
Title: Mahdi, Sahibz Zaman, Hujjat 
Designation: 12th Imam  
Kunyat: Abul Qasim 
Father: 11th Imam Hassan Al-Askari (A.S.) 
Mother: Nargis Khatoon 
Born: 15th Shabban 255AH (869 AD)
Imam is still alive and in occultation  
It was on the 15th of Shabaan 1,173 years ago in the year of 255 A.H when Allah 
brought into this world, the completion of His light, our 12th Imam, Imam 
al-Hujjat ibnil Hassan Al-Askari (a.j). May Allah hasten his return. 

Not more than three days had passed after our 12th Imam’s birth when the 11th 
Imam took the holy child to his companions and told them: "After me this will 
your master of authority and my successor, and he is the 'Support ' (al-Qa'im) 
for whose appearance all people will wait; when the earth is full of injustice 
and tyranny, he will fill it with peace and justice."
Our 12th Imam’s birth greatly resembled those under which the Prophet Musa 
(Moses) was born. Imam Al-Mahdi (a.j) was born under ‘secret’ circumstances in 
which even some family members were not aware of his mother’s pregnancy. The 
birth of Prophet Musa had signaled the downfall and extinction of the empire of 
Pharoah, who had ordered the slaying of all the newly born children. The 
tyrannical Abbasids kings were similarly apprehensive and were determined to 
destroy the family of the 11th Imam Hassan Al-Askari (A.S.) based on the 
traditions that the 12th Imam would establish a just Government and would rule 
over the east and west of the world, and would destroy the foundations of 

Mu’tadid, one of the tyrant 'Abbasid caliphs who ruled from 279 to 289 A.H., 
decided all at once to destroy the entire family of al 'Askari when he heard 
that more than twenty years had passed since the birth of the son of Imam Hasan 
al-'Askari (A.S.), and that he was still living in spite of the attempts of the 
preceding caliph to kill him. One of Mu'tadid's officers said: "Mu'tadid has 
ordered me and two other persons, each of us to mount a horse and to proceed to 
Samarra' in full speed without even stopping for prayer. He gave us the address 
of (Imam) al-'Askari and instructed us to enter his house without his 
and to bring him the head of whoever we find there." They were unaware that the 
same power which had protected the Imam from the former caliphs would give him 
protection from his evil, because: “Allah disdains (nothing) save that He sha 
perfect His light, however much the disbelievers are averse” (Qur'an 9: 32).
If Allah wills something, what force can stop it? For the Holy Qur’an says in 
Sura 36, verse 82: “His command, when He intends anything, is only to say to 
Be, so it is.” Just like Prophet Musa was protected during Pharaoh’s time, 
protected the 12th Imam during the Abbasids’ reign.
On this auspicious and divine occasion we extend our Heartiest and Happy 
Greetings. May Allah (S.W.T) hasten the reappearance of Imam al-Mahdi (a.j). 

The Importance of 15th Shabaan15th Sha'baan
The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) had said that during the night of 15th Sha'baan, 
Almighty takes decisions in the matters of
1). Sustenance
2). Life and death
3). Welfare of the people.
Next to the “Night of Qadr” the Night of 15th Sha’baan is the most auspicious 
night (also known as “Night of Bara’ at”).
According to the Imam Muhammad bin Ali Al Baqir (A.S.) and Jaa’far bin Muhammad 
(A.S) Sadiq (A.S.), the Almighty Allah has promised to fulfill every legitimate 
desire put forward to Him tonight. During this night Allah (SWT) bestows on HIS 
people from HIS bounty & forgives them out of HIS grace & generosity.
Of the blessings of this night is that, at the dawn of this night, was born the 
Leader of the Time Imam e Zamana (ATFS) in Samarra -Iraq in the yr 255 AH.  
Almighty Allah has chosen this night for the Ahle-Bayt A.S., in the same way as 
He has chosen the Qadr Night for our Prophet—peace be upon him and his Family.
Ahadith in the book Iqbalul A‘mal - Hadhrat Jibreel visiting the Prophet 
(s.a.w.w.) said:  "Therefore, stay awake this night in prayer and worship and 
encourage your Ummah to also keep awake this night in order to get closer to 
Allah SWT.  I have come to you while all the Angels in the Heavens are together 
with one another some are glorifying Allah, others are in Ruku‘, and others are 
in the state of Sujud while others are busy in the Dhikr of Allah".
1). this is a night in which not a single person supplicates to Allah except 
that his prayers are accepted.
2). Nobody asks for a single thing on this night except that it will be given 
3). No one asks Allah for forgiveness except that his sins are wiped out.
4). No one turns in repentance to Allah except that He accepts their repentance.
Whoever is deprived of the goodness of this night has definitely been deprived 
of something great.
It is advisable to stay awake during this full night in prayer as it has many 
rewards Ahadith has confirmed that as for one who spends this whole night with 
acts of worship, his heart will not die when other hearts die.  



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