The Chinese are taking over everything from us Indians in East Africa..  
including, manufacturing, constructions, imports and exports etc.. 

I don’t see myself working as a dentist in 5 years from now. The Chinese are 
far better, much cheaper, faster and superior then us. 

What we could not do in the last 150 years they are doing it in five. 

The Chinese are making wonderful 8 lane roads, miles of flyovers, airports, 
sea-water ports and have got the oil in Sudan before the Americans did ! 

India is doing – as usual – nothing. Tata even opened an office to market their 
products three years now..but you don’t see any products from them anywhere. 
Mukesh Ambani is making a 5 star Hotel. The Chinese have in fact finished the 
Electronic Industry in India too..all electronic goods in India from a watch to 
a bp machine is now made in China. 

The Kenya-Africans too are taking over almost all the service industries from 
us, including IT, media, law, science and medicine etc...  Africans get the 
best results in excellent African schools and in more then 10 universities in 
Kenya. And you cannot beat an African-Kenyan in sports. 

The North Eastern Kenyans - Somali-Kenyans -  are doing extremely well also in 
the public as well as private domain. A lot of them are MPs, Speaker of the 
Kenya Assembly, Ministers, Police officers, Head of the Legal society of Kenya 
, Head of the Human Rights Society of Kenya, CEO of the Barclays Banks in whole 
of East Africa, the president of all CEOs of the Hotel industries in Kenya…They 
are very learned and articulate like Kenya-Africans ( M’barak Obama, for 
example ). 

Eastlieh, once a run down and a filthy Indian suburb of Nairobi now boasts of 
supermarkets, wholesale markets, multistoried buildings and untold amount of 
cash, thanks to the Somali-Kenyans. The Indians who lived there are now living 
and contributing in England ! 

We Indians were alright when the British ‘protected’ us during the colonial 
times. Now with an even playing field, we are becoming history..because the 
African, Somali-Kenyans, and the Chinese are far superior then us in 
everything..we are just big mouths without much talent…watching  Indian soap 
operas and the Bollywood trash 24X7. 

Lack of work for the Indians has created a silent exodus. Most have gone to the 
UK , US and Australia and Canada. Most of them feel nostalgic of the good and 
lazy times they had in East Africa and they always talk about muhogo, mdafu and 
kachri and kahawa tungu and haluva ! 

Very few of us - Indian Kenyan - remain in Kenya now .. we are only 0.2 % of 
the Kenyan population ! 
Chinese in Uganda – its population and influence will outpace Indians!!! 

You cannot miss the signboards in mandarin at the entrance of Casino Kampala in 
downtown Kampala. Inside, Chinese groups can be seen trying their luck on the 
half-a-dozen tables and the innumerous gaming machines arranged in two rows. 

"You will find them all over the place now," says an Indian head of a local 
insurance firm.Indian businessmen in Uganda are waking up to a new threat: 
China. As the new age Great Game unfolds in natural resources-rich Africa, they 
have started to feel the heat of the dragon.

At the moment, Indians dominate business in Uganda. The Madhvanis are the 
largest group in the country, even ahead of The Aga Khan, with interests in 
sugar,manufacturing and hospitality. 

Over three-quarters of the two-wheeler taxies (called bodabodas) use either TVS 
or Bajaj Auto motorcycles. The bulk of the medicine sold in the country comes 
from India. But all this could change in the near future. 

Tata Uganda Director Shalendra Kundra says that till not so long ago, he used 
to supply 1,500 Tata vehicles to the Ugandan army. 

Now, the army places all its orders with Chinese suppliers. While he is 
struggling to sell Tata's Safari multi-utility vehicles in the country, a 
Chinese company is planning to put up a car assembly plant. "They are opening 
up establishments where others don't go," says Kundra.
Naren Mehta, a local businessman and the chairman of The Indian Association of 
Uganda, says that about 12,000 Chinese have come to the country in the last few 
years. This is just 4,000 less than the Indian population in Uganda. In the 
Kampala business circles, the buzz is that Indians will be out numbered by the 
Chinese within two years.At the moment, the Chinese are involved largely in the 
construction business. But local Indians fear they could soon get into sectors 
like agri-business, manufacturing, hospitality and trading, which have been the 
traditional strength of Indians. 

According to Mehta, the Chinese are trying hard to cozy up with the current 
administration and have donated two multi-storey buildings in Kampala and a 
spanking new stadium at the outskirts of the city. "It is clear who will get 
more work permits," he adds. 

Not that the Indian government is not doing its bit. It has given a 
$350-million credit line for the upcoming 250 MW Ayago power project. But 
Indians at Kampala say it's not well-publicised and certainly not enough to 
counter the Chinese threat. 

The community needs strong public relations support, they say, if it wants to 
grow its business in Uganda.
In April, there was strong agitation against the grant of Mbira forest land to 
a sugar mill owned by an Indian group and one Indian was killed. To make 
matters worse, the local media reported that this had endangered the lives of 
the thousands of Ugandans studying in India. 

Since then, the Indian community has tried to make its social activities more 
visible. But here too, they lament, they do not get adequate support from the 
Indian mission at Kampala, which is manned by only two diplomats!The World 
Malyalee Council has adopted two villages and plans to invest $230,000 there. 
In spite of frantic efforts, it couldn't get Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to 
inaugurate the event during his visit to the country. 

Anand Sharma, the junior foreign minister in charge of Africa, sees no threat 
from China. "We haven't been here for four years. Our ties go back to 
civilisations," says he. 

That may be true, but the stakes on Uganda are rising sharply. Oil and gas have 
been struck near Lake Albert. The deposits are mid-sized but give evidence of 
larger deposits waiting to be discovered. China and India are already involved 
in securing prospective oil and gas fields to secure their ever-increasing 
energy needs. 

With very fertile land, abundant sunshine and rain, Uganda also holds the 
possibility of becoming the world's food bowl. Reliance [Get Quote] Fresh, 
discloses Mehta, is tying up with local traders for sun-soaked dry fruit. 

The key is who gets there first.



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Take Care  &    
Mohamedhusein G. F. Somji
Let us Remember Each-Other in our Duas. 
Let us pray for all our Departed Ones. 

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