Assalamu Alaikum

It is a reply to a post dated 10 May 2009, with a heading: STARTLING
CONFESSIONS, by SYED AELIA RIZVI. He actually just forwarded this. The
original article was written by Dr. Shabbir Ahmed. I don;t know about
the so called confessions of other Imams, but I know specifically
about that of Imam Razi, that this is quite a false accusation.

Please read the following, carefully:

When I first heard about "IMAM RAZI'S HORRIBLE CONFESSION", I was
startled. However, I decided to check the speech by myself.

Dr. Shabbir Ahmed wrote:

After writing his 300 volumes, the great and authoritative Imam
confesses: "All my intellectual and supposedly logical statements in
the explanation of the Qur’an turned out to be lame. All the
explanations of the Qur’an done by the so-called Imams Ibne Kathir,
Bukhari, Muslim etc) are misguided and misleading. All of us were the
tools of Satan. Our souls were polluted by our physical  desires. Our
efforts of this world promise to bring us nothing but torture and

•  (Hadith-Ul-Qur’an by Allama Inayatullah Khan Al-Mashriqi, 1954
edition p190)


While searching for the reference given [(Hadith-Ul-Qur’an by Allama
Inayatullah Khan Al-Mashriqi, 1954 edition p190)], I found a link
and downloaded the main book. And from that book, I separated the page
(p190) as mentioned by you and uploaded here

Yes, there is a poem of Imam Razi mentioned by Allama Inayatullah Khan
Al-Mashriqi in the mentioned page. Here is the poem:

نهاية إقدام العقول عقال ... وأكثر سعي العالمين ضلال
وأرواحنا في وحشة من جسومنا ... وحاصل دنيانا أذى ووبال
ولم نستفد من بحثنا طول عمرنا ... سوى أنم جمعنا فيه قيل وقالوا
ولم قد رأينا من رجال ودولة ... فبادوا جميعا مسرعين وزالوا
وكم من جبال قد علت شرفاتها ... رجال فزالوا والجبال جبال

This poem is very famous, and almost every write-up about Imam Razi
contains the same. Even if you do some googling of any portion of the
poem, you shall get many links containing articles or write-ups on the

I have got two translations of the poem in the internet. I mention
those below:

1. The first one:
however, you can get many other links for this particular translation.
Copy a line of the translation  and paste the same in the Google
search box. You know the rest what to do.]
    The daring of minds ends in shackles,
    Most of mankind's undertakings are folly.
    Our souls are indifferent to what our bodies do,
    And the sum of our lives is affliction and harm.
    We did not benefit from our lifelong search
    Except in collecting what these said, and those.
    Atop many a mountain men have triumphed
    And gone, while the mountains remained.
    How many men and states have we seen
    Goaded to disappear one and all.

I think that {{Atop many a mountain men have triumphed, And gone,
while the mountains remained}} portion should be at the last.

2. The second one:

Our souls fear our bodies as if they want to separate from them.
The result of our life in this world has been nothing but pain to
others and sin.
For all the discussions and debates of our life We have derived no
benefit but senseless noise.
How often have we seen men and kingdoms All perish quickly and cease
to exist! How was their glory once more exalted than a mountain, Yet,
men perish and the mountain remains the same!


Could you tell me how this piece of poem can be related to the speech
alleged to be of Imam Razi's as mentioned in Dr. Shabbir's book? Or,
how can the speech Dr. Shabbir derived can really logically be derived
from the actual poem of Imam Razi? Or, how can the poem be treated as
a confession?

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