*Hazrat Lot a.s*
*Prophet Lot a.s closed the door tightly. He did not want his wife to know
that be had a guest. If she knew that she would inform the people of the
village about the guest.

Lot a.s offered good food to his guest. He talked with him to make him

The strange man felt safe. He had his food, and after an hour be went bed.

When dawn rose, the guest woke, He found Lot a.s waiting for him. He washed
his hand and had hot milk. He had to leave the people of Sadum before the
sunrise so that they would not attack him.

Thus, Prophet Lot a.s received his guests and saw them off, thus, Lot a.s
lived at that oppressive village.

However, did the life there continue in this manner? Certainly, no. We have
mentioned in the beginning of the book that strange guests came to Prophet
Abraham a.s. They came to give him good news of the birth of a pious son.
They told him that the son would be of great importance.

At that time Abraham a.s was an old man. His wife Sarah a.s was old and
barren. Prophet Abraham a.s rejoiced at the good news. Sarah wondered at

So the angels said to them: "Do not wonder at Allah's order."

The angels were wearing strangers' clothes. When they wanted to go to the
village of Sadum, Abraham a.s said to them: "Lot a.s is in it."

Prophet Abraham wanted to save the people of Sadum from the punishment. He
thought that they would turn to Allah in repentance and return to their
clean nature. However, the angels said to him: "Allah's order has come!"

The angels headed for the land of Sadum. Our Prophet Abraham a.s was sad for
the fate awaiting the people of Sadum.

Yes, the angels set out to the land of Sadum. They entered its villages
wearing strangers' clothes. Nobody saw them when they knocked on the door of
Lot 's house.

It was evening. Our Prophet Lot a.s opened the door. He saw three stout
young men.

Lot faced a critical moment. He asked himself"Will I refuse their

However, he answered himself "This is not an act of politeness nor is it of
religion. It is not an act of politeness to close the door in the face of
the strangers. It is not an act of religion to dismiss them. Perhaps they're
hungry or thirsty or travelers."

 He welcomed his guests, made them to enter quickly, and closed the door.

The wife of Prophet Lot a.s saw the guests. She was filled with wickedness.
She decided to inform the people of the village of the guests. However, the
door was closed.

The Satan whispered into her ear: "Light a fire. The people of the village
will see the fire. So they'll know that some guests have stopped at Lot's

She went up on the roof of the house. Then she gathered some wood and burnt
it. The flames and smoke of the fire rose high in the sky.

All the people of the village saw this sign, so they ran towards Lot's
house. They gathered together at the house, and knocked the door

They all had stones in their hands. Their custom was to throw stones at
guests. Whoever was the first to hit a guest, the guest would be his share.

Prophet Lot a.s heard knocks at the door, thus, he understood that his
people had come to attack his guests.

Lot a.s was perplexed, not knowing what to do. His people went on knocking
the door forcefully. They shouted at the top of their voices: "If you don't
open the door, we'll break it!"

Prophet Lot a.s opened the door. He went out by himself. Then be closed the
door. He looked at his people. He was full of sorrow and sadness, thus, he
asked them: "Isn't there a wise person among you? Why don't you refrain from
bad deeds and robbery? You should be ashamed of what you have done! I will
not allow you to attack my guests!

"Go back to your houses. Return to your family life. Return to your nature.
Surely, Allah will punish you.

However, the people of Sadum were laughing. One of them shouted at Lot: "If
you don't give us your guests, we'll break into your house and take them by

Lot a.s turned left and right. No one supported him. He was alone, but the
people of Sadum were many. They surrounded his house like wolves.

At those exciting moments, the three guests opened the door and said to Lot:
"Lot, don't be afraid. We're not guests. We're Allah's messengers. Allah's
ordered us to destroy this village. We'll turn it into ruins before the

"Lot , take your family and leave the village quickly. Go far away from it.
Be careful not to turn back."

At that moment, the guests pointed with fingers towards the people of Sadum,
and wonderful rays came out of their fingers.

All the men of the village lost their sight, and became blind. They were
unable to see anything, so they lived in chaos that night.

The last hours of that night came. Prophet Lot a.s bad to leave the land of
Sadum before the punishment began.

Lot a.s ordered his family to leave the village in those hours.

Lot a.s had to guide his family and his cattle. He had to go far away. Chaos
overtook the people of Sadum, so Lot a.s and his family left the village

Lot's wife was walking behind the cattle looking at the village. Lot a.s
 disappeared beyond the hills.

Lot's wife was looking at the fire she burnt on the top of her house. The
fire went out. Silence settled over everything. Lot's wife wanted to return
to the village. Dawn was about to break.

Suddenly, a fearful thing happened. A sound as strong as thunder covered the
sky of Sadum. It was a volcano. The volcano exploded at a certain place. It
began throwing burning lava into the air.

The fire covered the sky of Sadum. They sky rained meteors on the people

Lot's wife fell to the ground and turned into a piece of salt!

That is because she hurt her husband Lot a.s . She was an unbeliever. She
betrayed her husband when she supported the people of Sadum against him.
Allah punished her because of her treason.

Ruins and Lessons

Morning broke. Then the sun rose. However, the village of Sadum had turned
into ruins. That is because its people spread corruption all over the land.
They destroyed all beautiful things, family relationships, and pure nature.
They abandoned good manners and became like pigs.

Their life was full of ugly deeds. Such deeds became customs among them. So
Allah was angry with them. He ordered the sky to rain meteors and hot stones
on them.

The ruins of Sadum are still standing. They are salt and burnt stones.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

The people of Lot a.s gave lie to the apostles* When their brother Lot a.s
said to them: Will you not guard (against evil)? Surely I am a faithful
apostle to you* Therefore guard against (the punishment of) Allah and obey
me* And I do not ask you any reward for it; my reward is only with the Lord
of the worlds* What! Do you come to the males from among the creatures And
leave what has your Lord created for you of your wives? Nay, you are a
people exceeding limits* They said: If you desist not, 0 Lot, you shall
surely be of those who are expelled* He said: Surely I am of those who
utterly abhor your doing* My Lord, deliver me and my followers from what
they do*

So We delivered him and his followers all* Except an old woman, among those
who remained behind* Then We utterly destroyed the others* And We rained
down upon them a rain, and evil was the rain on those (who were) warned*
Most surely there is a sign in this, but most of them do not believe* And
most surely your Lord is the Mighty, the Merciful'.


* فبای الاء ربکما تکذبن.*



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