Al-Qaem Youth Society <>

   MAGHFIRAT-TAWBA (REPENTENCE) (1) Recite “Astaghfirullaah Rabbee Wa Atoobu
   Ilayh” as many times as possible, with sincerity. (2) Try your best to wake
   up early before dawn to pray Namaaz-e-Tahajjud (Shab).There are fourty plus
   advantages in it. (3) At any time pray two rak’at Namaaz, niyyat –
   Namaaz-e-Afw: In each…
   - Hijab: Rulings by Ayatullah
   Question: What is the best modest dress according to Islamic laws?
   Answer: In the present time, the context of hijab is the modest covering of
   a Muslim woman. A woman should not show her beauty or adornments except what
   appears by uncontrolled factors such as the wind blowing her…
   - What is the infectious agent that causes
     Dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever are caused by any of the dengue
   family of viruses. Infection with one virus does not protect a person
   against infection with another. Dengue is spread by the bite of an Aedes
   mosquito. The mosquito transmits the disease by biting an infected person…
   - Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Reza (A.S.), the eighth Shi’ite Holy
   Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Reza (A.S.), the eighth Shi’ite Holy Imam was born
   on 11th Zee al-Qa’adah 148 A.H. in the holy city of Madinah. On the Happy
   and Auspicious Occasion of the Birthday Anniversary of Imam Reza (A.S.) we
   extend our Heartiest Felicitations and Happy Greetings to our…
   - Objectives and Benefits of
   “And proclaim among people the Pilgrimage; they will come to you on foot
   and on every lean camel coming from every remote path. That they may witness
   advantages for them and mention the name of Allah during the stated days
   over what He has given them of the cattle…
   - The Last-Will of Ayatullah Abdullah Al-Mamaqani (Advice to
   A few words about ‘Principles of Religion’ (Usul-e-Deen)   My son! May
   Allah guide you to the right path and protect you from all sins and
   mistakes. Remember, your first Islamic duty is to think and ponder deeply
   about the principles of religion (Usul-e-Deen). Make the foundation of faith
   - Sheikh Muhammad Rizvi Friday sermon on Defaming the wife of the
   - Edara e bani Hashim Jaunpur
   The main aim of Edara e bani Hashim is to impart value based education,
   islamic educations, modern educations, technical trainings, and vocational
   trainings. Main Aim is to impart such education which helps the students to
   get supremacy in education and to learn some basic skills which are
   essential even…
   - What does Jahiliyah
   What does Jahiliyah mean? 1. Islam calls the pagan life of Arabs
   `Jahiliyah' (ignorance). This label specifically identified the lifestyle to
   be found in the land of the Arabs before the Islamic Mission began. It
   included the beliefs and customs of the pagan Arabs who lived in a most…
   - What is this? A Must see

   - The Mother of the Twelfth
   The Mother of the Twelfth Imam Adopted from "Imam Al-Mahdi, The Just
   Leader of Humanity" by "Ayatollah Ibrahim Amini" Dr. Jalali: What is the
   name of the mother of the Master of the Age? Mr. Hoshyar: His mother was
   introduced in the sources with various names. Among them are:…
   - New Domes on the Holy Shrines of Imam Al-Kadhim (a) and Imam Al-Jawad
   Replacement operations of the golden dome and minaret of the holy shrine
   of Imam Musa Ibn Jafar Al-Kadhim (peace be upon him) and Imam Muhammad Ibn
   Ali Al-Jawad (peace be upon him) in the Iraqi city of Kadhimiyya have been
   completed. The celebration held on September 14 with the…
   - Imam Jafar as-Sadiq
   Birth 17th Rabi ul-Awal 83 AH Titles Most well known as-Sadiq (truthful);
   Faazil (excellent), Tahir (pure), Qaim (steadfast), Saabir (patient),
   Musaddiq, Kaashiful Haqaeeq (revealer of mysteries)   Death 15th Shawal /
   25th Shawal 148 AH  Madina, Saudi Arabia Abu Basir narrates: After the
   martyrdom of Imam Sadiq (AS) I went…
   - Islam prohibits insulting other religions:
   If we really want to put the Quran’s instructions into practice, we
   should respect other religious faiths. Our religion does not allow us to
   insult other religions,” Rafsanjani noted. Commenting on the recent calls
   for the desecration of the Quran in the United States, he said many
   Christians condemned…
   - Eid Mubarak <>
    Dua'a Khatmul Quran- after finishing Quran Disposal of Fitra Eid ul Fitr
   and Eid ul Azha prayers are obligatory during the time of Imam (A.S.), and
   it is necessary to offer them in congregation. However during the present
   times when the Holy Imam is in Occultation, these prayers are…
   - Shabaan Mubarak<>
   Articles & Qaseeda Imam-e-Zamana (a.s.)
   - Virtues of the Month of
    Subscription link for this channel Masjid-e-Zarar in MadinaImportance of
   Rajab,Events and AmaalImam al-Baqir (as) – 57 AH (1st Rajab)Imam al-Jawad
   (as) – 195 AH (10 Rajab)Imam Ali (as) – Year 30 of ‘Aamul-Feel (13 Rajab)The
   Quibla was changed from Quds to Makkah – 2 AHइस्लाम को जाहिल दुनिया परस्त
   - Masjid-e-Zarar in
   Ruins of Masjid-e-Zarrar. Those Muslims who were having ties with
   Non-Muslims and Jews of Madina built this mosque and all planning was done
   here in order to cause harm to the true followers of Islam and Holy Prophet
   (PBUH). To save Muslims from the harm of such people this mosque…
   - Shahadat e fatima*s.a) a must listen
   - We Must take lesson from this
   - One of the Oldest and Most popular Yahoo group
   Those who are old members knows we started this yahoo groups in 1997.We
   run alqaem . for events and articles,Rabbizidni_ilma for knowlede sharing,
   Sadaat welfare and shiastrength for uniting shia and Islamic dicsussins.For
   Complete forum and Discussion groups list visit: shiastrength is the most popular and
   one of the…
   - Self Accounting<>
   Self Accounting   The other important deeds of this night is self
   scrutinizing, and it would be so much better and desirable that at the end
   of the month, the fast observing believer should audit his investment and
   profit, exactly like two partners who scrutinize their investments and gains
   - Duties towards
   Quraan says.. There should be among you a party who should invite
   (people) to goodness and enjoin what is right and forbid what is evil.They
   are ones(destined) to attain success' A person who observes his brother
   doing something improper and does'nt prevent him from it, inspite of being
   - Husain teekri jaora
   - Flood of mails with unislamic web
   There is flood of SMS and mails , for the last 15 days which provides
   links of un Islamic websites. Enemies created these website and majority of
   website was far from the reach of our own Muslims but our own Muslims
   forwarded these links to all and made familiar…

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