*Hazrat Lot a.s*
Our Prophet Abraham a.s was waiting for a guest to have food with him. He
loved having guests and always welcomed them. He offered them fresh water,
good yogurt, and delicious food.

Travelers loved our Prophet Abraham a.s, for he was generous, good, and
One day three stout, young guests came to our Prophet Abraham a.s. He
welcomed them, and rejoiced at their coming. He went quickly and brought a
calf, slaughtered it, grilled it, and offered it to them. There were some
customs at that time, among which was that the guest should cat the food
offered to him. If he refused the food, he refused entertainment and bore
malice against the entertainer.

If the guest ate the food, friendship would take place between him and the

Our Prophet Abraham a.s offered the grilled calf to his guests. Now, a
wonderful thing happened.

The guests refrained from eating the food, so Abraham was afraid of those

Did the guests bear malice against Abraham? No, they did not, That is
because the guests introduced themselves to him, saying: "We're Allah's
angels. Allah's sent us to punish the people of Sadum.

Our Prophet Abraham a.s was sad for them. He tried to push away the
punishment from the people of the villages. He thought that the people would
come back to their reason.

"Lot is at the villages," explained Abraham.

"We. know that", replied the angels.

To remove the sadness from Abraham's heart, the angels gave him good news of
a pious son.

Our Prophet Abraham a.s tried to discuss with the angles about the people of
Lot. However, the angles said to him: "Abraham, turn away from this. Surely,
the order of your Lord has come."

Abraham a.s kept silent. Then the angels went to the people of Sadum to
punish them.

Our Prophet Abraham lived in the land of Babylon. He summoned his people to
believe in Allah and to refrain from worshipping idols, but the people
disbelieved in Abraham's message.

No one believed our Prophet Abraham a.s except his wife Sarah a.s, and his
cousin Lot (AS).

When our Prophet Abraham a.s left the land of Babylon, Lot accompanied him.

Thus, Lot a.s abandoned his home land. When they arrived in the land of
Sadum,  Prophet Abraham a.s ordered Lot a.s to live in that village. He
ordered him to summon its people to believe in Allah and to refrain from
worshipping idols. The story of Lot (AS) began in the village of Sadum. Our
Prophet Lot a.s belonged to the land of Babylon, and he believed in our
Prophet Abraham. When the people of Babylon wanted to bum our Prophet
Abraham a.s, Lot a.s said: "I'm going to my Lord!" So he emigrated with
Abraham a.s to the Holy Land, Palestine.

On their way to Palestine, Abraham a. s ordered Lot a.s to live in the land
of Sadum. He ordered him to invite its people to believe in Allah's religion
and to return to their nature.

Sadum was a group of villages on the coast of the Dead Sea in Jordan. There
lived our Prophet Lot (AS). He married, and Allah gave him believing
*The People Of Sadum

The people of Sadum were farmers. They worked on their farms from morning to
night, and then returned to their houses in the village.

No one knows why their morals became bad nor why they became wicked and did
bad deeds.

The people of Sadum attacked travelers, robbed them, and abused their

Travelers were afraid of the people of Sadum. They did not approach their
house, and thought that the people of Sadum were criminals. They knew that
no one entertained them except Lot (AS). '

Our Prophet Lot a.s lived in that corrupt society, thus, he led a life full
of sufferings.

Our Prophet Lot a.s  saw his people committing ugly deeds.

He saw them play gambling and robbing others, These deeds were a part of
their customs..

The people of Sadum were all wicked, and were not ashamed of their ugly

Our Prophet Lot a.s knew the cause of all that corruption they bad deviated
from man's pure nature.

Allah, the Glorified, created man pure from wickedness. However, it is man
who looks for wickedness, for he listens to Satan and goes away from the
path of the Prophets.

Our Prophet Lot advised his people, and said to them: "Return to your
nature! Return to your Lord!"

He asked them: "Why don't you lead a good life? Why do you turn away from a
clean family life "

The people of Sadum destroyed their own family relationships. Men spent
their time with each other. Women spent their time with each other.

Travelers hated the people of Sadum. The people of Sadum were wicked. They
broke sacred habits and violated women.

They tried many times to dismiss Lot a.s from their land, and plotted
against him many times. Our Prophet Lot a.s lived strange among them. He was
good, but his people were bad. He loved guests and entertained strangers. As
for his people, they committed robbery and attacked strangers and

Lot a.s worshiped only Allah, but the people of Sadum worshiped idols. He
was good, but they were wicked.

The people of Sadum hated Lot a.s, for he did not do as they did, and be did
not remain silent about their deeds. Lot's wife was also an unbeliever. She
did not believe in Allah. She worshipped idols. She was satisfied with the
ugly deeds of the people of Sadum.

Only Lot a.s and his daughters believed in Allah. They renounced the ugly
deeds of the people of Sadum.

Corruption increased day by day. Lot's sufferings also increased day by day.
The people of Sadum hurt the feelings of Lot, They lived as pigs did.
Rather, they were worse than pigs.

One day a strange man came. The man did not know the oppressive people of
Sadum. Fortunately, our Prophet Lot a.s was working on his farm. So be
welcomed the strange man. However, he looked left and right. He did not want
anyone to see the strange man.

The strange man asked our Prophet Lot a.s: "Why are, you afraid."

"The people of this village attack travelers and commit robbery," answered
Lot a.s.

The strange man was full of fear. However, Lot a.s bid him on his farm till
it got dark.

When the sun set, Lot took his guest and went home. Lot welcomed his guest



* فبای الاء ربکما تکذبن.*



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