Name: Fatema-e-Kubra Title: Masooma, Alema-e-Ale Aba, Karima-e-Bayt, 
Mohaddesa-e-Ale Muhammad, Tahera,Hamida, Rashida, Taqiyya, Raziyya, 
Naqiyya,Marziyya, Ukhtur-Raza Father’s name: Imam Moosa-e-Kazim A.S Mother’s 
name: Najma Khatoon Born: On the 1 rst Zilqaad 173  A.H Wafaat: On the 4 th 
Rabi-ul-Awwal in 203  A.H Buried: In Qum (Iran) 
----------------------- Hazrat Masooma-e-Qum was born on the first  of Zilqaad 
,173  A.H ,in Madina-e-Munawwara. Her real name was Fatema-e-Kubra because  she 
was the eldest among her (4)  sisters and  her other sisters were also named 
Fatema.Her famous title of all her titles is Masooma ,  because she was a very 
pious lady and this  title was gifted to her by her holy brother  Imam Ali Raza 
A.S . The value of making a pilgrimage(the ziarat)  to the shrine of 
Masooma-e-Qum is observed  by the words of the holy Imams: 1. Imam Muhammad 
Baqir A.S has
 said:” Whoever performs the Ziarat of Masooma-e- Qum will be rewarded by a 
place in Heaven.” 2. Imam Jafar-e-Sadiq A.S has said: “If you want to earn a 
place in heaven then perform the  Ziarat of Masooma-e-Qum.” 3. Imam Ali Raza 
A.S has said: “Whoever  attends the Ziarat of my sister is like he has  
performed my Ziarat and indeed he/she will  be rewarded a place in Paradise”. 
There are 2  more titles of Hazrat Masooma : 1. Sayyeda and 2. 
Sayyedatun-Nisail-Alameen and these last two titles of her are written in the  
book:”Hazrat-e-Masooma and Shahr-e- Moqaddesa Qum” where at page 37 these two 
titles are written to have been stated in the  book:“Zabdatu-t-Tasaneef”.These 
two titles  are also found in another script of the Ziarat  of Masooma-Qum. 
Janabe Masooma was only 10  years old when  her Holy father Imam Moosa-e-Kazim 
A.S was  martyred in the prison of Baghdad .Now she  had only her holy brother 
to look up to, this  major grief
 made her very weak and she  carried the strength to be alive only for her  
brother sake.Imam Ali Raza A.S and Masooma- e-Qum were born from the same 
mother and  that was why the bond between them were so strong. After the death 
of their holy father now Imam  Ali Raza A.S was charged the responsibilities  
of Imamat but the cruel Abbaside kings like  Haroon Rashid and his son were not 
going to  let the Imam live peacefully.After the death of Haroon Rashid his son 
Mamoon Rashid came  to the power. His way of ruling was  completely the same as 
his father’s,and Imam Ali Raza A.S was now forced to leave His  whole family in 
Madina for the journey to  Khorasan in Iran. For almost a year Hazrat Masooma 
put up  with the separation of her brother but after a  year of suffering this 
separation she couldn’t  stand it any longer and decided to leave  Madina for 
the reunion with her brother Imam  Ali Raza A.S.Hazrat Masooma left Madina for  
the journey to Marw
 along with her 5  brothers  : Fazl, Jaafar, Hadi, Qasim and Zaid , her  
nephews and some servants was also with  her. Together they went through many 
difficulties  that occured in their way.Very soon they  reached Sawa a place 
where there were many enemies of the Ahlul-Bayt and therefore the  caravan of 
Hazrat Masooma was attacked by  these enemies at Sawa and totally 23  men  
which among them were the brothers and the  nephews of Hazrat Masooma were 
martyred. After this tragedy Hazrat Masooma became  very ill and weak . When 
the leader in Qum , Moosa Ibn-e-Khazraj who was a shia and a goodhearted man,  
heard about this tragedy,he immediately sent  his men to bring Hazrat Masooma 
to Qum. Qum was a city where the lovers of the Ahlul- Bayt were settled.When 
Hazrat Masooma's  caravan was directed to Qum and when she  approached the 
city, she observed that  everyone was dressed in black and black  banners were 
visble everywhere.Observing this sad atmosphere
 Hazrat Masooma ordered her  servant lady to ask someone who could tell  them 
about what had happened. Janabe  Masooma thought and was almost sure that  
maybe a great leader of this city had died. When the caravan of Hazrat Masooma 
stopped then Moosa Ibne Khazraj himself came to offer the salutation.When the 
reason behind the  blackdressed people and the sadness in the  atmosphere was 
asked , Moosa Ibne Khazraj  at first stood quiet with his head bent down  but 
when Hazrat Masooma insisted, then  Moosa Ibne Khazraj began to cry at first 
and  then offered his condolences at the death of  her brother Imam Ali Raza 
A.S. On hearing these words Hazrat Masooma  slammed her head and cried so much 
that  she became unconscious.All the servant  ladies stopped the camels and a 
partition was arranged by Moosa Ibne-Khazraj so that the  doctors could examine 
her.In between Hazrat  Masooma sometimes gained her  consciousness and then 
cried for her brother 
 lamenting:”O’ Gharibul-Watan where are you  my brother ?” and then she was 
unconscious  again. She was so deeply hurt by this grief that after  her 
arrival in Qum she was only alive for 17  days.At her death the women in Qum  
committed the ghusl and kafan and the grave  were also digged by the women ,and 
no men  were allowed in this funeral. At the time of burying the body suddenly 
and  miraculously two veilcovered horsemen were  sighted.They approached the 
funeral  ceremony and one of them carried the holy  body of Hazrat Masooma and 
handed it over  to the other who had stepped inside the grave. When the funeral 
prayers were conducted ,the two mysterious horsemen were disappeared.It  is 
reported that these veilcovered holy  horsemen were Imam Ali Raza A.S and Imam  
Muhammad Taqi A.S who miraculously had  come to bury the body of Masooma-e-Qum. 
After the burying of Hazrat Masooma , Moosa  Ibne-Khazraj arranged a canvas 
over the grave of
 Masooma-e-Qum.Thereafter Zainab binte  Imam Muhammad Taqi A.S arranged a tomb 
of the grave.In 413  A.H this tomb was painted.In  529  A.H a new tomb was 
made.In 592  A.H the  holy tomb was rebuilt . In 1203  A.H the area  around the 
holy shrine of Hazrat Masooma  was renewed.In 1218  A.H the holy tomb was  
rebuilt and gold-plated with  12.000  golden  bars.And in 1275  A.H the holy 
grave was  surrounded with a silvery Zari. Hazrat Masooma was buried in the 
holy city of Qum and every year this holy shrine is visited  by millions and 
millions of her lovers all  around the world.May Allah give all the shia  
muslims the oppurtunity to make a pilgrimage to Iran to visit these sacred 
places. Ameen. At  last we extend our condolences to Imam-e- Zamana(A.S)on the 
death anniversary of  Hazrat Masooma-e-Qum.


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