وَذَكِّرْهُمْ بِأَيَّامِ اللّهِ إِنَّ فِي ذَلِكَ لآيَاتٍ لِّكُلِّ صَبَّارٍ

*" **and remind them of the days of Allah Sub'hanahu wa Ta'ala. Verily, in
those days, there are signs (i.e. niyamat) for those who are patient and
grateful.**" [Surah Ibrahim: 05]*

*Name of the special day:* The sacred Lailatur Rwaghaeeb is the night
preceding the first Friday of the month of Rajab.

*Occasion: *In this sacred night, Noor-i-Mujassam, Habeebullah, Huzur Pak
Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam took ‘Tashrif’ (appeared) supernaturally in the
sacred ‘Rehem Shareef’ (womb) of His mother Hazrat Amina Alaihas Salaam.

*Date: *The sacred night of first Friday of the month of Rajab i.e.
6thRajab 1432 hijri Iaomul Khamichi (9
th June 2011, Thusday) day ending night

*Quran Shareef: *In the Qur’an Shareef, Allah Pak Declared in the first
verse of Sura Kawsar, “Verily, I have bestowed ‘Kawsar’ or ‘Khaire Kaseer’
unto You”. Subhan Allah! In interpreting ‘Kawsar’, several meanings have
come up. Firstly, ‘Houze Kawsar’; secondly, another meaning of ‘Kawsar’ is
‘Khaire Kaseer’ which means something better, rather the very best. This
bears that whatever has been given by Allah Pak to Huzur Pak Swallallahu
Alaihi Wa Sallam is best in all aspects for all ages.

*Hadis Shareef:* Whatever had come in touch with Huzur Pak Swallallahu
Alaihi Wa Sallam, had turned out to be the best. ‘Izma’ made that the soil
Mubarak in the Rawza Mubarak of Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam
touching His Body Mubarak is million times more precious than
‘Arsh-e-A’azim’! Subhan Allah!” Likewise, there are so many vegetables
available in the markets everywhere. No vegetable has any connection with
Imaan (belief). But a gourd has. The reason being: Habeebullah, Huzur Pak
Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam Himself liked a gourd and He fondly ate it.
Therefore, as per Qur’an and Sunnah, Imaam and Mujtahid have delivered
‘fatwa’ that if anyone would say, ‘I don’t like a gourd’ shall turn to be a
sheer non-believer. Virtually, a gourd does not have a status. Just having
been related with Huzur Pak Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, it got that price
and status and that’s why it has been imposed to have a liking for gourds as
part of Imaan.

*Importance: *The same way, Lailatur Rwaghaeeb has come to be more blessed
than those of the Lailatul Qadar or Lailatul Baraat and other blessed nights
just because of the reasons that it has direct links with Huzur Pak
Swallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam. The Imaam of ‘Hamboli Madhab’, Hazrat Imaam
Ahmad Bin Hamble Rahmatullahi Alaihi, in explaining the significance and
blessings of this Mubarak night, says, ‘When Hazrat Imaam Ahmad Bin Hamble
Rahmatullahi Alaihi declared that “The dignity, blessings and significance
of ‘Lailatur Rwaghaeeb’ is much higher than those of the nights of
Shab-e-Qadar and Shab-e-Baraat”. Subhan Allah!’ Then, the contemporary Imaam
and Faqih came up and inquired, on what grounds could you declare that the
dignity? He replied, “Well, it is true that the blessings of Shab-e-Baraat
and Shab-e-Qadar have been narrated in the Qur’an Shareef and Hadis Shareef.
But Shab-e-Baraat and Shab-e-Qadar and other blessed nights have been
created for the sake of Lailatur Rwaghaeeb. This means that if there was no
Lailatur Rwaghaeeb, there wouldn’t have been any Lailatul Baraat or Lailatul
Qadar and similar other blessed nights. That’s the reason that the
importance of Lailatur Rwaghaeeb is much more than any and all of those
blessed nights. Subhan Allah!”

*Deeds (Amol):* In Lailatur Rwaghaeeb one should perform Tasbih-Tahlil,
Dua-Durud Shareef, Zikr-Askar, Salat-Salaam, Tawbah-Istighfar, reciting from
the Qur’an Shareef, Milad Shareef and Qiyaam, donations and khairah and of
saying prayers etc. As Muslims, every Muslim government should declare
day-offs on such blessed days of Islamic traditions as a must and that also
the non-Muslim government should follow them in order to allow the Muslim
population to realize the gravity of these days and facilitate them to
gather its full benefits.

*Mubarak News**!!!   **Mubarak News**!!!   **Mubarak News**!!!*

Prime Point of the attention of Allah Pak, Imaam and Mujtahid of the age,
Imaamul Aimmah, Muh’is Sunnah, Quaiumuzzaman, Qutwubul A’alam, Mujjaddidde
A’azam, Sultanul Waiyejeen, Gausul A’azam, Saiyidul Awlia, Habeebullah,
Awladur Rwasool, Sayeeduna Imam Mamduh Hajrat Murshid Qibla Mudda Zilluhul
A’alee of Rajarbagh Dorbar Shareef-

will conduct MOKBUL MUNAJAT SHAREEF ON THIS NIGHT. You are cordially invited
to take part or visit the following links to participate online:
http://www.noorunalaanoor.blogspot.com/, http://www.al-ihsan.net/al-hikmah/

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