Hazrat Abu Zar Ghaffari ((a.s.)), Companion of

Prophet Muhammad (Sahabi E Rasool)

*Mitaaya Qaysar-o-Kisra Ke Istibdaad Ko Jis Ne, *
*Wo Kiya Tha? Zor-e-Hyder, Faqr-e-Bu Zar, Sidq-e-Salmani *

The above two lines of poetry (Urdu language Couplets) have been taken from
Allama Iqbal's famous revolutionary long-poem Tuloo-e-Islam. In these two
short lines, Allama Iqbal has identified three major elements in the Islamic
spirit that once ruled the world, and in his opinion, it was ready to repeat
that once again, should those elements be revived. Those are: (i) The spirit
of martyrdom personified in Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, (ii) the socialistic
fervor of Abu Zar Ghaffari, and (iii) the devotional persistence of Salman

What is very significant in these lines is the fact that Allama Iqbal has
used the names of two great empires (the Roman and the Persian) of the past
to identify oppression and tyranny. Then he quotes the names of three
individuals who, out of the strength of their own personalities, were able
to subdue that tyranny. The message is that it takes the collective effort
of groups and countries to subdue the human spirit but it takes only one
individual's personal force to break the tyranny. It is also accurate
historically in that, when Islam rose on the horizon of the world history,
it were those two empires at the two ends of the Arabian peninsula, which
were competing which each other. In that process, they were crushing the
human spirit of freedom, liberty and human rights. Islam came and destroyed
both empires by giving people freedom by liberating them spiritually by the
message of Tawheed (Oneness of God), economically by making them
self-sufficient, and socially by giving them human compassion and a

Hazrat Abu Zar's real name was Jandab ibn Junadah ibn Sakan, better known as
Abu Dhar al-Ghaffari, or Abu Thar al-Ghaffari. Hazrat Abu Zar's Kunniya was
Abu Zar, which is because his eldest son was named Zar (this word in Arabic
means 'fragrance'). By one estimate, Abu Zar was born in 568 AD, which means
Abu Zar was two years older than the Prophet Muhammad (saw).

Hazrat Abu Zar Ghaffari ((a.s.) / May God be pleased with him) had belonged
to an Arab tribe by the name of Ghaffar, hence his last name.

Abu Zar was most unhappy about the custom of Idol-worship that was rampant
in Arabia of the 7th century. He had already believed in a Supreme God and
he would spend most of his time reflecting on that.

As news of the Prophet's mission spread in Arabia, it also arrived in the
tribe of Ghafaar. Abu Zar heard of it. It was something that he himself had
been thinking about. He sent his brother to go to Hijaz, find out about the
new message and report back. His brother did that. Abu Zar found the news
and the report from his brother encouraging.

Hazrat Abu Zar Ghaffari ((a.s.)) then decided to meet with the Prophet
Muhammad (saw) personally. This was the time when Islam had only collected a
handful of converts. He was first met with Imam Ali bin Abi Talib a.s who
introduced him to his own father Hazrat Abu Talib a.s. Hazrat Abu Talib a.s
took him to Hazrat Hamza a.s. After a thorough security check, Hazrat Abu
Zar a.s was finally introduced to the Prophet Muhammad (saw).

It is said that Abu Zar said Salam to the Prophet Muhammad (saw). That was
long before the Islamic Salam was introduced into the early Muslim culture
of Arabia. Abu Zar was taken by the charm, the majesty and the kindness of
the Prophet Muhammad (saw). He said his Shahada (I bear witness that there
is no god but Allah and Mohammad is His Servant and Messenger) and accepted
Islam, so did his brother.

Hazrat Abu Zar Ghaffari ((a.s.)) hung around in Makkah for few days. During
those few days he made a couple of speeches in the temple grounds. He was
immediately subdued by the infidels and actually was beaten up badly.
Al-Abbas ibn Abdul Mutalib, the uncle of the Prophet Muhammad (saw) came to
his rescue both times and the incidents were reported to the Prophet
Muhammad (saw). Prophet Muhammad (saw) called him and advised him to go back
to his tribe of Ghaffar and stay there until he (Prophet Muhammad (saw))
goes to Yathrib (Madina) and Muslims had established themselves. Hence Abu
Zar went back home and under the influence of both sons, their mother also
accepted Islam.

Hazrat Abu Zar Ghaffari ((a.s.)) has had the reputation of being an
outspoken orator and he always spoke his mind whatever the consequences. He
and his brother began speaking about their new faith among his tribesmen.
Immediately there was resentment against Abu Zar and his brother among the
young men of the tribe. Finally the issue was reported to the chief of the
tribe. Abu Zar had a lot of respect in the tribe. However, when the chief
called him and his brother, they both had to appear before him. He
questioned Abu Zar and his brother about the trouble that both of them had
started. Abu Zar pleaded his case with strength of reason but with due
respect and compassion. The chief reflected on what Abu Zar had said and
after some reflection he announced his own Islam. A great number of the
young men also accepted Islam after that turn of events. Abu Zar continued
to teach Islam to his people.

*Hazrat Abu Zar Ghaffari ((a.s.)) is reported to be the fourth Muslim in
chronological order. He had the exclusive honour to call the Prophet
Muhammad (saw) as Ya Habibi (my dear friend), while everybody else could
only address him as Ya Rasool Allah. Abu Zar finally arrived in Madina after
the Battle of Ahzab / Battle of the Trench (5th year of Hijra) and spent the
rest of the days in the company of the Prophet Muhammad (saw). *


* فبای الاء ربکما تکذبن.*



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