I am the father, and I am your master, and I am the one employed (by

al-Asbagh b. Nubatah al-Abdi (r.a.), narrates:

When Ibn Muljam ( l.a.) hit the fatal blow to Amirul Mo'mineen, Ali b. Abi
Talib, peace be upon him, we passed by him in the morning, myself and
al-Harith and Swaid b. Ghaflah and other friends.

We stopped at the door and just as we heard the weeping, we wept also. So
al-Hasan b. Ali,  peace be upon him, came to us and said: "Amirul Mo'mineen
requests you to  return to your homes." So all except myself, departed.
Again there was intense  wailing from inside the house, and I wept also.
Hasan, peace be upon him,  came out again and said: "Did I not ask you to

I said: "By Allah,  O son of the Prophet of Allah, my heart does not allow
me to go, and  my feet refuse to carry me, till I see Amirul Mo'mineen, may
Allah bless  him."

He said: Then he (i.e. al-Hasan) paused and entered. And soon after,  he
came out allowing me to enter.

As I entered, I saw Amirul Mo'mineen  sitting with support, with a yellow
headband tied round his head, drained of  blood and his face pale. I could
not discern which one was more yellow,  his face or the headband. So I fell
over him, kissed him and kept on crying.

He (a.s.) said:

" Do not cry O Asbagh, for it is my way to Paradise."

So I said to  him: "May I be your ransom, I know full well that you are
proceeding to  Paradise. I weep because I will terribly miss you, O Amirul
Mo'mineen! May I be  your ransom, please narrate to me a tradition which you
heard from the  Prophet, peace be upon him and his progeny, for I fear that
I might never  chance to hear from you anything after this day."

He said: "Yes, O Asbagh.  Once the Prophet, peace be upon him and his
progeny, called me and said: 'O  Ali, go to my mosque, climb the pulpit and
summon the people to gather  before you. Then, after praising Allah, Most
High, and lauding Him, and invoking abundant blessing upon me, say:

'O People! I am a messenger from  the messenger of Allah to you. And he
says: Curse from Allah, His honoured angels and His Prophets, and from me
befall him who attributes  himself to anyone other than his father, or who
acts against his masters, or  who unjustly usurps the right of his employee
(or a person he has hired for work).'

So I went to his mosque, climbed upon the pulpit, when the Quraish and
others present in the mosque saw me, they drew closer to me. I  praised
Allah and glorified him, invoked abundant blessings upon the Prophet  and
then said:

" O people! I am a messenger from the messenger of Allah, to you. And he
says to you:
'Curse from Allah, His honoured angels and His Prophets and from me befall
him who attributes himself to anyone other than his father, or who acts
against his masters, or who unjustly usurps the right of his employee (or a
person he has hired for work)."

He said: No one from the people spoke anything, except Umar b. al-Khattab,
who said: "O  Abul Hasan, you have indeed conveyed, but you have come up
with a  statement which is not clear." I said: "I will convey your response
to the Prophet."

So I returned and informed the Prophet. He said: Go back to my mosque, climb
my pulpit, praise and glorify Allah and invoke His blessings upon me  and
then say:

" O people! We do not come to you with anything unless we  have its
explanation. So be it known, I am the father, and I am your master,  and I
am the one employed (by Allah) for you."

( Reference: Forty Second Assembly, Aamali  of Shaikh Mufeed (r.a.))

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