I sat to pray but not for long.
I had too much to do.
I had to hurry and get to work,to school or to play
So i sat and said a hurried prayer.
My Muslim duty was now done,my soul could rest at ease.
All day long,i had no time to spread a word of cheer.
They'd laugh at me,i'd fear.
No time,no time,too much to do,that was my constant cry,no time to
 give to souls in need.
But at last the time,the time to die.
I went before the Lord and stood with downcast eyes.
For in His hands Allah held a book;it was the book of life.
Allah looked into His book and said
"your name i cannot find.I once was going to write it down,but never
 found the time"
Simple Maths
Go on....give it a will surprise you!!





Take Care  &    
Mohamedhusein G. F. Somji
Let us Remember Each-Other in our Duas. 
Let us pray for all our Departed Ones. 

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