The Love of Ahlul-Bayt is incumbent upon us

The Messengers of God propagate Allah's Word in order to please the
Almighty, and the motto of the final Messenger of God, Muhammad (p.b.u.h.),
was commanded by the Qur'an in Surah Al-Shoora, Surah 42, Ayah 23:

" Declare [O' Muhammad]: "I ask you of no recompense for my toil except the
love for my kin (family)." Whose earns good, We shall expand it for him.
Verily Allah is oft-forgiving, appreciates good works".

Thus, Allah commands the Prophet of Islam to demand from the Ummah the love
of his progeny. In the Arabic language the term "Qur'ba" means kinship, and
"Mawad'dat fil Our'ba" means love of Dhul Qur'ba (kin) that we see
throughout the Holy Qur'an. As mentioned before, this word has been used
with prefixes such as Dhi and Ulu.

In addition, numerous narrations clarify the brevity in this Ayah and show
that by love and affection toward relatives, the Qur'an means those closely
related to the Prophet. Here we bring to your attention some narrations by
believers of the Sunni School of Thought.

Ahmad Bin Hanbal quotes the Prophet in his book "Fadha'il of the Sahaaba"
and writes when the above quoted verse, (Surah Al-Shoora, Surah 42, Ayah 23)
was revealed, Companions of the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) asked "O' Prophet of God,
who are those close to you and who are those people whose fondness and
admiration is incumbent upon us." The Prophet replied, "They are Ali, Fatima
and their two children" and he repeated this three times.

In his interpretation of the Holy Qur'an, Sayooti quotes Ibn Abbas that the
Ayah means that the right of Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) must be honored by
honoring this family, and that we should love them for his sake.

Kumayt Assadi, the poet of the Umawi era has mentioned this Ayah in a poem
and writes:

"In a Surah that begins with letters Ha-meem, we found an Ayah whose meaning
was altered by the dissimulators among us, Yet others (Imams) proclaimed the
Ayah in its Rightful Worth. "

Imam Shafi'i himself being a descendant of the Prophet, in his famous works
of poetry, calls the love of Ahlul-Bayt an entitlement of the family of the
Prophet and writes:

"O' Pilgrims! On your way to the House of Allah, pause shortly in the sands
of Muzdalifah. At dawn, when the caravans of pilgrims move toward Mina, like
a roaring river, call upon them and say: "If love of the Prophet's family
means to Refuse, "Rafidhi" then let Mankind know, that surely I am a

Of course, it must be kept in mind that the love of this family benefits the
Ummah more than it does good for Ahlul Bayt, since he who loves one from the
heart will follow the path of his beloved and will take steps in such
direction in life.

When the head of such a great family stresses this issue and declares: (Who
dies with the love of Ahlul-Bayt, he will have died as a martyr), he is
referring to true love that is inseparable from action. Of course, this does
not mean that he who loves Ahlul Bayt must be absolving Islamic integrity or
vindicating Islamic commands. What it means is that a person should attempt
to follow their examples and should not be negligent in religious duties or
freely engage in what is prohibited.

* * *

Ahlul-Bayt are authorities in religious teachings of Usool, (the basics of
the faith) and Furoo' (the branches, acts of worship) of Islam

The oft-repeated Hadith of Thaqalain and the Mutawaatir Hadith of Safinah
clearly illustrate that Ahlul-Bayt are the authentic source of religious and
intellectual reference for Muslims after the demise of the Holy Prophet.

According to the Hadith: "I leave after me two pivotal matters for you to
cherish. One is the Book of Allah and the other my progeny (Ahlul-Bayt)."

These two are further described in the following Hadith: "As long as you
seek refuge in the Qur'an and Ahlul-Bayt in times of trouble, you will not
go astray."

If the Qur'an is the greatest source of knowledge for the Muslims, the
progeny of the Prophet also have such a status and position. If resorting to
the Qur'an is a means of finding guidance and avoiding the Qur'an results in
deviation from the path of righteousness, then the same is true for the

According to the second Hadith:

"The similitude of Ahlul-Bayt is the same as that of Noah's Ark. Whoever
boards it will be saved and he who avoided it will drown."

This hadith proves the religious authority of Ahlul-Bayt in the same manner
the hadith of Thaqalain does. Avoidance of Ahlul-Bayt again is considered a
deviance or aimlessly straying. Although the system of Khilaafah and Islamic
leadership encountered indecision and lack of unity after the demise of the
Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) and individual based jurisprudence and (political)
justifications prevailed, however, none of this tainted the image of
Ahlul-Bayt and their religious authority.

Ali and his sons continuously remained the problem-solvers of the Ummah and
covered the roots and branches of the faith in their teachings.

Despite this, the Umawi and Abbasi dynasties attempted to create a deep rift
between the Ummah and Ahlul-Bayt. Shunning the progeny of Muhammad by Ahlul
Sunnah in recent centuries is the result of such ominous policies of the
Umawi and Abbasi dynasties.

As a result, in Sunni jurisprudence, all scholars and writers of Ahadith are
eagerly quoted, yet the progeny of the Prophet are rarely mentioned. This
can only be explained by the mischief of the Muslim leadership in the past.

Today, the Informed Society of Ahlul-Bayt can bring together all Islamic
people around one single axis and end discord. We hope and pray for the
culmination of such aspirations, success of the admirers of Ahlul-Bayt and
harbingers of harmony and unity and cessation of discord and division among
Muslim ranks.

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