Condemn the Saudis Invasion of Bahrain
Era of tyrant Kings and Dictators in Muslim Ummah have come to an end 
The USA puppet regime of Saudia on the orders of their master The Great Shaytan 
USA have invaded Bahrain to suppress the uprising of the innocent people of 
Bahrain. People of Bahrain inspired by recent people's Islamic awakening and 
uprising in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen are carrying out only peaceful 
demonstration against the dictatorial and autocratic regime of King of Bahrain.
Saudi Wahabbi Khariji army which was badly beaten and defeated by Zaidi Muslims 
of Yemen last year in which more than 200 Saudi Khariji soldiers are still 
being held as Prisoner of War (PoW) by brave Zaidis of Yemen.
Saudi Wahabbi Kharijis are following the path of Yazid.Saudi Yazidi Khariji 
Wahabbis can only kill the defenseless innocent Muslims of Bahrain, who are the 
true followers of Imam Husain (A.S.).
Bahraini Muslims, who are true followers of Imam Husain (A.S.) will die a 
dignified death but they will not accept the tyranny and brutality of Yazidi 
Khariji Saudis.
Era of tyrant Kings and Dictators in Muslim Ummah have come to an end and the 
Great Shaytan USA have to leave the Islamic World for ever and have to soon 
vacate the Occupied Palestine and First Qibla of Muslims Baitul Muqaddas from 
the forced occupation of Zionists.
Death to Great Shaytan USA
Death to Yazidi Khariji Saudis, the Slaves of  Great Shaytan USA.
Long-Live the 2000 Millions Strong Muslim Ummah in the World
Long-Live Freedom, Sovereignty, Liberty and Independence for the Glory of Islam 
and Muslims

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