
*"Fitrana Nikaalna us par Wajib hota hay*

*jis k pas Apny aur Apny Ahl o Ayaal k lye Saal bhar ka Kharcha mojod ho".*




*Ref=Wasail ush Shiajild#.6*


*bab# 2hadis#7*

On Sun, May 29, 2011 at 1:12 PM, Miss Kazmi <misskazm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *
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> *
> What Is Khums?
>  Khums is an Islamic tax, paid at the rate of one-fifth or 20 percent of
> annual saving or surplus of income.  The saving or surplus amount can be
> determined by subtracting yearly eligible expenses from annual income.  
> According
> to The Holy Qur’an, every adult  Muslim, man or woman, rich or poor,
> student or scholar, is obligated to pay Khums,  see Chapter 8, Verse 41:
>   ‘’ And know ye (O’ believers ) that whatever a thing ye acquire a fifth
> of it is for God,
> and for the Apostle, and for the ( Apostle’s ) near relatives and the
> orphans and the needy and the wayfarer, if ye believe in God and that which
> We sent down unto Our servant ( Muhammad ), on the day of distinction, on
> the day when met the two parties;  And verily God hath power over all
> things”  8:41
> *
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> *
> *Khums is obligatory on the following seven things: *
> *(i)Profit or gain from earning.
> (ii)Minerals.
> (iii)Treasure trove.
> (iv)Amalgamation of Halal wealth with Haraam.
> (v)Gems obtained from the sea diving.
> (vi)Spoils of war.
> (vii)As commonly held, a land which a zimmi (a non-Muslim living under the
> protection of Islamic Government) purchases from a Muslim.
> *
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> *It is obligatory to pay Zakat on the following things:*
> *
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> * *
> *(i)Wheat
> (ii)Barley
> (iii)Dates
> (iv)Raisins
> (v)Gold
> (vi)Silver
> (vii)Camel
> (viii)Cow
> (ix)Sheep ( including goat)
> (x)As an obligatory precaution, upon the wealth in business
> And if a person is the owner of any of these ten things he should, in
> accordance with the conditions which will be mentioned later. put their
> fixed quantity to one of the uses as prescribed.
> On the basis of obligatory precaution, Zakat should be paid on Sult, which
> is a soft, grain like wheat with the property of barley and on 'alas which
> is like wheat, and is the food of the people of San'a (Yemen).*
> --
> * فبای الاء ربکما تکذبن.*
> *
> *
>  --
> اللهم صلي علي محمد وآل محمد‏
> Bab-ul-Elm, The Community of Lovers & Followers of Masomin a.s
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> Groups "Bab-ul-Elm" group.
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* فبای الاء ربکما تکذبن.*



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